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Brodan nodded. "You will not regret this." He said as he stood up. "The people of this world are in desperate need of hope. You can be that hope."
Iseki leaned in close as the big guy walked back over to the others. "Okay not exactly how I imagined that conversation going." He whispered. "The plan still on or what? Just let me know I'm with ya."

Reyna smiled at Iseki and reached out to squeeze his hand again. It was her way of letting him know that the plan was still on, she was still with him. Without the others being able to hear them. "Alright then. Where are we supposed to be going now?" She asked the group, letting go of iseki's hand.

Iseki nodded in understanding as he looked at the others curiously as she spoke.
"Well we have to meet up with the others in maldaven. Then head to the base so the leader of the resistance can tell us what to do next." Sunlaw said casually. He turned to leave then. "Well stop and rest in maldaven first. Then we'll be on the road for a couple weeks."

Reyna did her best not to scoff. They had to go and report to a leader? Didn't that sort of defeat the purpose of her entirely? None of this made any sense to her. She started walking with them anyway. Hopefully they found a flower before they got to this stupid resistance headquarters. Nothing about it sounded like she ever wanted to go there. It seemed shady to her. But she had already been accused of not understanding so she wasn't going to ask any questions. Besides it didn't matter anyway. Her and iseki would be out of this fucked world soon.

Iseki leaned in close. "Okay so do you remember all the colors of the portal flower that brought you here? Because and difference and we'll end up in a different world." He whispered. "I'd really like to get to your world not some prehistoric prison world." The others were talking amongst themselves in front of them as they started moving out.

Reyna nodded. "Yes. It was blue. With bright pinkish purple under petals and pokey bits. And then the tops were orange like matches." She explained. She didn't understand why after waiting for so long, none of these people were actually interested in talking to her. You'd think a long lost princess would Atleast solicit some introductions and names. But she was fine with them ignoring her. That she was used to. "Is that all I need to remember?"

Iseki nodded. "Yep the colors decide what world they go to. So as long as we get our hands on a portal flower with the same colors we'll be alright." He whispered optomistically. The giant slowed up to speak with her. "My name is Brodan the beast. The fairilten woman's name is Ms Sylvie." He said in his deep voice. "What was the world like that you were sent to?"

Reyna nodded at Iseki before brodan moved to speak with her. She looked up at him when he did and blinked, keeping her eyes on his face. "That's a bit of a broad question. But to sum it up there's only humans. No magic. No red threads. No horns wings or tails. No king. And high technology." She figured that about summed it up.

Brodan looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Wow. No magic or Kings? How do they survive without these things?" He said amazed. Iseki rolled his eyes. (Sorry not sorry big guy. I'm getting that ticket out of here not you.) Iseki thought. "You say there's no magic in that world but you have magic deep inside of yourself." Sunlaw said casually as they walked.

Reyna ran a hand through her hair. "We have a president instead of a king. Everyone gets to vote for who we want to lead us. And where I'm from there's a different ruler for every country." She explained. "And are you saying I'm not human and get cool abilities? Because otherwise there's absolutely no magic here." She added to the man with the forehead mark.

Brodan didn't know what to make of that. "Wow. Maybe we could be like that after the revolution?" He said thoughtfully.
Sunlaw chuckled. "You are royalty. And with that comes magic. No one really knows for sure if royals are really human or just look like them. But yes. You have power deep inside of you." He explained casually. "You've spent too long away from your home world. We will try our best to educate you on it."
(I was doing just fine till you came along.) Iseki thought.

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