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Finally Davey pulled away from the hug.

"I'm going to go meet Jack," Katherine said, figuring she should leave them alone.

"Why'd you lie Ari?" Davey asked, trying not to show how hurt he was. She probably didn't want me to find her. Probably didn't want to see me again.

"About?" She asked, needing him to clarify. She'd actually lied about quite a lot in the couple of hours they spent together.

"About working at the sun, about not knowing Katherine, about everything." Ari sighed.

"I didn't want you to find me again," she said sadly. Davey's heart broke. The happiness he felt about seeing her again was gone. I knew it. Arietta saw the look of hurt that quickly crossed his face and clarified, "no not like that, I wanted to see you, I really did it's just..."

Davey looked at her expectantly. She sighed. She knew she had to tell the truth. "Jack didn't want you to know I was back." Davey looked stunned. Arietta continued, "He said that me being back would just bring back memories and there was no point in trying to contact you." Davey's face grew red in embarrassment as he awkwardly fiddled with a blanket that was next to him on the couch.

"That isn't Jack's decision," he said, slightly angry.

"No I know it's just– I just didn't know if you would want to see me again," she admitted.

"Ari, of course I want to see you again." Now it was Ari's turn to blush.

"And not just me, the rest of the boys too," he added in attempt to make it less awkward. "We've all missed having you as a friend." Ari smiled.

"I've missed all of you too." It was true.

"We're all having dinner at Jacobi's tomorrow. You should join us. You can catch up with everyone, tell them all about New Mexico." Ari's face dropped at the mention of the place she'd spent the past year. Davey noticed and could immediately tell something was wrong.

"Are you okay Ari?" He asked. She nodded. He rested a hand comfortingly on her shoulder. "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." Ari had missed how understanding he was. It might be what she missed most about him.

"Dinner at Jacobi's sounds great," she said. Davey nodded, accepting the subject change. After working out the details, he decided to call it a night. He said goodbye to Ari and headed to find Jack.

"Jack!" Davey yelled, stomping up to the rooftop where he knew he'd find Jack. Jack jumped, surprised to hear Davey's voice. He and Katherine had been talking, probably about him and Ari.

"You told Ari not to see me!?" Davey hissed. It was rare that Davey got mad, but right now he was fuming.

"She told you?"

"Don't change the subject! That was none of your business. That wasn't your decision to make."

"Davey, I's was just looking out for ya," he tried to explain. Katherine was awkwardly rocking back and forth on her feet.

"By keeping me away from someone I care about?"

"Davey, she broke your heart. I didn't want to see youse like that again."

"You were just hurting me more by keeping me from her."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I'm still in love with her!" Davey blurted out. The three stood there for a moment, startled by the sudden outburst. Finally Jack broke the silence.

"You're what? How can you be in love with her Davey? She left you, you should be mad." Davey winced as Jack reminded him about her leaving. The pain was still fresh, even a year later.

"When I saw her again..." Davey started, pausing to think of the right words. "It just reminded me of everything I missed about her while she was gone. I needed to see her again. I couldn't stand losing her again."

"See that's exactly what I's was worried 'bout," Jack defended.

"It still wasn't your decision," Davey argued.

"Davey," Katherine finally spoke up. "Ari isn't in a great place right now. I don't think this is the best time for her to start a new relationship."

"I know," Davey sighed. "But I need to be around her. Even if we're just friends, it's better than not spending time with her at all. I need to keep her in my life."

"Davey," Jack said, much quieter this time. "This will only end with you gettin' hurt. You can't just be friends with someone you's in love with."

"I don't have a choice," Davey insisted, his voice cracking. "Not being around her kills me, if I have to suffer through only being her friend then that's what I'll do, but I'm not just letting her walk out of my life again."

"I think you's makin' a mistake"

"Well then it's a mistake I have to make."

A/N: lemme know what you think if anyone actually reads this. Also comments would mean a lot to me because I actually am not sure if I'm just writing authors notes to myself.

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