Chapter 21

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As soon as you arrived back at your hotel room, you shut and locked the door behind you. Leaning against it, you allowed your pent-up emotions to reveal themselves now that you were alone. You allowed your legs to give way beneath you, and slowly slid down the door and onto the floor, sobbing. You repeated the same sentence in your head over and over again; 'How could he do this...Why would he do this...'. You just couldn't understand it. You let your hands ball up into fists as rage began to course throughout your system once more, letting it out in one final burst by squeezing your eyes shut and slamming your right fist into the wall beside you. Opening your eyes, you looked at the wall to see a noticeable dent in the foundation. 'Agh...fuck!' You cursed mentally. Great, more hotel bill to pay for damaged property. Just what you needed to make your day better. Letting out a long sigh, you pulled yourself up from the floor and walked over to your bed, collapsing onto it. Soon enough, you felt fatigue overcome your body, and you drifted off to sleep.

You sat beneath a large sakura tree, watching the wind caress the beautiful blossoms at the tip of each branch as they fluttered. You felt a presence next to you, and turned your head to see the youthful face of Genji.

"Hey Genji?" You asked. He hummed in response. "Could you tell me the legend of the two dragons again?"

"Sure." Genji said with a grin. He had always loved this story.

"Long ago, there were two great dragon brothers; the Dragon of the North Wind, and the Dragon of the South Wind. Together, they upheld balance and harmony in the heavens. But the two brothers argued over who could better rule their land. Their quarrel turned to rage and their violent struggle darkened skies, until the Dragon of the South Wind struck down his brother. The Dragon of the North Wind fell to earth, shattering the land. The Dragon of the South Wind had triumphed, but as time passed, he realised his solitude, and the sweetness of victory turned to ash. For years after this, the bereathed dragon's grief threw the world into discord, and he only knew bitterness and sorrow. One day, a stranger called up to the great dragon, and asked 'Oh great dragon lord, why are you so distraught?'. The dragon replied, 'Seeking power, I killed my brother. But without him, I am lost.'. The stranger replied 'You have inflicted wounds upon yourself, but now you must heal. Walk the earth on two feet as I do, find value in humility, then you will find peace.'. The dragon knelt upon the ground. For the first time, he was able to clearly see the world around him, and he became human. The stranger then revealed himself to be his fallen brother. Reunited, the two set out to rebuild what they had once destroyed."

You smiled and quietly clapped. "Arigato, domo arigato." He said in response, bowing his head. You both laughed and stared up at the endless sky for a moment.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Genji said. You turned your head to face him once more. He was looking down with a sad look.

"What's up?" You replied, scooting your body around a bit so you were completely facing him.

"Has Hanzo been acting any different around you lately?" He asked, looking up at you. You shook your head. "Oh...well I'm not sure if you heard, but we've been fighting a lot lately. I don't know why he suddenly hates me, but he does."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you. You're his little brother. He's probably just stressed or something and doesn't quite know how to handle it." You replied in an attempt to comfort him.

"Maybe..." Genji sighed. "Well either way, I still love him. He's the best big brother I could ask for, even if he is really uptight and boring." He finished, earning a laugh from you.

"Good." You said, turning back to watch the stars again. As you two sat in silence, you allowed your thoughts to race around in your head. Then it struck you. You remembered that the brother's conflict never ended, and Genji was going to meet his demise if you didn't say anything. You snapped your head to face him and opened your mouth.

"Genji, I need to tell you something. Like, now." You said frantically. Genji just sat there against the tree, staring into the sky as if you hadn't even said anything. "Genji! This is really important!" Again, no response. It was like you were talking to a wall. "Hanzo isn't going to stop being mad at you, and if you don't listen to me, bad things are going to happen. Please, listen to me!" You shouted, tears welling up in your eyes when you were met with no response once more. You reached over to grab him by the shoulders and force him to look at you, but you couldn't. Your hands just went through him, like he wasn't even there.

You continued to shout at him until you heard footsteps behind you. Looking back, you saw Hanzo with a katana held in his strong hands. "Genji!" You shouted once more, scared for his life. "Get up! Run! Please!" you continued screaming at him in a vain attempt to change his fate. Finally, he turned his head.

"Oh, hey Han.." He started to say before Hanzo thrust his katana into his body. You watched as he mercilessly cut at Genji, and as the grass beneath the sakura tree became tainted with blood as it poured out of his body and he lost all colour in his face. Tears were streaming down your face as you watched Hanzo walk away from Genji's amalgamated, lifeless body. You snap your head towards Hanzo as he walks away. "Oi! What the fuck Hanzo?! Why?!" you scream, dropping to your knees. Hanzo turns his head towards you and simply says...

"It is none of your concern."

He then walks up to you and raises his katana to kill you too.

As the sword pierces your skin, you jump up in a cold sweat. You are back in your hotel room lying in bed. The covers are halfway on the floor from you kicking them in your sleep. You raise a hand up to your forehead and look down the hallway. There is still a dent in the wall from where you hit it shortly before going to sleep, telling you that the events of today weren't also a terrible nightmare, much to your dismay. You're still pretty tired, but you aren't going back to sleep in fear that you'll have another nightmare, so you instead sit at the corner of the bed and make a plan.

(*Hey guys! I am so sorry for the wait, I meant to update sooner but it just never happened. I'm going to stop making promises I can't deliver from now on, so I'm just going to update every once in a while. I promise I'm not going to stop writing chapters though, so you're all just gonna have to be a little patient with me, sorry!*)

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