Chapter 6

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You and Hanzo arrived at the meeting room to find that Genji was somehow already there, and it was only 10:34. Hanzo either didn't notice or didn't care, and just sat down at the chair to the right of his father, who was also already present, and began talking to him. You decided to greet Genji since he was unusually early.

"Hey Genji!" You said, but quiet enough that no one else heard you address him without the title of master since you didn't want to get told off for it. Genji looked up from the table and let his signature grin take form on his face, before almost jumping out of his seat to talk to you.

"Hello, (Y/N). I'm so glad you finally arrived, I've had nothing to do for the past fifteen minutes but stare at the table." He said, rolling his eyes to express just how bored he had been.

"I'm honestly surprised you're here already.What made you turn up so early?" You asked. Surely he didn't just feel like coming earlier, right?

"Oh, my father wanted to talk to me before the meting began. I get bored rather quickly since me and Hanzo basically just have to sit here and do nothing, so I can sometimes...lets just say I let my boredom get a little bit out of hand. " He explained with a laugh. You knew exactly how he felt.

"Ah. Anyways, apparently I'm just supposed to stand somewhere or something?" You said hoping to get some clarification as to what you were supposed to be doing.

"Yeah, something like that. I do not know the details, so you will have to ask my father." Genji replied. With that, he walked back over to the table and sat down in his seat; to the left of his father. You also walked over to the table to ask Sojiro what you were doing. You were told to stand in front of the wall to his right, so behind Hanzo. This was a decent place for you, as you were facing Genji. This meant you could silently keep each other occupied throughout the meeting, so neither of you would get too bored. You got into position and gave Genji a smile, which was quickly returned.

Sojiro soon called the guests in, who were also dressed very formally. They looked to be a very important family, quite similar to the Shimadas. And thus the meeting began.

Sojiro was clearly the chairman of this meeting, as he was constantly talking. The only other person who talked was the man sat at the other end of the table, who you assumed was the leader of whatever other clan was here. You couldn't tell what they were saying though, as they were speaking solely in Japanese.

You and Genji were chatting with eachother silently across the room the entire time, which was good because it kept you occupied and it kept him from getting into trouble. Every now and then, Hanzo would catch a glimpse of Genji communicating with you and would quickly turn around to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid before snapping his head back round to face the guests again. Every time he did so, you and Genji had to try your best not to burst out laughing since you both found it hilarious for some reason.

The meeting continued for about an hour and forty-five minutes. Eventually you heard them saying thank you and goodbye to each other before the guests swiftly left. You and Genji audibly let out a massive sigh of relief now you could both act normal again.

"Well done (Y/N). You did brilliantly for your first meeting." Sojiro said.

"Thank you sir. I think Genji helped a lot though." You said giving him a smile.

"I knew I saw you too talking across the room." Hanzo said sternly, clearly not too happy.

"Now now, Hanzo. Whilst they shouldn't have been communicating with each other as it may have appeared suspicious to our guests, it did keep Genji from getting us into trouble, did it not?" Sojiro replied calmly to his son. With a sigh of defeat, Hanzo nodded in agreement. "Well done, by the way Sparrow." Sojiro the said, turning to the younger son. Genji just grinned in response.

You were all soon pardoned from the room and were free to go about the rest of your day. Genji asked if you wanted to go to the arcade with him, but you politely declined. You weren't any good at arcade games anyways, so you wouldn't be much fun. You instead decided to work on your skills in the Dojo since it was free at this time. You hadn't done anything Martial-arts related in a little while, so you thought it'd be a good use of our time.

You soon arrived at the Dojo and slid the door closed behind you. You did a few stretches to make sure you wouldn't pull a muscle, and went into a fighting stance. You would usually practice blows on a dummy or a punching bag, but neither was set up in here and you didn't know if they even had those things, so you practised with nothing. You threw a few punches and kicks into the air, imagining someone was there fighting you. As you fought, you unknowingly began to move across the room as if you were pushing an opponent back. You threw a roundhouse kick, and as you spun around, you noticed a glimpse of a figure at the corner of the room. Funny, you didn't remember anything being over there. You looked over to see Hanzo stood next to the door watching you intently. You immediately felt your face heat up.

"M-master Hanzo! How long have you been there?"

"A small while. You fight well, (Y/N), though I'm sure you would fight better if you were not wearing a suit." He replied, apparently having no sham upon being caught watching you. You had completely forgotten that you were even wearing your suit still, and hadn't thought to change.

"Uh, yeah. I should probably change." You said, just wanting to leave the room at this point.

"Go ahead, but how would you feel about practising with me? After all, it is easier to fight against a person than against thin air." He offered. You took this as a challenge, and you were never one to decline a fight. It was your favourite activity after all.

"Sure! Just give me ten minutes to get changed and freshen up, and I'll be right back here." You replied enthusiastically, before whisking yourself away to get changed.

You arrived back at the Dojo quicker than you had expected. You were now wearing a pair of shorts and a baggy spaghetti-strap top since you knew you were going to get pretty warm whilst you fought. You slid the door open and strode into the Dojo to see Hanzo patiently standing upside the wall.

"Okay, lets do this." You said with a smirk as he walked to the centre of the room.

"Ganbatte." Hanzo replied. You gave him a look of 'what the hell did you just say?', to which he just laughed.

"I said good luck." He clarified.

"Ah good, 'cause you're gonna need it." You challenged, getting into your fighting stance.

"We'll see about that." He replied, narrowing his eyes and doing the same. You were gonna enjoy this.

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