Chapter 7

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You were prepared for a challenge. You were more than aware that Hanzo was about a year and a half older than you, give or take, and that he had been training almost his entire life, so he was bound to be a good fighter. You weren't going to let him win though. You did know four different forms of Martial arts after all, so you could easily counter whatever attack he threw at you. You kept reminding yourself not to hurt him though, since he was your superior and all that. You didn't particularly want to get told off by Sojiro for hurting his son, or even get fired and sent home before you had even properly started the job.

"I will allow you to make the first move." Hanzo said, preparing himself for your attack. Was he trying to suggest that you were weaker than him or something? Oh, you were going to prove him wrong, and then some.

"If you insist." You said, furrowing your brows defensively. You then paused for a little bit, pretending that you didn't know what move to make, though you knew exactly what to do. Your plan was to surprise him; catch him off guard so he didn't quite have time to counter you. After your brief 'thinking' period, you quickly threw left hook, following it by turning your body to kick him from behind. Unfortunately, your plan clearly hadn't worked, as Hanzo easily blocked your punch and caught your leg mid-kick, throwing you to the floor. Hanzo let out a deep chuckle.

"You fight just like Genji. He used to use that exact same strategy; wait for a while so that your opponent doesn't know when you will strike. I must say, it can be a good tactic if pulled off well, but I've seen it far to many times to be fooled by it." He explained, crossing his arms. You took this as your chance to gain an advantage over him, and flung your body upright again and attacking once more.

No matter how hard you tried, Hanzo was just too good. He blocked and countered every move you made, and it was beginning to make you annoyed. He had managed to floor you at least seven times now, but you did notice that his attacks were beginning to become fatigued. You on the other hand, hadn't even started to become worn out just yet. Yes! You thought of another plan that would surely work. Keep attacking and wear him out so he wasn't able fight back as well, then use this as your chance to attack whilst he's down. Perfect. Here goes.

You punched and kicked and jumped in a wild attempt to tire Hanzo out, and it seemed to be working. For someone who had been training for the majority of his life, he definitely needed to work on his energy. Eventually, you got him to a point where he was clearly worn out, and couldn't properly counter your attacks anymore. You kicked at his upper body, making him slouch over to dodge it, and threw yourself onto his back. Hanzo tried his best to shake you off, but you refused to let go. In a final attempt to knock you off him, Hanzo swerved his body around and lost his balance due to you tripping him with one of your legs, and he fell to the ground. You laughed triumphantly.

"You really need to work on saving your energy, Master Hanzo." You announced, allowing him to flip himself over so that you were sat next to him.

"I suppose I do, but I've never had to spar for that long before. I must admit though, you kept a good fight." He replied, smiling up at you. You looked up at the clock above the door to see that you had been fighting for a while, forty-seven minutes to be exact.

"Damn, we were going for a while huh? Oh well, well done to you too, Master Hanzo." You said, offering him a hand to help him up. As he reached up his arm to to accept your offer, you noticed something on it. Hanzo always seemed to wear long sleeved garments, now being no exception, making it almost impossible to see his arms, but as his left sleeve had fallen down his arm, you could now see that his arm was decorated in a full-sleeve tattoo.

"Forgive me for asking, but how long have you had that?" You asked, gesturing to his left arm.

"I've had this for a while now. It is a family tradition that the leader of the clan has one, and since I will become leader after my father passes, it is only fair that I got one too." He explained, pulling his sleeve back down so that his arm was concealed once more. "That aside, I have a few things to attend to before dinner, so I will leave now if you don't mind. Oh, and if it is any consolation to you, I believe that you will make a fine bodyguard to myself and Genji."

"Okay, that's fine. Thank you for sparring with me, Master Hanzo, and I am glad you think so." You replied with a smile, bowing towards your superior. Hanzo simply nodded and left the Dojo, leaving you in the middle of the room alone. There was little to no point staying there now, and you kinda needed a shower now since you were all sweaty and tense from the fighting, so you returned to your room to enjoy a nice warm shower.

(*Hey guys! I know this chapter is a tad shorter than usual, but I have some good ideas for the next few chapters that I don't want to tap into just yet, so you'll just have to be patient and wait for the next chapter. Anyways, thanks for reading!*)

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