Chapter 11

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You woke up to your alarm blaring from across the room. Your mom had made you put your phone in the hallway as a kid, and it had stuck with you ever since, but as you couldn't actually put it in the hallway, you put it against the wall on the other side of your room instead. Doing this forced you to get out of bed and walk over to it in order to turn your alarm off, which woke you up a bit in the process. Once you silenced your phone, you got ready for the day and head downstairs for breakfast. You were greeted by Genji in the hall; he was glad to see you were awake this morning. You sat down at your seat at the end of the left-most staff table and quickly ate your food, so quickly in fact that you were the first to leave the hall. You decided to go for a quick jog around the estate to warm yourself up for training in about half an hour, so you set off.

By the time you got back, you could see everyone filtering out of the dining hall to attend to their chores and such, so you went to the Dojo to get ready. You were to be practising archery today, so you wanted to be prepared. Soon enough, Hanzo and Genji walked in and warmed themselves up after briefly saying hi.

About halfway through training, you angrily threw an arrow at your target in frustration. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't shoot properly, and when you did, your arrows had missed the target every time. Putting your bow away, you slumped against the wall and slid down it, huffing loudly.

"I'm gonna take a break. I dunno how much longer I'm going to be able to continue this for..." You complained.

Genji had left a while ago, claiming to have other things to do, but you saw right through his lie and knew he had just grown bored and couldn't be asked to participate in the rest of the session. Hanzo on the other hand seemed to be enjoying this, and was very good with a bow. He had only missed the bulls-eye of his target twice in the 53 minutes you had been shooting, and it was only aggravating you more knowing that he was so much better than you. Your instructor had also left a little while ago; he had shown you how to hold the bow and nock the arrows and then left you to your own devices, telling you to ask Hanzo for help should you need it since he was so good.

Hanzo didn't even look in your direction, too focused on aiming. He loosed his arrow, and it once again hit the bulls-eye, the arrow shaking from the impact. He dropped his arms to his sides, still tightly clutching his bow, and turned to you.

"There's no use in sitting there. If you are going to get better at archery, you will have to persevere and keep trying." He said bluntly, looking down at you. You rolled your eyes in response, and stood once more.

"Well in that case, show me how you do it." You retorted, walking over to the weapons store to retrieve your bow. Hanzo watched you, an eyebrow raised.

"You do realise that you will not show great improvement immediately just because I showed you how I shoot almost flawlessly? I have had years of practice after all." He replied, crossing his arms.

"Of course I know that. I just want to know how you shoot is all." You half-lied. You heard Hanzo sigh before he continued.

"Fine, I will demonstrate my skills for you." He agreed, walking over to his target to pull his arrows out of the wood. You walked back over with your bow and a fresh quiver of arrows, ready to try whatever Hanzo did. He stood with his arm outstretched and his bow gripped tightly in his hand. You mimicked his stance and did the same. He then swiftly pulled an arrow from how quiver and nocked it in one fell swoop of his arm. You did the same, but much clumsier. You heard Hanzo chuckle, and snapped your head to face him, seeing that he was watching you in his peripheral vision. You were tempted to flip him off in response, but refrained since you didn't want to get told off for it.

Hanzo quickly regained his composure, and aimed at the target, and you did the same. You then heard the sound of his bow-string snapping against the frame and the arrow flying through the air, shortly followed by the hard impact of the arrowhead into the wooden target. You loosed your own arrow, and it hit the target for the first time today, though on the outer ring. Nonetheless, you had shown improvement, and you threw your fist into the air in victory. You turned to Hanzo to see him smiling, amused at your reaction. He walked over to you.

"Whilst it isn't the best of shots, well done (Y/N)." He said.

"Thank you, Master Hanzo. Guess I did a pretty good job at imitating you, huh?" You replied with the singular biggest grin you had ever seen.

"If I am honest, not really. Your stance was off, you nocked the arrow badly and you aim was clearly off." He criticised. You grin dropped instantly, and morphed into a playful smirk, your eyes narrowing.

"Alright then, Mr Perfect, why don't you teach me how to do it properly then?" You challenged. Under normal circumstances, Hanzo would do no such thing. He was above such an act, but he was never one to shy away from a challenge.

"Alright then, I will. But you will be my model." He replied, matching your smirk. "Firstly, extend your arm fully. You want the bow as far away from you as possible so you can achieve a powerful shot." You did as you were told. "Good. Now grab an arrow from your quiver. Aim to pull it out and nock it onto the bow-string in one movement." He instructed. You did so, but flailed the arrow about as you did so. "No no, Like this." Hanzo said, gently taking your hand in his own. He moved it up to grab an arrow and did so. He then controlled your arm to nock the arrow smoothly, but did not release your hand once he had done so. You were blushing madly at this point.

"Okay, now you are going to draw the string back as far as your arm will let you." He said. Still not releasing your hand, you felt him move behind you and grab your other hand too to help you hold the bow. "You should have your arms at shoulders width, and you should be standing sideways to your target also." He added, gently moving your feet and body with his own, making you even more flustered. You were beginning to think that you might just pass out then and there. "Now draw your arrow back." He said, pulling your right arm back as far at it would go, griping you hand to make sure you didn't accidentally loose the arrow. "Aim for the centre of the target..." He almost whispered, dropping his own head to aim as well, since he wasn't convinced you'd aim correctly by yourself. He moved your arms to aim perfectly as he did so, as if he were the one shooting. "...and loose the arrow!" He finished, letting go of your right hand as you released the arrow, keeping hold of your left to steady the bow as the arrow whisked past it. You watched in awe as the arrow hit the bulls-eye, forgetting momentarily about the stance that you and Hanzo were in. As your eyes widened and another triumphant grin began to appear, you heard the sound of the Shoji screen doors behind you both slide open.

"Oh. My. God" You heard the voice of whoever had just walked in say. You then heard the click of a phone, which told you not only that whoever was behind you had just taken a picture of you and Hanzo, but that it was none other than Genji himself. "My friends are going to flip when they see this!" You heard him say, and both you and Hanzo immediately spun round at the same time.

"You wouldn't dare, Genji. I'll make father ground you for a week!" Hanzo almost shouted in defence.

"Aw, but you two are so cute!" Genji replied, seemingly ignoring his brother. "You asked (Y/N) out after I left didn't you Anija?!" He gasped "I'm so proud of you for admitting your feelings! I knew I wasn't just imagining that you liked..."

"I did no such thing and I do not have feelings for (Y/N)!" Hanzo growled, storming over to Genji. You could've sworn that you saw a slight dusting of pink on Hanzo's face, but you dismissed it. Hanzo didn't like you and you knew it. But...what if he did?

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