Chapter Six

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Eno had managed to find a suitable place to watch the festival parade. Unlike the younger element in the crowds, he had not been overly distracted by the street artists and hawkers and had managed to find an empty spot at the front by the roadway. He stood next to the rope barrier; the main stage where the highborn officials would be seated was in front of him, empty at the moment, although there was much frantic activity as workers tended to last minute straightening of drapery and floral displays. The wealth of fabric and colour was almost overwhelming and the scent of the flowers was heavenly. Eno could name all the flowers used. His wife had taught him the secrets of each plant, leaf, root and bloom. Even the seeds could be used for medicinal purposes, or for aid in relaxation. A worker fiddled with the orange spike of a firerod, moving it to nestle in the centre of soft pink jeweldrop blossoms. The colours jarred which irritated Eno. Blues and purples would have toned much better with the jeweldrops, and the firerod should have been placed in the centre of bloodcones, the orange to accentuate the deep red of the close-cupped mass of petals. Nature did the best job of placing showy blooms next to lesser blossoms, each to enhance the other. Eno shook his head sadly. The worker had no idea.

In the distance, Eno could hear the strains of the marching band, growing ever closer as they led the spectacle. The area began to fill with people pressing against the ropes to catch a glimpse of the entertainment following the band. There were jugglers and acrobats, singers and dancers, stilt-walkers and musicians followed by people dressed in gaudy elaborate outfits made especially for the occasion. The area was soon filled with noisy crowds, colour, fragrances both sweet and sour, music and laughter. Eno soaked up the atmosphere and wondered where his daughter might be. She would love this, he thought. He hoped that somewhere in the crowd, she watched too.

Slowly, the stage filled up with important dignitaries, each taking a seat as they arrived. Everyone was in ceremonial costumes, as this was an important opportunity for the citizens to see the leaders of the city. Even the premier and his family were going to be in attendance, in the four centre seats on the stage, empty as yet, but the stage was filling fast.

Trumpets sounded loud and clear above the noise of the crowds and silenced the marching band and musicians, heralding the arrival of the premier and his family. The crowds cheered as the family walked onto the stage to take their seats. First the daughter, the youngest member of the family, a young girl around Rin's age, Eno mused, as she took her seat. She sparkled in the sunlight, the gems and sequins on her dress catching the rays of light. She blushed charmingly as she acknowledged the cheering of the crowd with the gentle wave of her hand. The son was next, dressed in the regalia of a knight, a jewel encrusted sword and scabbard at his left side, and gold braiding circling his body. The dark-haired young man bowed to the crowd before taking his seat. The Principal Lady was next, dressed in pale blue silk, her gown flowing like water around her slim body and falling to her feet. The crowd erupted with admiration and applause as she waved regally and took her seat next to her daughter. One empty seat remained for the Principal situated between his son and wife. The crowd cheered and chanted his name, as if summoning him on to the stage. Eno joined in, caught up in the moment.

The Principal grinned as he peeped around the side curtain of the stage and then pulled back his head. Some of the crowd had noticed, and commented. Soon the entire arena was looking to the side of the stage in anticipation. The Principal stuck his head around the curtain again, grinned then pulled back again. The crowd roared. The Principal stepped one foot out and looked around as if in surprise. He pointed to his chest in mock bewilderment and mouthed 'Me?' The crowd roared their approval. He moved forward another step, still acting surprised. He raised two hands to his chest and then shrugged. The crowd roared louder. Eno grinned, enjoying the interaction. The Principal had entered into the spirit, entertaining the crowd just as much as he would be entertained in due course. His son rose, and indicated the seat next to his mother with a theatrical flourish. Again, the Principal pointed to his chest, seemingly surprised. "For me?" His voice was lost in the noise from the crowd, although the action and expression spoke for him. His son bowed and indicated the seat once again. The Principal returned the bow and then walked to the seat. He inspected it, flicking off imaginary specks of dirt to laughter from the watching crowds. Finally, he turned, bowed to the appreciative audience, and sat. His son sat down at his side.

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