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"I will always want that life with you. But I'm not unreasonable." Caleb said softly. "With just the knowledge of the different lives and memories of each. They have all changed. So regardless our life together wouldn't be the same. None of them would."

Reyna nodded with understanding. She couldnt help but smirk. He could be very unreasonable when he wanted to be. "I think youre the only one of us thats realized that. Look at you being all smart. Whod have thought?" She teased with a smirk still toying with the corners of her mouth.

Caleb rolled his eyes. "Somebody has to, pervert." He teased back with a smirk. "You only think like a deviant." He laughed then. He wanted her right then and there. He wasn't sure what the other visions held but he was confident the sex wasn't as good.

Reyna couldnt help but giggle then. "You like that i think like a deviant. Somebody has to." She teased easily. This was the best case scenario for her. For all of the men. That they would use their nicknames and reference their jokes they had shared. And be open to waiting with her. It was so easy to just fall right back into it with caleb.

Caleb smirked and grabbed her hand and pulled her into an alleyway before kissing her deeply. "You're damn right I like that you're a pervert." He said between kisses.

Reyna smiled against his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. She giggled again then. "You say im the pervert. But all of these empty houses and you choose an alley. Whats that say about you?" She reasoned with amusement, moving her lips to his neck.

Caleb smirked as he started kissing her neck. "I'm just giving you what you want." He said as he ran his hands over her body hungrily.

Reyna whimpered under his touch and melted against him. Her heart was already hammering in her chest. She ground her hips against his in her short white dress. She could feel his hands on her bare skin up her sides where the dress lacing didnt quite make the material meet. The fact that it was the only thin piece of material between her and his touch was both exciting and frustrating.

Caleb couldn't wait any longer. He pulled himself free and started rubbing himself on her. "How bad do you want it?" He asked in a husky whisper.

Reyna moaned and dug at his shoulders with her fingertips in an attempt to get him to pick her up. "Dont be an asshole." She pleaded.

Caleb smirked. "You love it." He said seductively in her ear before lifting her and pressing her to the wall. He continued kissing her neck as his hardness ever so lightly grazed her tenderness.

Reyna whimpered again at the feel of him. She knew he was getting off on teasing her. "Please?" She purred seductively. She knew he wasnt going to stop until she begged. And it was such an odd thing. She had never had sex with him before but the comfortability was still there as if she had.

Caleb smirked and slammed into her and felt a sense of relief he'd become addicted to in their life together. He started pumping with a groan from deep inside his chest. (This is home.) He thought as he grabbed the thread. He didn't remember they hadn't tied the knot and overwhelming feelings can travel to the others.

Reyna gasped when he slammed into her. And she was overwhelmingly relieved. It was something none of the other men seemed to understand about her even in their visions together. She liked sex. And sometimes she even needed it. It shut her brain off and let her have some peace from her problems for some time. And it even helped her come back to what was bothering her with a fresh mind. Almost like sleep. And if she ever needed it before she needed it now. Everything that was weighing heavy on her washed away and she felt peace and ease wash over her. She moved her hips on his and didnt expect him to last long. This wasnt their shared future together. This was the now him that probably hadnt had sex since his wife died. She knew he had grabbed the thread when his pleasure was added to hers and she caught his thought that he was home. Her breathing was ragged and she cried out with every thrust he put into her, in pure ecstasy.

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