Chapter 22

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(*Hey peeps! Before we continue with the story, I just want to say thank you to everyone who's stuck around and given your support to this story throughout the past few months. It's amazing to me that people are still reading this since I've left it for so long. I've been really unmotivated to continue this story for a long while now, since I tend to discover something I like, obsess over it for a month or two, and then find something new and stop liking it anymore. Unfortunately, Overwatch was no different and I kinda left it behind. However, Hanzo will always have a place in my heart since he is literally the reason I am the person I am today. Thanks to him, I'm a weeb now. Yay!

That aside, I've felt really bad for abandoning this story, and I don't want to do the same this I've done to all my stories, since I have a lot that are unfinished and abandoned because I stopped liking them. I will keep updating this though, starting with this chapter here. I would like to ask some help from you lot though. If any of you have any ideas for future chapters, or you would like something to happen between the reader and Hanzo, please leave a comment and tell me. I will use these as inspiration to keep going with this so I don't leave you bois hanging again. Also, support other people's ideas, because that'll let me know you lot really want that idea to happen. This way, I will have more inspiration to keep going, and you guys will have the chance to personalise the story a little, which will hopefully make it a bit more enjoyable.

Once again, sorry for the long hiatus. Enjoy the next chapter!*)

You grabbed a notepad and a pencil from the draw in your nightstand, and stared at the ceiling in thought for a few minutes. You needed to do something about just wasn't right. Genji didn't deserve this fate, and you were going to make sure that Hanzo got his karma. There was no way you were going to just let him get away with such a heinous act with little to no consequence. You were going to give him a taste of his own medicine...but how?

Yes, you were a well trained and skillful assassin, so you could just take him out. Give him the judgement he thought was appropriate for his own flesh and blood. That would be perfectly fair and justified, and no doubt there were people in the world who wanted him dead anyways. It'd be just like another one of your jobs. You turned your head to the floor, letting out a long sigh. You suddenly were faced with flashbacks of your younger years, when you worked for him. All the good times you had just couldn't do it. It would be like killing your own brother if you had one. It would put you on the same level...killing Hanzo would make you no better than him. You shook your head violently, trying to get those memories out of your head. 

Okay, back to the drawing board. How do I avenge Genji without killing Hanzo? ...Can I avenge him without killing...

You pulled your legs up to your chest and buried your face in your arms in frustration. A fresh tear silently fell down your face, but you paid no mind to it. There was no time to let your emotions get the better of you now, it would only lead to you doing something stupid again. You needed to think.

Then it hit you. Emulate the situation. Put him in the same situation. Make him experience the same thing Genji did, but just be careful. Do it so that you don't kill him...scare him a bit. Now that you could do. It would be hard to pull off though. He was just as skilled as you were, if not more. You also knew for a fact that he was stronger than you, no doubt. There was no way he looks the way he does but doesn't have the strength to back his appearance! No time to start thinking about his looks. It would only make you question your actions more. He is undeniably good looking, but he's a bad person. 

That was that. It was decided. You would pack a small bag with a few light weapons, and you would go back to his apartment. Somehow, you would take him by surprise and gain the upper hand, and then give him a taste of Genji's pain. You would make him regret his actions...he would regret doing this for the rest of his life.

The sun was just coming up outside, illuminating the sky with gold and pink as it peeked over the horizon. You took a minute to stare out the window and admire nature's beautiful display with a light smile. 

"Make the most of today Hanzo. It'll be the last time you see the sun without remorse. Have a good day, asshole." You said aloud, furrowing your brow with disgust as you cussed him out.

You spent the rest of the day making sure you had everything you needed for this mission of yours. You grabbed a rucksack and put in a pair of combat knifes, a few clips of ammo, and an extra pistol, since it was quite likely that Hanzo would disarm you at some point. You also made sure to back an energy bar and a small bottle of water. He could very well be out when you get there, so you had to be prepared to wait around for a while just in case. 

Looking up at the clock, the time was 5:27pm. The sun was due to set at 6:18 today, so that gave you about 50 minutes to mentally prepare yourself for this. It was hard to hurt someone you had grown up with and had been good friends with for years. Plus, you had just reunited with him, and you may have liked him a bit...but at the same time, you absolutely loathed him for what he had done, and that was more than enough fuel and motivation to go through with this. The past is exactly that; the past. Behind you. And it needed to stay that way. You grabbed a packet of instant Ramen noodles from one of the cupboards in your kitchen for a last minute meal. It would be stupid to leave hungry, since it would just distract you. Quickly preparing it and slurping it up, you set your bowl in the side to deal with later. You glanced at the clock once more...6:03. It was almost time. 

Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your bag and checked you had everything you needed once more. You grabbed a watch from your bedroom so you could keep track of time while you were out. You picked a digital watch; if you wore a mechanical one, which you much preferred since they looked nicer, the ticking of the cogs might alert him of your presence, which would ruin the entire plan. Plus, if you had to hide out for a while in a dark spot, you wouldn't be able to see it, making it useless. A digital watch was clearly the better choice here, you just had to be careful to only check it if you were absolutely sure he wasn't around, because the glow of it could give you away.

Pulling your bag onto your shoulders and securing it to you with a strap around your torso so it wouldn't rattle, you looked out the window briefly. The sun was indeed setting...checking the clock one final time revealed that it was 6:17. Time to go. This bastard was finally going to get what was coming to him, and you weren't going to waste this chance.

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