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Iseki chuckled. "It's not a problem Rey." He said easily, nudging her in return. "We're in this together." (Should I warn her that it's kind of a thing to pet my tail?) He thought. (Nah what are the chances she'll actually do that? Wait. No she's finished her wine.) "It's actually kind of a thing with me to pet my tail." He admitted quietly."
Sylvie came out of the tent then with a smile on her face. She headed right to Reyna and held up a very see through dress. "All done. I do so hope you like it." She said softly.

Reyna raised an eyebrow at Iseki. She opened her mouth to ask him just what that meant when Sylvie approached. She beamed at the dress and stood up. "Holy shit Sylvie you made this? That fast? It's gorgeous." She gushed, running a hand over the fine material with a smile and sparkling eyes. "Can I put it on now?" She asked hopefully, all thoughts of iseki's words lost.

Iseki sighed. (Well at least she's off that topic right?) He reasoned with himself.
Sylvie smiled and nodded. "I don't know. I spent a lot of time on it." She said softly. "Of course my lady. The tent is free and warm." She was glad Reyna seemed to like it. She just hoped she still liked it when she was wearing it.

Reyna beamed at her and started for the tent. "Will you help me get it on?" She asked hopefully. She didn't want to mess up how it was supposed to be worn.

Sylvie smiled and nodded. "It would be my pleasure." She agreed as she turned to go to the tent. She was happy that Reyna was so excited to try it on.
Iseki grinned at Reyna's excitement over a dress. (She seems to be really happy with this dress.) He thought. (Good to know it doesn't take much to make her smile.)

Reyna got inside of the tent, still beaming giddily and kicked her shoes off. "I really appreciate this. I really can't stand baggy clothes." She explained to Sylvie as she started getting undressed. She didn't care if she saw her naked or not.

Sylvie shook her head unfazed by Reyna's nakedness. "It is no trouble really. Any time you want a new dress you can let me know. I enjoy making clothes." She said softly. She hoped Reyna would like it enough to let her make more for her in the future.

Reyna was still visibly giddy with excitement as she started putting the dress on. She situated it and looked at Sylvie to make sure she had put it on right.

Sylvie smiled and started drawing a ward off some kind. Suddenly there was a mirror where Reyna could see for herself. "What do you think?" She asked nervously.

Reyna blinked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't expecting that. Her hair was messy from getting wet and running her hands through it before it dried. Her lipstick was slightly smeared on the bottom edge from kissing Iseki. Her eyeliner was smudged giving her a Smoky look around her bright eyes glossed over with alcohol. Overall, she looked like a sexy mess. But the dress was gorgeous. She turned one way and then the other in it. It was a short dress only coming to an inch or so below her ass. The wide straps attached like suspenders in the back at the waist leaving her scarred back bare. The straps went straight over the shoulders before meeting in a v between her breasts. Her ribs were also bare under her arms to her waistline that cinched in with a bandlike piece of the same fabric. It lined up perfectly with the curves of her body to pull in where her body did and then go right back to lay perfectly over her hips. The fabric was the softest, finest she had ever seen or felt. It was so thin and fair it reminded her of a spiders silk. It glistened in places when she turned from side to side, playing perfectly off her soft porcelain skin. "Sylvie it's gorgeous." She said with soft awe. She had never expected to love it as much as she did. "Thank you so much." She turned to face Sylvie then with a smile.

Sylvie watched Reyna's face as she looked herself over. She felt delighted and a sense of pride that Reyna seemed to love the dress she'd made. "I'm happy that you like it." She said softly. "It doesn't seem like it but it will keep you warm in the cold but also be breezy enough for the heat. If you ever want more. Just let me know."

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