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"The view is beautiful isn't it," Ari commented as she gazed at the skyline. Davey watched her as she admired the view.

"Absolutely breathtaking," he whispered under his breath. Ari heard him and lightly shoved him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, draping his arm over her shoulders. She turned towards him and placed a soft kiss on his lips, having to go on her toes because of the height difference.

"I love you," he murmured as they pulled apart. His eyes quickly widened as he realized what he said. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that it's too soon and now it's going to be weird and I–"

"Davey!" Ari cut him off, giggling at how he rambled on. "I love you too."


Ari couldn't stop thinking about Davey all day. How could he be so nice to her? After what she did he should hate her. But still, he showed nothing but kindness towards her. She thought about how he pulled her behind him when they heard the girl screaming. Even now it was his first instinct to protect her.

"Ari?" Katherine's voice snapped her from her thoughts. Ari looked up. Katherine sighed as she realized that Ari hadn't been listening. "We're all going to Jacobi's for dinner. Do you want to join us?" Ari nodded.

"Sorry, I've just been a little distracted," she admitted. Katherine nodded.

"A lot has happened recently, I understand," Katherine said sympathetically. Ari realized that she thought Ari was distracted because of what happened with her boss' trial. Little did she know... "if you ever need to talk, I'm here," Katherine promised. Ari only nodded in response before Katherine left.

Her thoughts trailed back to Davey. Truth be told, a small part of her wanted to get back together with him. Okay, a big part. But she couldn't risk hurting him again. And with everything going on, their relationship would never be able to be as stable as it had been before she left. It was just easier if they stayed friends. At least for now.


Davey finished selling early. As he had predicted, the rain helped him to get sympathy. He didn't mind having people buy papers from him because they felt bad. It was better than lying. Since he had a couple more hours before they were going to meet at Jacobi's, he headed home.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Ari had told him. Between the two of them, Ari was the tough one. Neither of them necessarily wanted to fight anyone, but Davey definitely did way more to avoid fights than Ari did. But when it came to protecting Ari, Davey wouldn't hesitate. The thought that there might be someone after Ari bothered him more than he cared to admit.


Ari finally finished her assignment and got ready to head to Jacobi's. To her surprise, she was met by a familiar face when she exited the building.

"Davey? What are you doing here?" Davey smiled when he saw her.

"I thought I'd walk you to Jacobi's. I finished selling and I was nearby." Ari thanked him and they began their walk. Ari was a little disappointed that the rain had cleared up. "How was work?" Davey asked. Ari's eyes lit up.

"Amazing! I was given a real story to write this time! Someone's been going around breaking into houses and stealing jewelry!" She said excitedly. Davey smiled.

"Try not to sound so thrilled about others misfortune," he joked. Ari lightly shoved him in response. He made a big show about stumbling backwards causing both of them to erupt in laughter.

"I missed this," Ari said quietly. 

"Me too," Davey responded. They spent the rest of the walk in silence before reaching Jacobi's. A few of their friends were already there.

"Over here lovebirds," Race called out, waving them over to the table that he shared with Romeo and Albert.  Ari roller her eyes at the comment but avoided eye contact with Davey as she headed over to the table.

"Hello Beautiful," Romeo greeted, "we didn't get a chance to catch up yesterday." Davey's stare hardened on the table. He clenched his teeth and reminded himself that he had no reason to be mad.  Ari giggled.

"Romeo you have not changed one bit." Romeo over dramatically acted offended at Ari's comment causing everyone to laugh. Davey's anger slipped away as everyone started trading stories about the past year that Ari had been away. After a while Jack and Katherine arrived, hand in hand, and joined Davey and Ari's table.

"Hey Davey, punch anyone else since I last saw ya?" Jack asked. Davey looked down at his still bruised hand and tried to scowl, but with the cheerful mood of the table he couldn't help but smile.

"Not recently," Davey said, "are you volunteering?" The whole table laughed, not because of the witty remark but because of how ridiculous the idea of Davey punching Jack was. Until yesterday Davey and violence were seen as total antonyms.

"He had to stop me from punching someone though," Ari exclaimed, resting a hand on Davey's shoulder with a giggle. Davey's heart momentarily stopped at the contact and it took him a moment to force his brain to listen back in on the conversation.

"Should've let 'er punch him," Jack was saying as Davey turned his focus from Ari's hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe next time," Davey said, chuckling lightly. He sat back in his chair and listened gratefully as the conversation shifted away from him.


"The look on Pulitzer's face was priceless!" Davey exclaimed, recounting the story of the strike.  At this point it was only him and Ari left at Jacobi's.

"I wish I could've been there to see it," Ari said, smiling at Davey. He was squinting slightly, the light from the setting sun shining in his eyes through the window.  "Hey I should probably get going. It's getting late and Katherine will be wondering where I am."

"I'll walk you home," Davey offered. He sure was walking her places a lot recently, but Ari didn't mind. She felt safer walking with him, and she enjoyed the company.

They continued to exchange stories as they walked towards Ari's building. By the time the walk was over the sun had completely set, allowing the sky full of stars to show.

"Good night, Davey," Ari said quietly, knowing the night had come to an end. She lingered outside the front door of the building, not really wanting to stop talking to him.

"Good night Ari," Davey said with a small smile before walking away. Ari let out a small sigh before entering the building and heading towards her and Katherine's apartment.


"Thanks for walking me home Davey,"  Ari said, still not letting go of her boyfriend's hand.

"You don't need to thank me, I love walking you home, it lets me spend more time with you," Davey replied, lightly brushing away a stray brown curl that had fallen onto her face.  Ari went on her toes to share a kiss with Davey before pulling away to open the door to her house.

"Good night, Davey"

"Good night Ari"

Author's note: I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated but here it is! I know this is a kind of uneventful chapter, but I haven't worked on this in over a year so I forgot where the plot was going. I need to choose which direction to take the plot, so if anyone wants to discuss ideas with me just message me and let me know!

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