Chapter 9

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You woke up to a knock on your door the next morning. You forced yourself to get out from under the warm sheets to answer it. You slid the shoji screen open to see Sojiro looking rather worried.

"Good morning (Y/N). Are you okay?" He asked, looking you over to see if you were hurt.

"Yeah, I'm fine...did you need something?" You replied, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"My sons alerted me that you did not go to training this morning. I did think it strange that you didn't attend breakfast, but I became worried when they told me this so I came to check on you." Sojiro explained. You spun yourself around to look at your clock, and saw that it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. You had completely missed your training, and lunch would soon be over too.

"Oh shi-um sorry sir! I must've slept that entire time." You said quickly, bowing in apology towards your master. You hoped you wouldn't get into too much trouble for this.

"Do not fret. I will let you off this once since you have only been here a few days, but please try not to let it happen again." He said, giving you a smile so that you didn't feel as ashamed. "Although, if you would like some food, I would get come down to the dining hall soon. I'm sure you are rather hungry." You nodded in response.

"I'll be right down sir."

"I'm glad to hear it, and I'm sure my sons will be happy to see you are still alive." He joked. "I will leave you to it then. I hope to see you shortly." Sojiro finished before walking back down the hall. You slid your door shut again, and began getting ready for the day, making a mental note to set an alarm so that you didn't wake up late again, not to mention no more staying up extra late with Genji...

You walked around the corner to see everyone leaving the dining hall, so you ran in to make sure you could grab something to eat before it was too late, being careful not to run into anyone. You successfully managed to get a few sandwiches, which the kitchen staff kindly put into a small paper bag so that you could take them with you. You thanked them and decided to sit outside to eat.

As you sat on the grass in the garden, you took a bite of a sandwich and took in a deep breath of fresh air as you ate it. The garden was right in the middle of the estate, so you were surrounded by buildings. The main part of the Shimada Castle was behind you, where all the personal quarters, the kitchen and the dining hall where, amongst many other rooms. In front of you was the Dojo which was almost an entirely separate building aside from the pair of corridors either side of it that connected it to the main building. As you admired the fine structure, you noticed a shadow flash across the thin Tatami wall, though you couldn't make out what it was. It was most likely somebody working on their skills inside, so you dismissed it as such and continued eating without another thought. As you took another bite, you saw yet another shadow fly across the room. Now you were just curious. Was somebody throwing things around the room, or was that a person jumping to the other side of the Dojo? You stood up, eating the last bite of your lunch and calmly striding over to the sliding door, tucking the paper bag that had previously held your food into your pocket to dispose of later.

You stood just outside for a moment to see if you could hear anything that would tell you who was inside, after all, it might have been one of the guards and they might not want to be disturbed. As you listened, you heard not only one voice, but two. Ah, so it was someone duelling. You decided it was best not to walk inside, and instead spun on your heel to walk away, when the shoji screens were slid open behind you. You froze, not even daring to turn around and look at whoever had caught you.

"Ha, I knew I saw someone standing outside!" You heard the familiar voice of Genji exclaim. "And you thought I was lying to throw you off!" He shouted back to whoever else was inside the Dojo with him triumphantly.

"Hi Genji, I wasn't snooping around or anything, I promise. I was just wondering what was going on in here since I saw shadows flying across the room from outside." You explained, turning round to face him.

"Don't worry about it!" Genji replied with his signature grin. "I'm glad to see you. Hanzo and I thought something had happened to you this morning since you never showed up for training. A pity really, because I actually turned up on time for you." He finished, scowling at you playfully and crossing his arms for emphasis.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I accidentally slept in, but I'm not gonna let it happen again." You said bluntly.

"You better not! Anyway, would you like to come in? I saw you have nothing else on your schedule today, so you have plenty of time to chill." Genji offered, to which you agreed. You walked into the room and sat against the wall in the corner of the room. As you did so, you noticed the person who was with Genji. They weren't facing you, so you couldn't see their face, but they were wearing a short blue and black kimono top and white bottoms. Their hair was tied up in a loose low ponytail, kinda like Hanzo's...Oh my gosh it was Hanzo. He turned around, and you instantly felt stupid for not recognising him. I mean, the only thing different about him was his clothes, so it's not like he looked completely different. Now you thought about it, Genji was dressed differently too. He was wearing a black kimono top with the arms ripped off, a green T-shirt underneath it, a green scarf and black bottoms, but he was still sporting his classic metal band on his forehead and that spiky green hair you had grown to love. You had to say, the boy's outfits suited them well, and it was a nice change from the typical Clan uniforms they usually wore.

"Greetings (Y/N). I am glad to see you are well." Hanzo said briefly before turning to his brother. "Okay Genji. Are you ready?"

"Of course Anija. I am always ready to spar with you." Genji replied with a smirk. The brothers took their stances, and began to brawl. You couldn't tell who was winning; they were both so evenly matched, though Hanzo did seem to have a slight advantage. The fight went on for a while, and you noticed that Hanzo wasn't tiring out as he had when you had fought him. Clearly he had been working on improving that, which didn't surprise you since you had learned he was a perfectionist.

As you continued to watch the brothers spar, you noticed that both of them were extremely agile. The boys managed to jump high into the air to dodge the other, sometimes even performing little flips and somersaults, which you had to admit was quite impressive. Hanzo clearly hadn't been giving his all defence-wise when you battled him the other day, because you hadn't witnessed any of this. Eventually, Hanzo pinned Genji to the ground and claimed victory over his younger brother.

"Well done Genji, despite your lack of presence in training, you have improved greatly." Hanzo huffed, helping his brother up.

"Arigatō Anija. I'm glad you agreed to spar with me. We haven't done this in a long time." Genji beamed, patting his older brother on the back.

"Wow, you two are amazing! I didn't know you could fight like that, especially you, Master Hanzo." You said, standing up from your spot on the floor with a smile.

"Hey, since we are all free for the rest of the day, how would you two feel about going to Rikimaru's for dinner tonight?" Genji suggested, earning a distasteful look from Hanzo.

"Who's now?" You asked, unfamiliar.

"Rikimaru's. It's a Ramen shop just outside the gates. Hanzo used to take me there all the time when we were younger, but we haven't been there in a while." Genji explained, looking at his brother hopefully.

"Sure, I'd love to go. What about you Hanzo?" You said, also looking at Hanzo expectantly. His face clearly told you that he didn't want to, but he agreed to tag along, claiming that he was only coming to make sure you two didn't get into trouble. You couldn't wait; never had you thought you'd be going out for dinner with the Shimada brothers, much less to a Ramen shop of all places.

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