Chapter 5

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After you finished your food and everyone had began leaving the dining hall, you got up to put your dirty dishes on one of the kitchen racks for the maids to deal with later, and made your way to the door. Most of the staff had left by now, so you were one of the last people to leave. Just as you got to the doorway however, you heard a voice call you from behind. You swiftly swung your body around too see who it was, and saw Sojiro looking at you expectantly. You walked over and bowed in respect.

"You called me sir?" You asked politely.

"I did. Would you care to take a seat briefly? I have something to discuss with you." The man said with a comforting smile. You nodded your head and sat down, making sure you were not sat in either of his sons seats as it didn't feel right to sit in one of your master's chairs, and it may well have been disrespectful. "Okay." Sojiro began. "We are to have a meeting with a fellow clan tomorrow morning at Eleven. Normally, our bodyguards would accompany both myself and my sons in the meeting room for protective purposes. Now, I am aware that you are not yet fully working, but I think that you should attend as part of your training." He noticed that you had began to look nervous, so he was quick to comfort you. "Do not look so worried (Y/N), you will not be expected to do anything more than stand near the table." He said with a reassuring smile. "You will have to dress accordingly however. I have sent one of the maids to fetch you a suit, which should be pressed and prepared for the morning so you will not have to spend too long adjusting it. I will gladly send someone to assist you if you require help putting it on though, all you have to do is find someone to give me the message. Now, you should probably get some rest, I wouldn't want you to turn up tired after all." He finished, gesturing towards the door to signal that you were pardoned.

With that you stood up and thanked him, before seeing yourself out. This was definitely going to test your patience.

You woke up the next morning at 08:00 AM sharp, and immediately ran down to get some food. After all, it was going to be easier to eat now and get dressed afterwards, just in case you accidentally spilled something on your clothes. After a brief meal, you ran back up to your room, which was quite a feat since you had to sprint up three flights of stairs, and took out the suit you were supposed to be wearing. It was again very well fitted to your body, and looked really expensive. So much so, you almost felt bad for wearing it. It included a pair of trousers and a waistcoat with the Shimada Clan sigil embroidered onto the back. It was black with gold hemming on the sides and the edges of the pockets. You pulled on a white button-up shirt to wear underneath, and then slowly pulled on the trousers as you didn't want to rip or fray them somehow. You had also been provided with a pair of black dress shoes, which were already polished and had gold accenting on them too. With yourself dressed and almost ready to go, you decided to style your hair nicely since you still had n hour and a half to kill. You swept it back and sprayed it so you wouldn't have any stray locks of hair floating around.

You finally looked at yourself in the mirror to see how you looked, and your jaw almost dropped. You could barely recognise yourself you looked so smart. With a confident smile, you left your room to see if you could find anyone before the meeting started. Genji sounded like the perfect candidate, so you headed for his room. Along the way, you caught a quick glance at Hanzo leaving his room, and damn he looked sharp. He was wearing a suit that was very similar to yours, but personalised to his liking. It didn't have gold trimming like yours; his was just plain black. His waistcoat and trousers where made from striped black fabric, and the sides of the waistcoat where a royal blue colour. His shirt was two colours; white on the left and black on the right, with embellishments on either arm in that same royal blue. He also wore a blue tie and a pair of black gloves to tie off the look, and you had to admit you were impressed.

"Are you done staring?" Hanzo asked suddenly, which took you off guard since you hadn't realised you had been looking at him that entire time.

"Oh! Um...yeah. Sorry, Master Hanzo, I just wasn't expecting to see you, much less looking so smart." You said with a nervous smile. You hoped the compliment would put him in a better mood so he didn't scold you, and apparently it worked. You saw the faintest sliver of a smile pull at his lips before he replied.

"Arigatō. I must say I am impressed by how you look as well. My father did a good job picking formal wear for you." He said, nodding his head slightly in approval. "That aside, I was just on my way to the meeting room. I assume you were heading there also?" You nodded your head. True, that wasn't where you were going at all, but you thought there wasn't much point going to find Genji now. Besides, knowing him, he'd probably turn up late anyways.

What happened next surprised you greatly. Hanzo laughed. Well, it was more of a quiet chuckle, but still, he was clearly amused. "You were heading the wrong way. The meeting room is that way, and it is on the ground floor regardless." Hanzo clarified, pointing down the hall towards the stairway in the opposite way from where you were originally going.

"Oh..." You said as you felt heat rushing to your face in embarrassment. "Well in that case, would you care to show me the way, Master Hanzo?" You asked, looking up at him hopefully. Hanzo smiled in response and nodded in agreement, before striding off towards your destination. You eagerly followed him, walking just behind him as you attempted to match his strides.

Turns out Genji wasn't lying when he said Hanzo was nicer when he was by himself, not under the eyes of others. Maybe you would end up taking a liking to the elder Shimada brother after all. Maybe Genji wouldn't even need to have a word with his brother as he said he would, which was probably for the better if you were honest. After all, you didn't want to get caught up in a fight between the two.

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