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"Don't look down just climb up and kill this fucking b-." Iseki's words were cut short when the gull bit into his finger and shook his hand free. He let out a yell as they plummeted towards the water. He pulled Reyna to his chest. "Hold your breath!" He yelled over the wind. "And close your eyes!"

Reyna let out a real high pitched scream as she fell. She gasped to fill her lungs before they hit the water and clenched her blue eyes shut as he instructed. She had no idea what this water held or it's temperature. But whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

Iseki rolled in the air so he would hit the water first with a loud painful splash. He felt a rib crack from the impact but refused to let his breath out. The ice cold was som he wasn't fully prepared for. He opened his eyes once they were under the water and started kicking for the surface still holding on to Reyna. Once their heads broke the surface he yelled. "Fuckkk! That's too cold!" He yelled. "You'd think it would be somewhat warm what with sitting in the damn suns all day."

As soon as the water hit her skin, Reyna gasped with how cold it was. It was like throwing her body into shock and she felt like a goldfish. She kicked for the surface to try to help and sucked in a breath of air once she reached the surface. "Holy fuck!" She managed to complain. She pushed away from him not unkindly so she could swim on her own. Her whole body was ice and she used a hand to splash a bit and push her hair out of her face. She instantly looked around for where to swim to. She didn't know about whatever race he was but she wouldn't be able to stand this cold for long.

Iseki gasped for more air and looked up at the sky before starting to swim. "This way!" He called. (We need to get out of the water as fast as possible.) He worried. He could swear he felt something watching them.

Reyna wasted no time in swimming as hard and as fast as she could in the direction he was heading. She prayed it wasn't far. Her teeth chattered as she swam, her baggy shirt clinging to her front and only slightly hindering her arms. She just wanted a warm blanket and to get out of the water safely. Whatever lived in it she wanted no part in.

Iseki looked back at her just in time to see a large fin dip under the water. He paled and turned back. "Keep going as fast as you can!" He yelled. "We've got company!" (Fuck where'd it go?) He thought with panic as he looked around in the water.

Reyna did not like the sound of that. She forced her aching muscles to move faster against the stitch in her side and pushed herself harder. "How much further?" She asked with a mixture of worry and hope.

Iseki opened his mouth to speak when he was pulled under water by a massive toothy serpent like fish. He struggled against it as hard as he could, ripping into it with his claws. (Fuck fuck fuck fuckkk!) He thought as it thrashed about trying to rip him to shreds.

Reyna didn't know what she was supposed to do. "Iseki!" She called when he went under. She stopped swimming and took a deep breath before dipping under the water to try to find him and help him. She couldn't just abandon him.

Blood was quickly pooling everywhere in a big cloud around them. Finally he managed to rip an eye out of the fish and go for the brain. He was released and he scrambled to swim to the surface where he spotted Reyna looking for him he motioned for her to keep moving as a bigger fish snatched the first one behind him.

Reyna nodded so he knew she understood, her face full of concern. She kicked her way to the surface and took a breath before swimming hard for the shore. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she never thought she would be so terrified of a fish. But more than that she was worried for Iseki.

Iseki broke the surface and gasped for air painfully. He ignored the pain and swam hard for land. A fog that was in front of them slowly cleared to reveal the shore. The bright and various colors belay the turmoil inside yet he'd never been more happy to see it in his life. (If we can just make it before anything else spots us we'll be okay.) He thought as he swam hard.

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