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Davey's head was full of memories. Memories of every minute he spent was Arietta. Memories of every kiss, every time he held her hand. He would give anything to be able to hold her hand again. To hear her voice again. Even just to see her smile one more time.

On top of all of these memories, one kept replaying in his mind. Her leaving. Seeing her walk out of that restaurant caused Davey more pain than he had ever felt. More than the time he broke his arm when he was little, more than when he was told he had to quit school and get a job. Nothing compared to the pain of seeing the girl he loved walk out of his life forever.

And then she came back. She showed up at Davey's house and when he saw the girl who had caused him so much pain over the past year, it was everything he could do to not kiss her right then and there. So what did he do? He let her walk out of his life again, and now he had no way to find her. To just see her again.

Davey sighed, getting up and walking down the stairs. He needed to find something, anything to get his mind off of Ari. He grabbed the newspaper from the kitchen table. Katherine often brought him a newspaper from the sun, mainly when she had an article published. He flipped through the pages, searching for her name, when something caught his eye. He stared in disbelief. Was this just his imagination? Under a short article in the entertainment section was the name Alexis Richardson, Arietta's old pen name.

This could be someone else, Davey told himself, it could be an actual Alexis. But as Davey read the article it was clear that it was written by Ari. He could recognize her writing anywhere.

The logical part of his brain told him to leave it alone, to not try and find her. Being around her would be too painful. But Davey knew he wouldn't be able to just forget about her. He couldn't be strong, not when it came to her. And no matter how painful it was to be around her, it was more painful to not.

• • •

Katherine opened the door to her apartment after hearing a series of knocks.

"Davey!? What are you doing here!?" She asked surprised. She could see his distress and quickly let him in.

"I'm sorry to bother you Katherine, but I need your help. There's a new girl that works at the sun. I need you to help me find her." Katherine was stunned. She didn't know what to say. Davey continued on, "her name's Arietta but she publishes under the name Alexis Richardson. Please, can you help find her," he begged, his voice cracking.

Before Katherine could answer, she heard the sound of the door opening. Davey heard this too and quickly pulled Katherine behind him, standing protectively between her and the door. Davey was expecting an intruder. He would've been more prepared for an intruder. Instead he saw the love of his life walk into his friends apartment.

"Davey?" She gasped.

"Ari? What are...what are you doing here?" He asked, astonished.

"Davey I can explain..." Katherine said guiltily. Davey looked back and forth between her and Ari.

"What's going on?"

"Davey,  Ari is my roommate."

"Why didn't you tell me!?" He said quietly, more hurt than angry.

"I was going to, but I didn't know if you wanted to know she was back. I thought you might be mad..."

Davey turned to Ari, holding back tears.

"It was your idea wasn't it." Ari was silent but just shook her head.

"you said you didn't know her. You lied to me," he said, a few tears now spilling out of the corner of his eye.


"If you didn't want to see me again you could've just said so," he said, turning to storm out.

"Davey wait!" She pleaded. He felt her hand on his shoulder. His heart seemed to stop working. Be strong, Davey. Walk out of here you need to be strong. It took every ounce of Davey's strength to not turn around and pull her into a hug right then and there. Be strong, Davey. Walk away. He could still feel her hand on his shoulder. The feeling of her touch was too much. He was still in love with her, he was positive. Be strong, Davey. She doesn't want to see you just leave. Be strong. Davey couldn't be strong. Not when it came to her. He turned around and pulled her into a tight hug, crying into her shoulder. He didn't care. To be able to hug her again was the most amazing feeling in the world. And for the first time in a year, some of the pain he felt when she left went away.

"I missed you Ari," he whispered.

"I missed you too."

Davey Jacobs X OCWhere stories live. Discover now