Chapter 14

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As your taxi pulled up to your parents' driveway, you struggled to keep your red, sore and swollen eyes from releasing another wave of tears. The car stopped, and you got out. The driver opened the boot and grabbed the rest of your bags, helping you take them to the door. You promptly thanked him, handed over the money for your trip and wished him a good rest of the day, forcing a smile on your face to conceal the sorrow you felt that was taking over your body.

Grabbing your keys, you unlocked the door since you still had the spare key. Dragging your stuff inside and leaving it in the hallway, you could no longer fight your tears back, and let them flood down your face, running over the tear stains that were already there. Your mother came down the stairs to greet you, but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw you drop to the ground and sob uncontrollably.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N), what's the matter honey?" She asked, rushing to your side to comfort you. You hadn't yet told her the full story of why you had returned home in such short notice since you had been to overwhelmed to do so. You opened your mouth to answer her, but only let out a strangled hiccup. "Okay, let's calm down a bit first then. I'll help you take your stuff upstairs, and then I'll bring you some food since I just made some cakes." You nodded briefly, and stood up with the help of your mom, climbing the staircase to your old bedroom.

After about 20 minutes, you had managed to stop crying and sat on your bed hugging your knees. Your mom had sat with you the entire time to make sure you were okay, and your dad had come to sit with you as well a few minutes ago.

"Okay honey, tell us what's wrong. Why are you so upset?" Your mom asked soothingly. You sniffled and began to explain the best you could.

"So you know about Mr Shimada's sons right?"

"...Vaguely. Hanzo and Genji, wasn't it?" Your dad replied.

"Yeah. Well when I first arrived they were still pretty good friends, but over the years, they started to grow distant and they didn't talk much anymore. Genji kinda went a bit rouge if I'm honest." You began, pausing for a moment to snille again. "He started going out every night and bringing back random girl and doing who-knows-what...and a few weeks ago Mr Shimada died, so Hanzo was the new leader of the clan." You stopped to make sure your parents understood and weren't lost. They both nodded t you to continue, so you did. "Well the other night Hanzo was looking really sad for some reason...I still don't know was almost like he knew something was going to happen...but when I woke up the next morning, both of them were gone. Everyone thinks that they were assassinated in the night and they had a fight with someone, because the entire castle was normal except for one room..." You trailed off, your eyes once again filling with tears threatening to fall. "There was blood everywhere...the banner was ripped...there was a katana on the floor covered in blood...and...and the brothers were nowhere...they w-were gone..." You finished, bursting into tears once more. Your parents hugged you and comforted you for the rest of the night.

A few days later, you had finally finished crying, mainly because you had run out of tears. You had told yourself that there was no use in crying anyways; it wasn't like it was going to bring them back. You had more important things to worry about now, like finding a new job.

You had searched on the internet for hours, but nothing appealed to you. They were all either boring, didn't pay enough, or reminded you of Hanzo and Genji, so you eventually slammed down the screen of your laptop and gave up. It wasn't like you needed someone to employ you anyways, you had enough skill to make your own work. You already had plenty of money so you thought of ideas. Then it hit you. You could be an assassin. You were extremely well trained in combat now thanks to the Shimada's rigorous training program when you were a bodyguard, and you were quite stealthy. Plus you had sufficient funds to travel across the world if you needed to, so it was settled. You put up an advertisement for your services, and waited. After all, as long as there are at least two people left on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead.

You shouldn't have much of an issue with killing people anymore. After losing your two best friends and failing to be there for them when they needed you, even after betraying your masters and failing to do there one thing you were expected to do; guard and protect them, you didn't have a problem with going around the globe to end people's lives at a single whim. You had almost lost the ability to care at this point.

Sure enough, after a few weeks you had received an anonymous message requesting your services. You replied to them, saying that you were willing to do whatever they asked, to which they responded with a message telling you who, when and where to kill a guy named Ramon Zielinski, saying that he would pay you £25,000 if you were successful. With that, you booked a flight to Russia and a hotel room, and began planning the take-down. If everything went according to plan, this would be a piece of cake.

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