Chapter 4

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You lay on your back atop the fluffy sheets of your bed. You had been quite looking forward to training, but if Hanzo was going to keep pestering you to be immediately perfect, you didn't know how much more you'd be able to take before you gave up. Hopefully he would lighten up a bit in the future...

You were interrupted by a knock at your door. You hesitantly got up to see who it was. Sliding the door to the side, you were met with the ever-enthusiastic face of Genji.

"Hi Master Genji, can I help you?"

"Not really. I was just kind of bored so I thought I'd find you." Genji shrugged.

"Oh, um, okay. Would you like to come in or something?" You replied nervously. This was unexpected. Genji said nothing but smiled as he showed himself in. You would've said something, but you did offer for him to enter and it was his house after all.

"Nice room you have here (Y/N). Very neat and organised, it could almost rival Hanzo's." Genji joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. You let out a little chuckle in response.

"Yeah, I like my things to be organised because I have less chance of losing things that way. My room back at home was really messy, so I thought I'd start fresh, y'know?" You replied with a smile.

"Did you not have a maid to tidy your things?" He asked with genuine curiosity gleaming in his chocolatey eyes. You gave him a look of 'seriously?' before you quickly realised he wasn't joking.

"N-no...not to be rude or anything, but I didn't have the luxuries you have Master Genji. My family are actually quite poor to be honest." You clarified. Genji could tell that he had dropped the mood, so he decided to brighten it up again so the room wasn't so tense.

"Oh, right. Sorry, I forget that not everybody lives the way I do sometimes." He said, showing off his classic grin. "And you know you don't have to call me Master right? Just call me Genji. It feels weird for someone like you to refer to me that way."

Did he...did he just hit on you? Or was that an insult? You shrugged it off, he is your superior after all, so there was no need to fuss about little things like this.

"You got it Genji. Anyways, did you say you were bored? I brought a few games with me to keep me occupied in my spare time if you'd like to play something." You offered, gesturing to the top of your wardrobe where you had neatly stacked a few card and board games. Genji scanned the boxes to see if he saw anything he liked, and you watched him intently until his face lit up.

"You have a pack of regular playing cards right? How would you feel about playing Concentration?" He asked excitedly. You recognised this game. If you remembered correctly, you would shuffle the cards and lay them individually onto the playing surface, such as a table, and spread them out. One of you would then flip over two random cards and hope for the same number. If they picked a pair, they would go again until they missed or had matched over half of the pack. You hadn't played this game in years, but this would be a great way to gain a better friendship with Genji. You looked at him and smirked.

"Lets do it." You said.

You continued to play several games of Concentration until around seven o'clock. You had both missed lunch, but you didn't much care because you were having far too much fun. In the end, you had beaten Genji 6 games to 4, and were quite proud of yourself.

"Ha! I win again! Suck it Genji!" You announced victorious and Genji scowled at you playfully. You had thrown all sense of respect for your superior out the window at this point.

"You are better at this game than I thought you would be. Congratulations, I am impressed." He replied. "I shall have to play a few more games with you sometime."

Suddenly, your door slid open and slammed against its rails. Standing where it had just been was a very agitated looking Hanzo.

"What on earth are you doing?" He growled, glaring at the two of you. You instinctively shrunk back, but Genji wasn't at all intimidated by his older brother.

"Hello Hanzo. We were playing Concentration, would you like to join us?" He asked with a smile.

"No Genji, I would not. It is almost time for dinner, I came to tell you before I heard you too messing about. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised since you are involved, Genji." Hanzo bellowed turning on his heel to leave. "I suggest you both make your way to the dining hall shortly." He finished before swiftly sliding your door shut again and walking away. Genji looked at you and told you not to worry about his brother since you were still looking sorry for yourself.

"Your brother is very intimidating though Genji, it's hard not to be scared of him if I'm honest." You replied with a sigh.

"I know. He never used to be like this though. When we were younger, he was really fun to be around. We used to play together all the time. But now he's 19, he feels that he needs to be more mature and work harder so that he can be the perfect leader when our father passes away." Genji explained. "He's much nicer when there's no one else around though, I assure you. You just need to get on his good side."

"And how exactly do you propose I do that?" You replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, I'll work on it." Genji said with a wink. "We should go down for dinner. I think we're having Ramen today; my favourite!" He said, his face lighting up. You giggled a little and nodded in agreement before following him down to the hall. Genji was really going to help you get through this, you could already tell.

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