Chapter 17

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You had now been an assassin for about 5 years, and had become a popular choice in the profession. If some shady guy wanted someone dead, the chances were in your favour that they would turn to you for the job. You were earning a more than satisfactory amount of money from doing this, so you had not once seen any need to quit.

In all the years you had been doing this, you hadn't once seen that mysterious man whom you had assumed was Hanzo again. It was almost as if he was avoiding you or something, though it was more likely that he didn't want to cross paths again for professional reasons. After all, two assassins on the same job was not ideal. At this point, you had completely forgotten about your meeting, and had given up on hoping to meet him again, even that he was still alive in the first place. You were once again in the same mindset as you had been previous to your run-in, but less emotional. However, that was about to change. Hard.

Your mission for today was to kill the leader of a local protest back in Japan, and you were moderately excited for it. You hadn't gone back to Japan in years, so you thought you would stay for a while and enjoy your time there since it was more or less your second home.

Whilst you didn't really agree with the concept of killing the guy who was leading a group of people for a good cause, money was money and you needed to get payed at the end of the day. This group of protesters were walking around the city of Tokyo today, so you were going to have to kill the guy in broad daylight. This mean you had to be quick and stealthy, so it should be fairly easy as long as no one got in your way.

You were somewhat nervous about this mission however, as your client had specifically said that she had eyes everywhere, and if you didn't get the job done properly, she would make your life hell. To you, this meant that she had spies all over the city watching your every move, so you had to do this efficiently.

An hour later, you were sat next to a broken window on the top floor of an abandoned house nearby a park. If all went well, the protesters should walk straight through here and give you a clear shot of their leader since he would be parading at the front of the group. You soon heard the sound of footsteps and chanting in the distance, showing you that they were on their way. Perfect. Loading a fatal bullet into your weapon, you waited with baited breath for the protesters to arrive withing your sights.

Suddenly, you heard the sound of footsteps on the roof.

"What the hell..." You thought aloud before you were pinned to the ground by an unknown assailant. You attempted to throw them off of you, to find that their grip was too strong and they were far to heavy for you to do so. Sighing in defeat, you stopped struggling.

"What the fuck are you doing?" You growled, angry that this person was stopping you from completing your task. Your assailant said nothing. "Well? What's the big deal? Why the hell are you preventing me from moving, huh?" You spat, lifting your head to look this person in the eyes. Your mouth fell agape. No way...

"Why are you looking at me like that?" A husky male voice finally spoke back. Your eyes were wide, searching for any sign that your senses were lying to you. It couldn't's impossible...

"Well? Are you just going to stare at me?" He spoke once more, glaring at you. That confirmed it for you. In all your years, you could never forget that look.

"Hanzo..." You whispered, hoping he would confirm your thoughts. His eyes widened before looking away from you. "It really is you, isn't it?" You asked. His face turned back to yours.

"Yes. What about it?" He said. You felt like you could cry. He was alive, even after all these years. Hanzo Shimada wasn't dead. Unable to help yourself, you threw your arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"What on earth are you doing? Release me!" Hanzo demanded, so you obeyed.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you back home?" You asked. He just gave you a look of confusion in response, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't return to Shimada Castle. There is no longer a place for me there. That aside, why do you ask me this?" He answered, raising his voice slightly and narrowing his eyes once more.

"Come on Hanzo, why wouldn't I ask you that?" You replied with a smile, hoping he would stop being so defensive. He continued to glare at you. "You...Don't you remember me or something?"

"Frankly, no." He replied simply. Taking a deep breath, you opened your mouth to explain.

"I was your bodyguard, remember? (Y/N)?"

"I remember (Y/N), yes. But I do not recognise you." He said, scanning your face. Did he really not recognise you? Surely you hadn't changed that much.

"Okay. Fine, I guess. Well, if you take the time to talk to me for a bit longer, I'll prove it." You said, your thoughts turning back to the protesters that were now about to walk past the building. Throwing Hanzo off you, successfully this time since he wasn't making any effort to hold you in place anymore, you grabbed your weapon and your bullet, and immediately took aim, shooting the leader directly in the head. You watched him fall to the ground and bleed on the pavement below his body for a moment, before turning back to Hanzo.

"Well, that aside, I suppose if you're still alive, Genji must be around somewhere." You stated. Hanzo, immediately looked away and crossed his arms.

"May we speak of something else?" He asked, his voice laced with sadness.

"Okay, sure..." You replied. Was Genji actually dead or something? Regardless, at least you had one brother back. As soon as you managed to convince Hanzo that it was really you, you were going to make sure that you didn't fail him again, especially if you wouldn't get a second chance with Genji.

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