Chapter 15

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As you exited your plane, you took a deep breath. You were here to do one thing and one thing only, and you weren't going to allow yourself to be distracted. The guy you were supposed to kill was attending a party tonight, so you were going to the building to scout for good places to hide since your plan was to snipe him from above. You soon found a nice spot on a neighbouring roof, so you made a mental note of where exactly it was and headed for the hotel you were going to stay at for the next day or two depending on how well your job went tonight.

You had already dropped off your suitcase once you had departed from the plane, so you didn't need to drag it to your room. Closing the door behind you, you walked over to your makeshift bed and threw your body on top of the covers. You stared up at the ceiling and thought of your first night at Shimada Castle all those years missed that place a lot. Flipping yourself over, you turned your head to face the familiar stuffed turnip-squid hybrid that Genji had bought you. Grabbing it from next to your pillow, you brought it to your chest and squeezed it in a bone-crushing hug. Taking a deep breath, you decided that you had better get some rest before your task tonight, since you may well end up staying up all night. Allowing your eyelids to flutter shut, you fell into a peaceful slumber.

You awoke, jumping up when you realised that you hadn't set an alarm to wake you before you slept. Snapping your eyes to the small clock set upon the nightstand, you saw that it was only 5:21 PM, thank god. Pulling your legs off the sheets, you stood up to go and quickly brush your hair and straighten out your clothes. Once you had done so, you headed down to the hotel lobby to get some food before you left.

Whilst piling food onto your plate, you noticed a small table with packets of crisps and chocolate bars etc., so you grabbed a few of those to keep your hunger at bay later tonight. Satisfied with the amount you had procured, you walked over to a table to eat, not before grabbing a knife and fork.

As you ate, you realised how difficult you found using a fork suddenly. Over the years you had lived at the Shimada estate, you had used chopsticks nearly the entire time, and had thus grown quite used to them, so much so that you had almost forgot how to use a knife and fork properly. You let out a long sigh. Why did everything have to remind you of the brothers all the time? You balled your fingers up, forming a fist with your hand. Your arm muscles tensed, beginning to raise your fist up to slam back down onto the table in a mix of upset and pent-up anger, but you stopped yourself before you could do so. Damaging the hotel's property was not going to make your situation better, and therefore there was no point. Furrowing your brows instead, you continued eating, trying your best not to let your thoughts turn back to the Shimadas.

It was now 7:53 PM, and you were ready to leave. Since the building where this party was being held at was conveniently just down the street, your plan was to leave momentarily so that you could arrive and set up at the spot on the roof you had seen earlier for 8:00 exactly. The party was due to start then, so it would give you plenty of time to spot the guy you were supposed to kill and wait for him to be alone so you could snipe him.

Your weapon of choice for this mission was a heavy-duty slingshot of sorts, with small needle-like bullets for ammo. Each bullet contained a dose of very concentrated venom that would be automatically injected into your victim's body upon impact. Since the bullet was so small and discreet, the victim would barely feel it hitting their body; it would merely feel like a pinch. That way, the chance of them realising they had been shot would be very unlikely, leaving the bullet's venom to completely inject without their realisation. Since the venom was so powerful, it only took a few minutes to take effect on the victim and shut down their body, leaving them weak and defenceless in about 5-10 minutes. You could then either wait another 5 minutes for the victim to die, which left the chance of someone finding them and calling help, therefore giving them a large chance of survival since medicine was so advanced these days, or shoot them and end their life immediately. The latter was the option you were going to go with, since they definitely wouldn't be able to recover that way. It should be quick and easy too since the guy would be so weak that he wouldn't even be able to move. There was little to no way you could fail.

About 15 minutes into the party, you spotted the guy. He looked exactly like the picture the person who you were killing him for had sent you, leaving you no doubt that this was the right guy. You kept a very close eye on him, not letting him out of your sight. Eventually, he began to walk away, and you assumed he was going to the bathroom since he was heading that way. You stealthily went across the roof, following him. Just as you had thought, he went into the men's bathroom. You took aim with your slingshot, loading a deadly bullet into it. Holding it primed and ready, you waited for the guy to open the door. The second he emerged, you would shoot him and if all went well, he would end up with a bullet to his neck, leaving the rest up to the venom.

You watched the door with narrowed eyes, every ounce of your concentration on shooting this guy. The door opened. You hesitated for a moment to make sure you were about to shoot the right guy, and huffed when you saw a lean Latino man walk through the door. Damn. You didn't let your attention falter for a second though.

It had now been about 15 minutes since this guy had gone into the toilets. How long did it take? Did he know he was about to be shot the moment he came out or something? You were beginning to get agitated. The longer he stayed in that goddamn room, the longer this mission was going to take, and the longer you had to wait for your cheque. Then, you saw the door swing open once more, and there he was. Your eyes widened since you had let you guard down for a moment, and you pulled your slingshot string back at the speed of sound. The string snapped against the frame, and you watched your bullet fly straight into it's target with supreme accuracy. Allowing your lips to curve into a satisfied smirk, you lowered your weapon and sighed with relief. Now all you had to do was wait for the venom to take effect, and your job would be done.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a shadow whisk past you. Snapping your head around, you looked to see where it had gone. Nothing. Perhaps it was just in your head. Oh well. Spinning back around to watch your target, you shrugged it off and waited for your moment.

Before long, you watched the man's movement become slow and sloppy. Your chance would be soon. He said something to a few people he was with and walked back towards the bathrooms. No doubt he thought he was going to be sick; you knew what side effects your bullet's doses had, and you also knew there were no openings in the bathrooms for you to shoot this guy, so you had to kill him before he got there. Loading a regular bullet with no toxin, you took aim and followed the man with your slingshot. You would shoot just as he opened the door. As he grew closer and closer, your eyes narrowed once more. You felt a sense of redemption in this; almost as if killing this guy would save the brothers. Obviously it wouldn't and never would, but it felt that way nonetheless. Readying your fingers to release their grip on the final bullet, you heard the sound of something flying past you, throwing you off. Dropping your weapon, you looked behind you to again see a shadow standing on a roof about a block behind you. You didn't recognise it, but you did see that they were wearing some kind of flowing thing on their head, a ribbon maybe. Looking back towards your target, they were on the ground, presumably dead. Whilst you were glad your job was done, you were a little angry that someone had stolen your shot. Spinning back around, you faced the figure on the roof behind you.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" You yelled. The figure turned to flee, but paused upon hearing your voice. You watched as they swivelled back around to face you.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something?" You shouted once more, hoping for a reply. The figure seemed to lean forward as if they were going to jump over to you, but they didn't.

"No." Replied male voice with a slight accent. "Have a good night Miss." He said once more before jumping out of your sight. Your eyes widened; you recognised that voice. Jumping and running along the roofs, you attempted to follow the mysterious man, finding yourself none the wiser. He was gone, and lord knows if you were ever going to see him again. Jumping down from the rooftops, you made your way back to your hotel, the man never leaving your mind. Then, as you opened the door to your hotel room, it hit you.

'No...' You thought. 'There's no couldn't be...' You muttered inside your head. Surely it couldn't have been him...right? You slumped down onto your bed and stared up at the ceiling, allowing your thoughts to take over your mind. You stayed up for hours thinking about him, and the prospect of it really being him began to feel more realistic. Only time would tell whether you were being too hopeful or not.

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