Chapter 12

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It had been several years since you had moved to Shimada Castle. You were now 27, so it had been nearly 10 years. You had long finished your training now and were officially a bodyguard for Hanzo and Genji. The brothers were now 25 and 28 respectively, and had grown into fine young men, not to mention very attractive young men. Whilst Hanzo had clearly matured a lot in the years you had been around him, Genji was still a lovable dork. Hanzo had become quite distant, and seemed to always have something to do, so you rarely saw him when you weren't on duty. A pity really.

As of recently, Sojiro had fallen ill, so you hadn't seen him in a while. You were of course worried about him, almost as much as the brothers were, but you had a job to focus on, and one of the rules for said job was that you shouldn't focus on anything other than defending your client. However, he had specifically requested to see you this morning, which scared you slightly. Had you done something wrong? The maid who had told you of this took you to his room, where he had been ever since he had fallen ill. Once you were there, she wished you luck, bowed and left as soon as she had came. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." You heard the frail voice of Sojiro answer. You carefully slid the door open and entered, bowing in respect before saying anything.

"Good morning sir, you requested my presence?" You asked politely.

"I did. I won't keep you for too long, I am aware you have a job to do." He began, mustering a weak smile. "As you are aware, I have not been well recently, and I am old and I have accepted that I will not be around forever. My body is frail. Eventually, I will meet my end, and it may be closer than I think." He paused for a moment to gather some strength to continue and for you to take in what he was saying. "I have called you here because I want you to know something before it is too late. If you are going to continue working for my family after I pass, you have a right to know this."

You were trying your best not to burst out in tears. You had worked for Sojiro for a long-ass time, and you had grown quite close to him as a result. To put it lightly, the prospect of him passing away upset you. Trying your best to compose yourself, you nodded for him to continue.

"Have you ever been told of the legend of the Dragon of the North Wind and the Dragon of the South Wind (Y/N)?" He asked. You vaguely remembered someone telling you this story years ago, so you said yes. "Good, this will make this a lot simpler. I told my sons this legend countless times in their youth, and with good reason. See, my family are deeply connected to this story. It has been told through generations, and it was told to teach our children of our ability. We have the unique ability to control these dragons, and only a Shimada can do it." He explained. You furrowed your brows in curiosity. "I am sure you have your doubts, it does sound a bit surreal, I know, but you must trust me. You may witness it for yourself one day should my sons ever need to use the ability. I cannot show you myself."

Sojiro continued to explain this for a while, but dismissed you once you had finally taken all the information in and had understood. You were a bit stunned. You had finally remembered that it was Genji who had told you of this all those years ago, so you made the decision to go and find him to talk about it. You needed to talk to someone right now.

As you went on your way, you checked our schedule to see who you were working with today. Some days you were guarding Hanzo, and others you were with Genji. Today you were with Genji, which made your life a whole lot easier since you wanted to talk to him anyways. With that, you continued on your way to his personal quarters since he was most likely still there.

Once you got there, you knocked on the door and awaited a response. None came, so you knocked again. Maybe he just hadn't heard you. Still nothing. You were about to walk away to find him, when you had the absolute shit scared out of you by Hanzo as he left his own room. Spinning around, you mentally slapped your superior for startling you.

"Jesus Christ, Hanzo! You scared the life out of me." He raised an eyebrow in response. It took you a moment, but you gasped when you realised you hadn't addressed him as Master, as you were supposed to. "Master Hanzo! Sorry, please forgive me." You muttered, bowing in apology. Hanzo laughed.

"Apology accepted. You needn't worry about such formalities all of the time, but do not make a habit of it." He replied. "That aside, what are you doing standing out here? Should you not be with my brother today?"

"That's exactly why I'm here. I just knocked on his door, but he didn't answer so I don't think he's there. I don't suppose you've seen him?" You questioned. Hanzo shook his head.

"No, I have not seen him this morning. He is most likely out at the moment, but I am sure he will return soon. Until then, I am giving you permission to do what you would like." He replied with a smile.

"Really? Thank you Master Hanzo. I will use my spare time well." You grinned.

"Good. I must go now as I must assist with my father's duties. Enjoy yourself." Hanzo said and bid you farewell, leaving you on your own. Time to practice your skills. You went down to the Dojo and practised your skills for a while, also working on your swordsmanship whilst you had the chance.

You had been in the Dojo for a few hours now, and still no sign of Genji. You were getting pretty thirsty, so you decided to go to the kitchens to get a drink. Along the way, you saw a glimpse of green hair down one of the hallways, and immediately stopped in your tracks. Doubling back, you saw Genji sneaking down the hallway in an attempt to not be noticed, despite his bright green hair, but he was not alone. Closely behind him was a girl, one that you had never seen before. She was wearing very little, and she honestly looked like a bit of a slut. If you had to judge the situation, Genji had once again brought back a random girl last night, as he did very often these days, and was trying to sneak her back out of Shimada Castle without being seen. Unfortunately, his plan hadn't worked this time.

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