Chapter 2

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You had all of your stuff packed in a small suitcase and a backpack. You decided to take essentials and a couple of little trinkets to help you get by, such as a necklace your mother gave you and a few letters you had received from various friends and family members. You figured you would just be able to buy anything else you may need when you arrived in Japan.

You had two hours to kill before you had to leave to catch your flight, so you decided to spend some quality time with your parents before you left. After all, you probably wouldn't be seeing them again for a while. Time swiftly passed, and it was time to leave before you knew it. You grabbed your luggage and gave your mom and dad a massive hug before you left. Wishing them well, you began walking to the airport as it was only about 3/4 of a mile away, and you wanted to take in your surroundings before you left. Mr Shimada had sorted out your flight and had booked you a first class seat, much to your surprise, and had sent a document to you so you could print off the tickets. 

You arrived at the airport a tad early, so you decided to grab some food before you boarded your plane. There was a small McDonald's just outside, so you decided to grab something from there. You weren't sure if they even had McDonald's in Japan, so you savoured every bite as if this was the last time you would eat. You hadn't quite finished your drink, so you just decided to bring it with you on the plane...well, if they let you. Thankfully, security didn't see a problem with it, so you happily boarded the plane with it. Boy, this was going to be a trip to remember.

You couldn't sit still as the plane landed. You were so excited; you had finally arrived in Japan! You had slept for most of the flight since it was a 15 hour trip, but here you were. You quickly got off the plane and grabbed your things. Mr Shimada had told you to look for a guy with a black Jaguar car outside, as he would be your transport to his residence, so you looked around. You quickly spotted a guy who fit that description, and walked up to him.

"Kon'nichiwa, are you Miss (Y/N)?" The man asked with a heavy Japanese accent.

"I am indeed! Pleasure to meet you." You replied with a smile. The man briefly gave you a confused look, but quickly gave you a curt grin and a small bow in greeting. You thought it might be rude if you didn't return the gesture, so you also gave a quick bow. The man opened the car door for you, and told you that he would deal with your luggage. You got into the car and your eyes shot open with awe. For such an average-looking car, it sure was decorated nicely on the inside. There was a Vanilla car freshener hanging from the rear-view mirror that aerated a wonderful scent throughout the car, alongside a beautiful gold and red hanging ornament. The dashboard was also decorated with pristine decorations, and the seats where lavish to say the least. You sank into the seat as the man opened the driver-side door and asked you if you were comfortable. You gave a little giggle in response, and replied with a 'Hell yeah' as the man began to drive. Before long, you arrived at your destination. 

"Here we are. Welcome to Shimada Castle, Miss (Y/N)." The driver announced. "I will get your things. Please make yourself at home, Master Sojiro will meet you shortly."

You reluctantly got out of the car; you had grown quite comfortable in there. Shimada Castle was beautiful, far better than you had ever expected it to be. There were Sakura trees dotted everywhere around the estate, and the building itself must've had a least 5 floors; something you didn't see often back in England. The place was breathtaking. You were snapped out of your state of amazement by a gentle laugh however, and were met by who you could only assume was Mr Shimada, or 'Master Sojiro' as the driver had called him.

"Welcome to Shimada Castle, Miss (Y/N)." Mr Shimada greeted you.

"Thankyou sir, it's a pleasure to meet you. Oh, and there's no need to be so formal! Just call me (Y/N)." You replied, bowing towards the man in respect. Mr Shimada smiled in response.

"Well in that case, you'd be better off addressing me as Sojiro then, but since you'll be working here, it'll be Master Sojiro around others. Speaking of which, I think you'd better meet my sons since you'll be specifically catering to them." Sojiro said, briefly gesturing behind him. You didn't quite know what he meant about specifically catering to his sons, but no doubt you would soon find out. 

From behind Sojiro, two young boys emerged from the entrance of the Castle, one appearing slightly older than the other, though they couldn't have been much older than you. They were both dressed rather formally, wearing orange, black and white, which seemed to correspond to their family crest or something; you weren't entirely sure, but everyone whom you had met so far here wore the same colours, so it had to have some significance. The one who appeared older had silky, medium-length black hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. This was a kind of hairstyle you didn't really favour on men, but he somehow pulled it off perfectly. He had brilliant bone structure in his face, and piercing eyes that told you loads about his personality before you had even spoke to him. The other however, had spiky green hair, accented by a metal bandanna of couldn't quite put your finger on it, but it looked cool as hell anyways. He sported the same deep brown eyes as his brother, but his appeared softer and more friendly, despite his rough aesthetic.

"(Y/N), these are my sons, Hanzo and Genji. Boys, this is your new bodyguard, (Y/N)." Sojiro introduced. The eldest, Hanzo, gave you a brief nod of the head in greeting. He was clearly very polite. The younger one however, Genji, cracked a smile and spoke.

"Kon'nichiwa, hajimemashite (Y/N)!" He said enthusiastically, though you had no clue what he said other than your name. Sojiro was quick to explain that you didn't know Japanese, and that both the boys would have to speak English around you. Genji swiftly turned back to you to apologise.

"My apologies, I did not realise you didn't understand Japanese, but don't worry, I'll teach you if you'd like!" Genji offered with a grin. "But that aside, it is great to meet you (Y/N). I look forward to seeing you around." He finished.

"So do I." You replied. "I also look forward to working for you both, I'm sure I will enjoy it." You said with a bow and a smile.

"Ah, about that. I am well aware that you are highly trained in physical combat, but you will still require training before you begin working. You will be attending training classes with my sons until I believe you are skilled enough with weapons to begin your work as their bodyguard. Do not worry, I'm sure Hanzo and Genji will help you if you require it." Sojiro explained, and you noticed Genji sent a wink your way from behind him, swiftly followed by Hanzo glaring at him for using such informal behaviour. At least you now understood what Sojiro meant when he said you were going to be specifically catering towards his sons.

You were to begin training with the boys tomorrow morning, so you had the rest of the day to look around and get used to the estate. Sojiro called some of his servants to find you a room and bring your luggage inside whilst he granted you a tour. Working here was gonna be fun, and you had a strong feeling that you were going to get along swimmingly with Hanzo and Genji...well, definitely Genji anyways, you weren't too sure about Hanzo at the moment, but no doubt he'd warm up to you. You were going to be his Bodyguard after all, so there was no point in him hating you anyways.

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