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"Shh get down!" Ari whisper yelled as the usher turned back in their direction.

"Why did I let you talk me into this?" Davey asked anxiously as they ducked behind a couch. Ari silently giggled. They were trying to sneak into the theater but they had to get past the usher first.

"Come on it'll be fun!" She insisted. Davey sighed. He could never say no to her. When he was around her he ended up doing things he would never dream of doing before he met her.

"Okay fine. Now!" he whisper yelled as they saw the usher turn in the other direction to check a couple's tickets. They quickly snuck behind his back through the door to the theater. The couple saw them but didn't care about a couple of kids sneaking in so they stayed silent. They smiled triumphantly as they got in.

"See, I told you we could do it," Ari giggled.

"Oh shut up!" Davey joked, lightly shoving her with his shoulder.

"Come on follow me," She said, grabbing his hand and starting to speed walk.

"What? Where are we going?" He asked, confused.

"We're going to watch the show from backstage," Ari explained excitedly.

"What? You did not mention that! No way!" Davey protested.

"It's too late now! You're just going to have to trust me." Davey sighed. He would trust Ari with his life, but she could sometimes be very stupid in her own adorable way.

"You're insane!" He whispered as she continued to drag him to where she somehow knew would lead to backstage.

"I know." Ari looked at him and smiled as they arrived backstage where they would be watching the show. There was something special about this girl, Davey knew it. She's the only person in the world who Davey would sneak into a theater for.


Davey buttoned up his vest as he got ready for dinner with his friends. He was worried about how they would act around Ari. All of his friends were pretty protective over him, and he wouldn't put it past them to be mad at her for breaking up with him, even if it did happen a year ago.

So much had changed over the past year, but Ari looked almost exactly the same. She did look a little older, and she had cut her hair shorter, but the most noticeable difference had been the scar that now ran down her cheek. That was new, but Davey knew better than to ask about it. He could tell she was upset about something that happened in New Mexico, but if she wasn't ready to talk about it than he wouldn't ask.

Other than those few differences, Ari looked exactly the same. Which meant she was still the most beautiful girl Davey had ever seen.

Davey finished getting ready and head out. Katherine and Ari were going to meet them there. When he got to Jacobi's most of his friends were already there. After quickly scanning the crowd of boys he saw that Katherine and Ari hadn't arrived yet. Race was the first to notice him.

"Hey! Davey! Mind tellin' us what's goin' on? Jack says that Ari's back in town." All of the newsies quickly quieted down and turned their attention to Davey.

"Yes, she is, and I need you guys to be nice to her. And don't ask her about New Mexico," he ordered. Jack had already told them that Ari was meeting them for lunch.

Davey sat at a table with Jack, Crutchie, and Finch. After Jacobi came by and got his order, he turned his attention to Jack.

"I'm serious Jack, you have to be nice to her. I've forgiven her, so should you."

"You 'aven't forgiven her, youse just can't see your anger 'cause of your feelings for her," Jack said. Davey opened his mouth to respond but before he could Crutchie spoke.

"Seriously Davey, how do you feel about this whole Ari thing?" Davey sighed.

"She's been through a lot lately, so I'm not going to try to get back together with her. At least not for now. I really just want what's best for her."

A few minutes later Ari and Katherine arrived. Everyone greeted them. Davey could tell Ari was nervous about seeing all of them again. A couple of the newsies who were closer friends with her went up to talk to her, Race and Albert included. After a few minutes her and Katherine sat at Davey's table.

"How've ya been?" Crutchie asked sincerely. He wanted to be nice to her for Davey's sake.

"I've been good. I moved in with Katherine a couple of weeks ago. I'm finally starting to get used to being in the city again." She quickly ordered food before turning her attention back to the boys.

"I hear you's workin' at the sun now," Crutchie said, remembering what Davey said about not talking about New Mexico.

"Yup," Jack said before she could respond. "She has the super important job of writing reviews for the entertainment section that no one reads." Katherine kicked his leg. Davey shot him a glare before hearing Ari respond.

"Well it's nothing compared to the super important job of screaming fake headlines at people to get them to take paper from you." Everyone at the table but Jack couldn't help but laugh, even though most of them had the same job. It was about time someone took Jack's ego down a peg. Davey smiled at Ari. That's what he loved about her, she refused to be pushed around.

"Whatever," he mumbled, not able to come up with a good response. The group quieted down as their food came. A few minutes later, someone who none of them wanted to see walked through the door.

"Well well well," Race said. "If it isn't Oscar Delancey." Oscar scowled at him but didn't respond. Seeing the new girl sitting with the Newsies at one of the tables, Oscar pulled up a chair next to her.

"What are you doing here Oscar," Jack asked, instinctively grabbing Katherine's hand. It was a habit of his, it helped him make sure that she was there, that she was safe.

"Well it seems there are no open tables. And I'm sure Jacobi wouldn't be happy about you sending away a payin' costumer." The newsies rolled their eyes but didn't say anything. "Say doll face," he said, turning his attention to Ari, "how come I've never seen you around here before?" Davey clenched his fists under the table. Ari jumped to defend herself.

"Call me doll face again and I shove this spoon down your throat," she threatened. Davey couldn't help but smiled at her boldness. Oscar smirked.

"Relax sweetheart it was a compliment," he said. She rolled her eyes in response. It hurt Davey to see someone talk to her that way. When Oscar saw that she wasn't going to respond he moved closer and placed a hand on her leg.

"I didn't catch your name," he started before Ari shoved him away, clearly upset now. The look on Oscar's face quickly turned to anger. He grabbed her wrist tightly. "Hey! You'd be smart to be nice to me. You wouldn't want me to catch you when you're alone. I bet you wouldn't be so tough then!" She tried to pull away from his grasp. Without thinking, Davey stood up, grabbed Oscar by the collar, and punched him square in the nose. Oscar stumbled backwards, grimacing in pain and grabbing his nose. Even Davey was shocked by what just happened. Cursing, Oscar shoved past Davey and left. Right after he left, Davey sat down and grabbed his fist.

"Crap, that hurt!" All of the boys were staring at him, astonished. Davey would never dream of hurting a fly, let alone punch someone in the nose.

"Davey, thank you so much," she started before seeing that he was still clutching his hand. "Here, let me see," she gently took his hand and examined the bruise that was starting to show on his knuckles. Davey's heart fluttered as she took his hand.

"I'm sorry about Oscar. He's a horrible person." Ari nodded in understanding.

"You're going to want to put some ice on that," She said, gesturing to his hand.

"Only Davey would get injured by punching someone," Finch said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well I'm sorry, I've never actually punched someone before," he defended. Ari smiled when she realized his first time hitting someone was to defend her.

The rest of dinner consisted of the newsies teasing Davey about him punching someone for the first time and the fact that he got injured while doing so.

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