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"Just trust me," Ari said, suppressing a laugh as she guided a stumbling, blindfolded Davey to the surprise she had set up.

"You saying 'trust me' never leads to something good," Davey protested. Still, he kept his blindfold on and let himself be pulled along by his girlfriend.

"Ok ok you can take off your blindfold now," she said, stopping walking and letting go of his arm. She watched with excitement as Davey took off his blindfold and saw the rooftop picnic she had set up ahead of time. "Surprise!"

"Ari this is amazing," he said, smiling like an idiot, "what's this for?" He sat down on the blanket she had laid out and examined the food she had prepared.

"I wanted to surprise you!" She joined him on the blanket and immediately began eating.

"You just wanted to surprise me for no reason?" Davey was staring at Ari in awe as she stuffed her face full of food.

"Ish there shometing wrong wi dat?" she asked, mouth full.

"No! It's amazing! Thank you, Ari."


"You're insane," Davey said, looking at Ari as if she had a monkey sitting on her head. They were sitting across from each other at a table at Jacobi's, where they had run into each "accidentally" and decided to eat lunch together.

"I think it's a great idea," Ari said, fiddling with the newspaper in her hand. This particular newspaper contained her published article about the jewelry thief, who still had not been caught.

"Of course you think it's a good idea, you came up with it!" Davey said, exasperated. "Please just listen to me as a voice of reason and realize that it's stupid, dangerous, and probably impossible for you to try and catch a jewelry thief who even the police have been unable to catch."

Ari rolled her eyes. "First of all, when have I ever been one to listen to reason? Second of all, it won't be dangerous! I'm just going to try to get a picture of him, it's not like I'm going to confront him."

"You really don't see how that still could be dangerous!"

"It'll be fine! You can come with me if you're so worried, and you can see that there's nothing to worry about."

"I don't want to come with you, Ari, because it's stupid and you shouldn't be going at all."

"Come onnnnn Davey, you used to agree to do stupid stuff like this all the time!"

Yeah because it was you who asked me to.

"Please! It'll be fun, and I'm going to go either way so you might as well come with me." Ari smiled, knowing that he would agree to it.

"Fine. But you have to promise that you won't try to confront him if you see him."

"Deal!" Ari said excitedly, practically squealing in excitement at the fact that Davey agreed to her plan. Davey shook his head, chuckling as she got the look on her face she always does when she wins an argument. That look was honestly reason enough for Davey to agree with her crazy plans. Although this time he had the addition reasons of knowing that she was stubborn enough to go on her own if he said no, and maybe also the fact that this would mean spending more time together.


"I'm sorry, you're doing what?" Jack asked. Somehow Jack had found himself in a situation where he was the rational responsible one trying to talk Davey out of doing something stupid. Usually it's the other way around.

"Staking out the house that Ari thinks will be robbed next and trying to get a picture of the thief." Davey said with a straight face. Jack rubbed his forehead, wondering how Davey didn't see how ridiculous it sounded.

"Davey, say that again and really listen to yourself this time." Jack said to his suddenly idiotic friend.

"I know it sounds dumb–"

"Yes, it does."

"–but Ari is going to go either way, so I might as well go with her to make sure she's safe."

"Well maybe you shoulda just talked her out of it." After Jack said this it was Davey's turn to look at Jack like he was stupid. "Ok yes I know I realize what I said." Everyone knew there was no such thing as talking Ari out of something, especially once she was excited about an idea.

"Look," Davey said, suddenly serious. "I know this is stupid and dangerous. But if I let Ari goes alone and something happened to her I," he swallowed and took a breath, trying to calm himself as tears threatened to form in his eyes, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened."

Jack sighed in understanding. A year had gone by and Davey was still willing to put his life on the line for Ari. "Just, just be careful, okay?"

"I will be."


"I bet I could jump from this rooftop to the other," Ari said, breaking the silence they had fallen into after the picnic.

"I swear to God, Ari, you better not try," Davey said, sitting up. Ari had her gaze focused on the gap between the two buildings, as if she were calculating something.

"ARI," Davey said louder this time, "I'm serious! Do not try that, you could fall to your death." This is what happens when you leave Ari time to think. She comes up with a tremendously stupid idea that could get her killed.

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna try it," Ari said, standing up. Davey quickly grabbed her wrist before she could move closer to the edge of the roof.

"Ari I am serious, I love you and I don't want you to get hurt. Please, please do not try to jump to the other roof."

Ari's eyes softened as she looked at the pleading look on Davey's face. "Ok. I won't jump," Ari said, smiling softly.

"Thank you," Davey sighed, letting go of her wrist and settling back down on the blanket. Ari sprinted towards the edge of the roof. "ARI!" Davey cried out, his heart leaping into his throat. Ari pushed hard off of the rooftop, giggling as she landed successfully on the adjacent building. "ARI WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Davey screamed. By this point tears were spilling out of his eyes from the terror of the moment before.

"I told you I could do it!" Ari exclaimed, dancing triumphantly.

"You are insane!"

"Maybe, but you love me anyway."

Davey hated the fact that she was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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