Chapter 19

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After your brief chat with Hanzo, you had suggested that you both meet up sometime for a proper catch-up. He was noticeably hesitant towards the idea, but agreed in the end. You suggested that you met somewhere local since you hadn't been in Japan for a while and were planning on staying there for a few days anyway, and Hanzo suggested a bar in the town, so that was where you were now. You sat at a table near the back of the room, waiting patiently for him to arrive. You had turned up a little earlier than you had arranged because you knew how Hanzo had a habit of arriving earlier than he needed to.

You heard the sound of the heavy wooden doors opening, accompanied by a cool rush of air entering the establishment. Turning your head towards the door, you saw the familiar frame of the Shimada striding over to you. You smiled and greeted the man.

"Konbanwa Hanzo. Genki desu ka?" You said smoothly, eyes scanning Hanzo's face for a reaction. In all the time you had known him, you had only ever spoken Japanese two or three times. That was mostly due to the fact that you didn't know much of the language, but Genji had given you a few lessons in the language in your spare time, so you thought you'd try it out. You watched as Hanzo sat in the chair adjacent to yours, his eyes narrowing. Oh no...did you say something wrong? Did you anger him?

"Watashi wa genkidesu. Anata wa utsukushī." He replied, his expression calm and composed as ever. You on the other hand had your brows furrowed in confusion; you had no clue what the hell he just said. Letting out a huff of air, you rolled your eyes in defeat.

"Yeah, no clue what that means." You said, allowing a grin to once more shape your features. Hanzo let out a chuckle in response.

"Hm, I thought not. I found it unusual that you would speak in my first language since you have rarely ever done so in the past, so I thought I would test you a little." He said, flashing a rare smile towards you that showed off his annoyingly perfect teeth. "That aside, I am well. I suppose you've ordered a drink for yourself?"

"Nope, not yet. I was waiting for you to get here first. I thought it might be a bit insulting if I got something before you." You said.

"I appreciate the gesture, but it is unnecessary. If you were still under my employment, yes, it would've been quite rude of you to drink before your superior, but that is no longer the case." Hanzo explained, his face morphing back to it's usual neutral state. You nodded your head in acknowlegement.

"I suppose we should order something then, huh?"

"I suppose so." Hanzo agreed with a curt nod of his own head. "What do you want?" You scanned the large menu boards that sat above the bar, searching for something that took your fancy. Hanzo did the same.

"What's Umeshu?" You asked, intrigued.

"It is a sweet liquor made by steeping ume fruits in alcohol and sugar. It is also quite sour though. I've never really liked it much, but it is said that even people who do not have a liking for alcohol have enjoyed both the taste and aroma of it, so there is a fairly good chance you will like it." Hanzo answered.

"Sounds alright to me." You said with a shrug of your shoulders.

"Very well. I'll be back in a moment." He said, standing once more and going over to the bar to order. As he said, he was back shortly after with two glasses in his strong hands. He placed one down in front of you and one in front of himself.

"Thanks. What did you get? If you don't mind me asking of course." You said.

"Saké, a personal favourite of mine. I'll try not to drink too much though, since it is very easy to become intoxicated when drinking this." Hanzo said. You hoped he wouldn't actually get had no clue what Hanzo was like drunk, and he was already difficult sober. Plus, if he somehow ended up plastered, there was little to no way you'd be able to get him back home, or to your hotel room if it was necessary.

As the night went on, Hanzo kept to his word and only drank small amounts of his beverage to keep himself in a decent state. You on the other hand had completely tossed all sense out the window and had drank loads. And I mean loads. Forget about Hanzo, you were drunk as hell by this point, so much so that Hanzo refused to let you drink anymore for both your sake and his. He eventually came to the conclusion that it wasn't safe to let you go back to your hotel alone, and so when the time came to leave, he basically dragged you back to his place instead. That way he knew you were safe.

God were you going to regret this when you woke up the next morning.

(*Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in...almost four weeks...oopsie. I'll try and get back on a schedule of updating every weekend, and I'll post a few extra chapters this week to make up for those that I missed.

That aside, thank you all so much for the support! So many people have read and added this story on Quotev, and I've had so many people that have voted and added this here on Wattpad! And I can't even begin to thank you all for the amazing comments on both platforms! Thank you all so much! xx *)

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