Chapter 8

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Warning : There will be profanity in this chapter!

You were sat outside in the gardens beneath one of the many Sakura trees looking up at the clear night sky. After you had finished showering and had eaten earlier, you had decided to get some fresh air before you went to sleep tonight. You had a busy day of training tomorrow, so you thought it'd be a good idea to relax.

Hanzo seemed to have finally warmed up to you, much to your joy. You thought about how you two had fought this morning, and smiled. You'd have to spar with Genji sometime...

You snapped out of your thoughts as you saw a figure on the roof of the Shimada castle. What the hell? You watched it with caution as it stood there, doing nothing. You were about to get up to find someone when the figure jumped down, which actually impressed you since the building had several floors and that must've took a toll on their legs. The figure stood up and began to walk towards you. You panicked and scrambled up from the ground to run and find someone, when your fight instincts kicked in. You stopped in your tracks and instead advanced towards the figure with your fists ready. You raised your arm to strike, when the figure spoke.

"Woah, calm down! It's just me (Y/N)!" You heard a familiar voice reason with you. You paused to see if the person was playing with you or if it was genuinely who you thought it was, and just as you expected, Genji stepped into the pale light coming from a lamp not far from you with his hands held up defensively. You sighed in relief.

"What in the flying fuck were you doing on the goddamn roof Genji?!" You scolded him, crossing your arms. "Also, why the hell did you jump down from there?! You realise you could've easily broke your legs doing that right?"

"Firstly, I like to spend time up there sometimes. I find it quite relaxing to sit on the roof and look over the city. Secondly, when I stood up to go back inside, I saw you sat over here so I came down to say hello. I am aware that I could have injured myself jumping from such a height, but I've done it before and I know how to properly land to prevent such a thing happening." Genji explained bluntly, scratching the back of his neck and looking at the ground. You sighed in response.

"Well don't do it again or so help me I'll make your dad ground you in your fucking room. And don't test me on that!" You threatened, gently flicking the tip of his nose, earning a hearty chuckle from him.

"Well that aside, what were you doing out here this late anyway?" Genji asked. You explained that you were just chilling.

"That's fair. Would you mind if I sat out here with you?" He replied, and you took a moment before you answered him.

"I mean sure, if you really want to, I don't mind."

You two then proceeded to sit beneath the Sakura tree you were sat by before Genji showed up, and you two gladly sat in silence for a good while. Genji was the first to break the silence.

"Hey (Y/N), have you ever heard the legend of the two dragons?" He asked innocently. You shook your head. He smiled and continued talking. "Then I will tell you. My father told me this story many times when I was younger, and I think you'll enjoy it." You took a moment to adjust your body to a more comfortable position before he continued.

"Okay. Long ago, there were two great dragon brothers; the Dragon of the North Wind, and the Dragon of the South Wind. Together, they upheld balance and harmony in the heavens." Genji began, trying his best to tell the story as his father had all those years ago. "But the two brothers argued over who could better rule their land. Their quarrel turned to rage and their violent struggle darkened skies, until the Dragon of the South Wind struck down his brother. The Dragon of the North Wind fell to earth, shattering the land." Your eyes widened at this revelation. For a story that Genji had been told when he was a child, it was a pretty deep one. "The Dragon of the South Wind had triumphed, but as time passed, he realised his solitude. The sweetness of victory turned to ash. For years after this, the bereathed dragon's grief threw the world into discord, and he only knew bitterness and sorrow. One day, a stranger called up to the great dragon, and asked 'Oh great dragon lord, why are you so distraught?'. The dragon replied, 'Seeking power, I killed my brother. But without him, I am lost.'. The stranger replied 'You have inflicted wounds upon yourself, but now you must heal. Walk the earth on two feet as I do, find value in humility, then you will find peace.'. The dragon knelt upon the ground. For the first time, he was able to clearly see the world around him, and he became human. The stranger then revealed himself to be his fallen brother. Reunited, the two set out to rebuild what they had once destroyed."

You stared at Genji in awe, eyes sparkling. Sure, it was just a story, but you found yourself mesmerised by it.

"Wow. And that's just a story your dad made up?" You inquired.

"No."Genji laughed. "That was an ancient legend that my family have passed through generations." He grinned with pride. You took a minute to process what he had just told you. "Want to know a secret?" Genji asked. You shot up from the ground immediately.

"Of course!" You said. Honestly, you were acting like a complete and utter child right now, but you couldn't care less.

"Okay, but you cannot tell anyone that I told you this because my father will kill me." He explained with a stern tone. You nodded your head and did a gesture with your hand to simulate zipping your lips shut. "Well, there's a reason that legend exists in out family." Genji began, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "My family has a special trait. we have the ability to control the dragons." He finished with a smug grin. You gasped and demanded he showed you this ability immediately. Genji shook his head. "I haven't learned to use the ability yet, but I promise I'll show you when I do."

"Can your dad do it?" You asked, curiosity getting the better of you.

"Yes, but don't ask him. Remember, this is just between us, okay?" He said. You nodded your head.

"Well, I think it's about time we went to sleep. We do have training in the morning after all." You suggested. Genji let out a groan of realisation.

"True, but there are better things I could be doing." He replied.

"Well if you don't turn up, I'll be by myself with Master Hanzo. Do you really want to put me through that?" You challenged. Genji just shrugged.

"I'll see." He replied simply, before saying goodbye to you and going to his room. You followed suit, making your way to your room. Once you got there, you quickly threw on some pyjamas and jumped into bed.

(*I just want to say that I was watching the 'Dragons' short as I wrote this, and I tried my best to make it sound like Genji was telling the story himself from memory, hence it isn't the same word-for-word. I also got the feels from watching it again coz AGH like who else wants Blizzard to make a movie out of it coz I sure as hell do! Anyways, thanks for reading! :3*)

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