Chapter 10

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You stood outside Genji's room, waiting for him to come out. He had told you to meet him here, and that you two would meet Hanzo outside, but he was taking a while, and Hanzo was probably getting fed up waiting. As you waited, you heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, and you snapped your head to the direction of the noise. You saw Hanzo walking towards you looking rather pissed if you did say so yourself.

"Is he still not ready?" He asked with a low tone of voice that honestly scared you a little. You shook your head. Hanzo then let out a huff of air and stormed up to Genji's door. He didn't even bother to knock, and just forcefully shoved the screen to the side, entering. Just before he actually entered Genji's room however, he told you to wait here, so you did as you were told. About ten seconds later, he reemerged with the collar of Genji's shirt in his fist.

"Let us go." Hanzo said bluntly, releasing Genji from his grasp. Genji straightened his shirt and glared at his brother from behind, before turning to greet you.

"Hello (Y/N). Apologies for taking so long, I could not find my phone." He said. "Not that it matters now..."

"You do not need your phone, Genji. Besides, if you took any longer trying to find it, we would not have time to go out. I suggest you stop complaining." Hanzo said, glaring at his brother over his shoulder in annoyance. With that Genji didn't say another word until you got to the gates.

"Before we leave, I just want to clarify a few things, particularly for you (Y/N). Stay close together, and if you find yourself in any sort of danger, find me or Genji immediately. Do not worry though. The chances of anything happening to any one of us is extremely slim. We will not stay in the town for too long, as we all have plenty to do tomorrow and I will not be held responsible if either of you are fatigued in the morning." Hanzo said, looking directly at Genji when he said the last part, to which he rolled his eyes. With that, you three exited Shimada Castle and entered the town.

"Okay, Rikimaru's is just over there. Lets go." Genji announced, taking the lead. You and Hanzo followed him closely behind. You soon arrived at the Ramen shop, and your face lit up in recognition.

"Oh, this place! I remember passing here when I first arrived, I mean that sign is kinda hard to miss." You laughed. As you walked into the shop, you three received several looks from the people inside. Most of them were looking at either you or Hanzo with confused looks. As you walked to the counter, you heard some of them whispering to one another, though you didn't know what they were saying since they were obviously speaking Japanese.

"You two go and find a table. I will sort out our food." Genji insisted. You nodded and scanned the room. There was a free table in the corner, away from all the windows. You deemed this as the perfect spot, and nudged Hanzo with your elbow to get his attention. Once you got to the table, you allowed Hanzo to sit down first, since that's how it worked back at the castle; the Clan elites would always sit before the staff. Hanzo nodded his head to thank you, and sat down. You sat on the seat next to him, so that Genji had the outside seat which would be easier to get to.

After a few minutes, you saw Genji's bright green hair coming towards you, and he soon weaved his way around the table just in front of yours and sat down.

"I have ordered for us all. I'm not quite sure what you would've preferred (Y/N), so I got you the same as myself. That way, if you don't like it, I'll eat it for you. As for you Hanzo, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised." Genji grinned, and you promptly thanked him. Before long, one of the shop workers came over with your food. He placed three bowls of freshly cooked Ramen in front of each of you. Genji thanked the man, and turned back to you two.

"Here you go. Enjoy!" He said, picking up a pair of chopsticks and slurping up a mouthful of noodles. To your right, Hanzo was happily doing the same, but with a but more care. You picked up your chopsticks as well, and tucked in. Sure, you still weren't very good at using chopsticks just yet, but you could manage. The food was delicious, no wonder Genji wanted to take you here.

You all quickly finished your Ramen, and neatly stacked your bowls on top of each other for one of the workers to take away shortly. You were about to get up, but Genji stopped you.

"We are not leaving just yet. There is more." He said, gesturing for you to sit back down, which you did.

"What else have you ordered, Genji?" Hanzo demanded.

"You'll have to wait and see, brother." Genji replied with a cheeky grin. Soon, the worker that had brought the Ramen returned with a tray with what seemed to have pancakes and a bowl of green balls on it. Genji thanked the man again.

"You bought Dorayaki and Mochi?" Hanzo asked, his expression brightening the more he looked at the food.

"I did. We haven't had these in a while, and I know you used to love them, so I thought I'd order some especially for you Anija." Genji replied, looking very proud of himself.

"Thank you Genji. I will thoroughly enjoy these." Hanzo said, flashing a rare smile towards his brother in gratitude. You weren't quite sure what to make of the treats in front of you, but you ate them anyways, and they turned out to be delicious. Hanzo seemed to be greatly enjoying them too, which pleased you greatly since he was miserable half the time.

After you three had finished your food, Genji payed and you all left. You were about to turn around the corner to go in the gates once more, but Genji stopped you because he saw a Pachimari stand nearby and insisted he bought one, much to Hanzo's disappointment.

"Do you not already have enough of those?" He said, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Of course not! I'll even buy (Y/N) one." Genji replied, practically sprinting over to the stand. He came back with two of the biggest ones, one for himself and one for you as he had said. With that, you three returned to Shimada Castle and went your separate ways. You went back to your personal quarters, and placed the giant Pachimari at the end of your bed so that you could see it as you went to sleep.

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