Chapter 20

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Your eyes fluttered open as you woke from your slumber, almost instantly squeezing shut again due to the blinding light that met them. Your temples felt like they were pulsating, threatening to burst open with incredible force. Lifting your arms and resting them over your eyes to shield them from the sun, you groaned and stretched your body in an attempt to wake yourself up. Relaxing once more, you screwed up your face in pain as a sharp headache coursed throughout your skull.

"I'm glad to see you are awake."

You jumped as the rich voice cut through the air.

"Agh...what the fuck?" You exclaimed, trying your best to ignore your splitting headache and opened your eyes again to search for the owner of the voice. You were met with the blurry outline of who you could only assume was Hanzo.

"I was not expecting you to be in the best of moods this morning, but there is no need to greet me so rudely." He spoke once more with a smooth manner laced with a playful tone...not that you picked up on that.

"Well sorry, but you try having your brains scooped out with barbed wire." You said harshly, screwing your face up in a mixture of pain and distaste. "Where the hell am I anyways?"

"My apartment." Hanzo began. "After drinking yourself into an unbecoming state last evening I thought it best to bring you back here with me rather than let you drunkenly walk back to wherever you are staying and get into trouble. Plus I can keep an eye on you here." He finished, putting something down on the table next to you. "That aside, I brought you some tea. It should help with your hangover." He said, gesturing towards the cup.

"Thanks." You said simply.

You then wasted the rest of the morning drinking said tea and massaging your head in a vain attempt to ease the pain. Thankfully, Hanzo sat with you for most of the time to make sure you didn't do something stupid. He could tell that you had never really dealt with a hangover before, or at least not with one as bad as this, but it was your own fault really. So much for making sure he didn't make himself legless huh?

Later that evening, your vision finally cleared and your head didn't hurt so much that you couldn't do anything. This was either because the gods had blessed you to get over the alcohol quicker than usual, or Hanzo's tea really worked a treat. Either way, you were no longer sat in bed wincing, and were now sat on a small sofa in what you assumed was Hanzo's living room. You were watching T.V, though you had no clue what was happening, mainly because you weren't really paying attention and you couldn't fully understand Japanese anyways.

Hanzo had gone out a while ago. He insisted you stayed here for a bit longer, at least until tonight, so here you were. You were becoming increasingly bored however. And hungry. Then it hit you. You always had a side-hobby of cooking, so why not make use of it and make yourself a little something whilst you waited for Hanzo to get back? Maybe you'd even make him something if you had the time and enough ingredients to do so. With that, you jumped off the sofa and hastily went over to the kitchen, which you didn't have much trouble finding since you saw it on your way to the living room.

You flung open cupboard after cupboard, draw after draw in search of things to make something with. Hanzo clearly didn't spend all his time here as there wasn't much food lying around, or utensils for that matter. Well, that or he was short of money to buy them with, which you highly doubted. The Shimada clan always had plenty of money, after all, how would Genji have been able to do all the shit that he did? He was hardly a playboy with a yen or two. Similarly, Hanzo was the son of the goddamn yakuza boss! He had thousands, if not millions to his name, there was no way he managed to make himself broke in only 5 years, even if he was a massive spender.

In the end, you managed to salvage a few eggs, some sugar, flour...all the key things you needed to create something decent. With said ingredients, you made a small cake, 2 generously-sized pizzas and you were halfway through making some pancakes when you heard the apartment door being unlocked and swung open on squeaky hinges. Shortly after, Hanzo walked in and greeted you with a confused look.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eyeing the mess you'd made. You hadn't quite gotten to tidy up yet since you were too focused on making food.

"Uh, making stuff 'cause I was bored. Hope you don't mind." You explained. Hanzo just stared at you for a moment.

"Well, I suppose there isn't much use in caring at this point." He said, raising an eyebrow and looking around the room. "I am not going to clean up your mess though." He finished, walking into the next room and putting his bow and quiver away as he spoke.

"Fine by me." You retorted, flipping a pancake. "I don't suppose you want some?"

"I'm hardly going to allow you to use the majority my food and consume all of it yourself." Hanzo replied. You rolled your eyes in response. "And I am hungry." He added.

You two spent the rest of the day chilling and eating the food you made. It was almost as if you two were younger again, and you couldn't say you were sad about it. But it just wasn't the same without Genji.

"Hanzo?" You spoke suddenly.


"What happened to Genji?" You asked. Hanzo immediately looked away and knitted his brows.

"I...Do not worry about him. It is irrelevant anyway." You noticed a distinct drop in his tone.

"I'm worrying." You replied. Hanzo stayed silent for a few minutes. "Come on Hanzo, he's your brother! You both went missing on the same night, surely you know something about it?!" You said, growing tired.

"I said not to worry." Hanzo hissed. You could tell he was getting aggravated as you didn't drop the subject, but you weren't going to back down now. You needed answers.

"What happened to him?" You asked one final time, before Hanzo snapped and turned towards you once more.

"He's dead!" He shouted. You were taken back by his sudden outburst, and just stared up at him.

"How?" You whispered, slightly scared of angering him more. You knew how short-tempered he could be, and you knew what happened to people who pushed him too far.

"I..." Hanzo hesitated, his voice dropping again. He broke eye contact.

"I...I killed him."

You gasped. No. No way. He...He wouldn't...He couldn't! Your widened eyes continued to stare up at him, and you found yourself scooting away from him in shock and fear.

"You...You killed your own brother?" You said under your breath. Hanzo did nothing, almost as if he hadn't heard you.

"You killed your own brother?!" You half-screamed, jumping to your feet. "How could you?! Genji was nothing but nice to you! He never hurt anyone!" You scolded, becoming more and more disgusted at him by the second. "He was your own flesh and blood! What is wrong with you?!" You shouted, running out of the room. Hanzo did nothing to stop you, and instead remained seated where he was, glaring at the floor in a mix of emotions.

You, in a fit of rage, went straight to the door. Unlocking it so that you could leave, you turned and said one final thing.

"I thought you were a half decent man, but it seems I was wrong. One day, Genji's soul will come back to haunt you, and you'll get your karma." You spat through gritted teeth. "Good fucking riddance, Hanzo Shimada." You finished, opening the apartment door and exiting, making sure to slam the door as hard as you could. As you left, you made a mental note of the apartment number. You then went straight back to hotel, albeit after figuring out where the heck you were since you had never been through this part of town.

From then on, you would refer to Hanzo as a monster. No normal human could kill their own brother, therefore in your eyes....

Hanzo was no longer a normal human.

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