Chapter 13

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You watched Genji as he sneaked through the halls on his way to the gates. You followed him cautiously, waiting for him to let the girl out. As soon as she had disappeared, you walked up behind him and scared him.

"Who was she then? Don't suppose she was any better than the rest of them." You said, crossing your arms to emphasise your disappointment. Genji wasn't fazed by your demeanour in the slightest.

"Not particularly. Just as needy, just as loud...but she did her job and I did mine, so I can't complain." He replied with a smirk. "I bet you'd do a good job though." You punched him in the arm for suggesting such a thing, narrowing your eyes to show your distaste, but smiling so he knew you were just playing around. He got the message. "I'm only joking. You are my bodyguard and good friend, nothing more. Plus, if my father ever found out, he'd kill me for doing such a thing with an employee." He reassured with a grin. Technically he just friend-zoned you, but you couldn't care. You were more than happy with just his friend, and you weren't interested in a relationship with him anyway, even if he was pretty good looking.

You two then continued about your day as normal. Genji did whatever the hell he liked and you followed and protected him as you were supposed to. You had noticed recently that the brothers were falling out more often by the day, and they were no longer best friend as they had once been. It somewhat made sense though; Hanzo was mature and always had something to do. He was always trying his best to be the best leader possible. Genji on the other hand was always massing around and wasn't very mature. He practically drowned in luxuries and girls, today being no exception to that rule, and wasn't at all interested in running the clan with his brother. You just hoped that they would one day figure out a way for them to both be happy and get along again. However, that never happened.

A few weeks later, Sojiro passed away. The brothers mourned the loss of their beloved father, and you mourned with them. It was almost as if he knew he was at his end when he had spoken to you. Now, you were no longer under his employment, but Hanzo's. Now that his father was gone, the duty fell upon his shoulders to run the clan, but you were sure he wouldn't have much of an issue. He had worked for most of his life aspiring for this role, and now he finally had it. If anything went wrong however, he would always have the clan elders to look up to in times of need.

As the days went by, Hanzo became distant. He was far to busy to talk to you or his brother for longer than 10 seconds, or so it seemed. Genji felt left out, almost forgotten, and just wanted his brother back. He didn't drop his playboy lifestyle however, which annoyed the clan elders greatly. Unbeknown to you, they had given Hanzo a decision to make. Convince Genji to quit his fooling around and assist him in ruling the clan, or kill him. If he would not help, then he was no longer of any use to the clan; he would only be a distraction and a weakness. Hanzo of course tried to reason with them; he knew there was little to no way Genji would agree to help him, and he couldn't bring himself to kill his own flesh and blood, but they refused to change their minds. It had to be done.

That night, you were dismissed from duty and sent to bed to rest. When you woke up the next morning, the brothers were gone. All that was there in their wake was a ripped banner stained with blood and a matching floor. It almost looked like a murder scene, hell, it may well have been. Upon gazing into the room, you fell on your knees in tears. The one time the boys had needed you, you weren't there. You slept as they were attacked, possibly even kidnapped. You had failed them. The clan elders thought the exact same, and you were fired. You were to pack your things and leave Shimada Castle forever by sunset. You would be provided with one last wish for your service, but you were no longer of use to them.

Your last wish was to go home, so they made it so. They booked you a flight for 3:00 PM back to England, where you would most likely stay for a long while. You said your thanks and wished them well, and then left. Now what were you going to do?

(* Again, I know it's short, but the next chapter will make up for it, I promise! Also half term is now over and I am back at college, so my update schedule will be a bit more spaced out. Anyways, thanks for reading and an even bigger thanks for all the support! Loves ya all :) *)

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