Chapter 16

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You awoke the next morning to a buzz from your phone. You looked over to see a message from 'anonymous'; no doubt the guy you were on a mission for. Pulling yourself up, you grabbed your phone and sat it in front of you, pulling up the message and beginning to type a reply. You were cut off by a call. You anxiously picked it up.

"Hello?" You said.

"Greetings. You have completed your task, yes?" Replied a rather smooth male voice with a slight accent; you couldn't quite put a place to it though. Maybe somewhere in the middle east? Nevertheless, you opened your mouth to reply.

"Yes sir." You said, trying your best to sound smooth about this.

"So you use the bow and arrow, huh?" The man asked. Bold claim.

"No...why do you think that sir?" You retorted, furrowing your brow. You were met with a quick response.

"I was at that party, and I watched him get taken away by the police and medics. He had an arrow in the back of his head, therefore it only made sense that you had used the bow to take him out, am I wrong?" He replied with a smug tone of voice.

"Well yes, that does make sense, but that wasn't the weaponry I used." You said calmly. The man said nothing for a moment.

"You didn't kill him, did you?" He said, his voice lowered and accusing. You didn't know how to answer. I mean, what were you supposed to say? Oh, someone a block or two away shot him before I had a chance? There was no way he'd believe you.

"I am correct then. Do not worry, I already knew the second I saw the arrow, Miss. Unless you are undercover as an unknown female assassin, which I highly doubt, the man who shot Ramon is rather obviously not you. He is fairly well known to contractors around the world." He clarified. Now you were just confused, but also curious. Maybe this was your chance to find out out whether you were right...

"If you didn't mind me asking, who is this man you're referring to?" You asked.

"That is none of your concern. I am sure you will find out for yourself sooner or later anyways since he works worldwide, very similarly to you." The man retorted. Damn it. Maybe he was right though, after all, if you were lucky enough to encounter him on your first mission no less, there was a high chance of you coming across him again.

"Okay sir. Well, is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" You asked, growing bored of talking.

"Just to give my thanks. I will recommend you to anyone I can." He replied. "Oh, and do not be disappointed that you did not get the kill. I will send your pay regardless within the next 24 hours. And if it makes you feel any better, I contacted the other guy just in case you failed; I am aware that this was your first assignment. Well, thank you once again, have a good day." He clarified before hanging up. Letting out a relieved sigh, you slid out of the hotel bed and got ready for the day.

You had heard about an attack on Kings Row back home later that day. According to the news, the Omnic terrorist group 'Null Sector' were causing havoc, and no one was going to help yet. People were counting on an organisation called 'Overwatch' to come and save them, but they weren't there yet. No doubt they were on their way though.

You were tempted to fly back to England to help, but you had more important things to do. Plus, your parents lived quite far away from Kings Row, so they would be safe. Besides, you had received another assassination mission in Italy, so you couldn't fly home just yet. Hopefully you would see that other guy again; you really wanted to know if it was really him or not.

It was now the next day, and you were sat in your plane on the way to Italy. You had your earplugs in and were listening to a playlist of songs by your favourite artist. You were also still thinking about who you saw the other night. Could it really have been Hanzo? You had thought him and his brother dead for years, but it was starting to add up. That guy had his voice and used a bow, and you knew how good he used to be with a bow. But at the same time, it made no sense. If it really was Hanzo, why was he travelling the world killing people? Why wouldn't he just go back to Shimada Castle? Well, if it was him, you would find out soon enough.

For the rest of your flight, you simply slept since you didn't exactly have anything better to do. You awoke shortly before the plane landed. After getting off, you went straight towards a McDonald's you spotted not too far away. It felt like forever since you had last eaten a McNugget, so you ended up buying a share box of 20 chicken nuggets, a large fries, a McFlurry and a drink. Sure, that was quite a lot of food for one person, but you ate the entire meal with no issues since you were so hungry, and you kinda craved the fatty food. After leaving, you went straight to the new hotel you were staying at and settled in. You also checked your bank account to gladly see that £25,000 had been deposited into it.

You checked your assignment once more to make sure your plan was fine. You were killing a 53 year old woman named Martha, surname not given. She was apparently going out with some friends at a fancy restaurant tomorrow evening, so you would have to get in yourself if you were going to be successful, not that it should be much of a problem. This guy wasn't paying you nearly as much for this job, only £5,200, but it was still a fair sum of money, so you took it. Hopefully the mission went well.

Since you had nothing else to do today, you decided to go out for a while and enjoy yourself whilst you had the chance. On your way here, you had noticed a casino and arcade a few blocks away, so you went there. Your challenge was to gain at least one new high score on one of the arcade games in honour of Genji. Needless to say, you achieved your goal and went back to your hotel with a satisfied grin on your face.

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