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Reyna made her way down the long stone corridor towards the courtyard. Her shoes echoed against the walls as her blue eyes searched side hallways when she passed them. Her crown was heavy atop her head but was firmly secured to her long blonde hair with pins. Once in the courtyard, the sounds of birds could be heard as they flew through the springtime air. It was finally starting to get warm out so everyone was trying to find excuses to come outside. She followed the covered stone path that led around the edge of the courtyard with a furrowed brow. But then she spotted him finally and her face lit up. With a mischievous grin she tiptoed her way across the courtyard towards him, hiding behind pillars and trees or whatever she could find as she went, biting back a giggle. Once she finally saw an opportunity she finished sneaking her way up to him. Her hands eased around his healed horns and pressed gently over his eyes. "Guess who." She requested playfully with a small giggle, her hands still covering his eyes.

Anoch laughed and quickly spun to plant a kiss on Reyna's lips affectionately. "I guess the love of my life." He said smiling. The crescent moon on his forehead seemed to glow brighter when she was near. "I was just teaching zavian some new tricks." He said fondly as a little blue horned boy with blonde hair ran over to them happily.

"Mommy mommy look." He said excitedly. His little body was practically bouncing with energy and excitement as he held out a little glass flower to her.

"Seems he's got artistic talent." Anoch said smiling. "Don't know where he gets that from."

Reyna kissed him back happily before kneeling down in front of her son. Every time she looked at him he seemed more and more beautiful. She still remembered anoch going over lists of names with her from this world. For weeks every day all day he would just say a name when he thought of one to suggest. Until they finally decided on zavian. And it was as perfect as he was. She looked at the flower with awe before taking it from him. "Wow. Its beautiful baby." She said with amazement before planting a kiss on his head. She stood back up then and laughed. "Absolutely not me in the slightest bit." She said with amusement. She had no artistic talent at all. She kept the flower in her hand and placed her free hand on the top of her growing stomach. It was just big enough now to rest a hand on. But not big enough to hinder her sneaking up on anoch. "You both are so very talented." She complimented.

Anoch laughed. "I think our son has just been spending a lot of time with uncle Iseki." He said smiling. "That man has some serious artistic talent. By the way he finished the mural last night." Anoch was proud that Reyna had kept her word and stuck with Iseki even as friends. She'd stayed friends with all of them and even found them places at court. He remembered Reyna's face when she found out Iseki had his talent. And even more so how happy she was when Anoch suggested he and Sylvie be the god parents of their children. "So I'm thinking this one will be a girl." He said grinning as he kissed her growing belly lovingly. He almost chuckled at the memory of her shock at how easy it actually was to birth their son. She'd been so worried about the horns for nothing. The worst part of the whole thing had been the food cravings.

Reyna giggled and pet the top of her stomach when he kissed it. "Of course its a girl. Sylvie already told me its a girl." She said matter of factly with a smile. She moved to wrap her arm around his lower back and press some of her weight against his side. "And i was thinking. If it is a girl. What about the name Poppy?" She asked, looking at him expectantly for his thoughts on the name. She had never known if she even wanted children or not. But once she saw zavian it was all over. Her heart would never be the same after loving a child as much as she did. And anoch as always was supportive through the whole thing. He was really more than a husband. He was her partner in all things. With his encouragement and words of wisdom always at the right times. He ruled with her and helped her understand the laws and what was best. They shared the same goals and desires for everything in their life. She never thought it possible to share so much of the weight of not only ruling but life with someone. But he made it so easy. And seeing how good of a father he was only made her love him more.

Anoch smiled affectionately at her. The love was shown in his eyes. He owed everything to her. She literally completed him and made him whole. "Poppy huh?" He said mulling over the name. "I like it." He said smiling. He was always impressed with how quickly she adapted to this world and how well she ruled. The people absolutely adored her. Even more so than her parents. Every decision she made just only served to make him more proud of her. He remembered how nervous she was when she first took over. Now she had an air of confidence about her. She'd shaped the world in a whole new way. Where equality was everywhere. The people even stopped hating the kanis when she declared them a protected race. The peace known to the realm now was amazing. Sure there were days when it was overwhelming for both of them but together they could get through anything.

Reyna lit up when he said he liked the name. She leaned up and pressed an affectionate kiss to his cheek. He always made her so happy. She loved their life here together. And he was such a natural at everything he set his mind to. But most of all she loved the time they spent together like this. As just a family. Or the time they got at night just the two of them. They could curl up with eachother and read and just be content in eachothers presence. "Good. So do I." She said with amusement looking up at him. Even after all this time he was still exceptionally handsome. "Maybe this one will have your hair hm?" She asked idly with a smile.

Anoch chuckled and smiled. "Maybe. I mean she is guaranteed to be good looking if she has any of your attributes." He said grinning. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her affectionately.

"Ew kissing is gross." Zavian said making a disgusted face.

Anoch chuckled. "What this kissing?" He asked before showering Reyna in kisses. The little boy giggled and ran off making disgusted sounds.

Anoch thought idly how happy he was with her. And how she only seemed to become more and more beautiful with age.

Reyna rolled her eyes when he kissed her before looking down at zavian with amusement. She giggled when he started kissing her more causing zavian to flee.  "Now look what youve done. You went and scared our son away." She teased affectionately.

Anoch laughed. "Well I guess we better go get him then." He said smiling. "Sylvie should be here soon for his nature studies. Then I have something I would like to discuss with you in private." He gave her a little smirk then to let her know what he had in mind. He'd never been one for physical affection until he met her. But now he couldn't get enough of her. He ran his hand affectionately up her back as he spotted their son playing in the garden with some of his toys.

Reyna giggled. "Ah yes. Private affairs. Of utmost importance. Negotiations and whatnot. Cant possibly be rescheduled. And most definetly have to be discussed in private. Preferably in our chambers. Do not disturb for any reason." She said seriously with a nod as if she were explaining it to someone on staff. She cracked a smile then. She wouldnt have been able to rule without him. He let her see that she didnt have to change or lose her playful side to be queen. She could still be herself and be happy. She started walking towards zavian then and put her arm around him as well, resting her head on his shoulder.

Anoch sighed exaggeratedly. "Ah yes the life of those who rule." He joked as he walked towards zavian. "Come on son. Let's go see your aunt Sylvie." He said grinning as the little boy beamed at them.

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