Chapter Twentytwo

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Tobias woke with a throbbing head and a dry mouth. Despite his ailments, he was pleased to see Clara in bed beside him, her breathing soft and even in sleep. Despite his concerns, she had not forsaken him. Furthermore, she had anticipated his thirst and had placed a cup of minted water by the bed and a sliver of willow bark to chew to reduce any headache. The pounding in his head built as he sat up and reached for the cup. His groan disturbed Clara from her sleep.

"Chew the bark, my prince." Clara advised, rolling to face him. "Although bitter, it will help your head."

Tobias shuddered, already remembering the unpleasant taste from a previous occasion. Nausea rolled over him, threatening to overflow and he swallowed a mouthful of the cleaner cool water.

"Pinch your nose as you chew, my prince. That will help lessen the taste." Clara's voice was soft and soothing, without irritation or lack of sympathy. "Sip the water frequently. That will wash it down and clean your mouth of the aftertaste."

Tobias shuddered again, but picked up the hated piece of bark and pinched it between finger and thumb. "Clara-cakes..." He begged, glaring at the flake of wood. He gagged, and in that instance, Clara plucked the shard of bark from his fingers and thrust it into his mouth.

"Don't be a big baby, my treasure. Now chew!" Her tone brooked no objection so he chewed as ordered. Despite his trepidation, the taste was not as dire as he had expected as he chewed and sipped at the cup alternately. Clara smiled up indulgently at him, half supported by her arm but still under the blanket. "Not so bad as you expected?"

"No. You're correct, as usual, Clara-cakes." He grinned, calling her by the affectionate title he had bestowed upon her years before.

"Have I ever steered you wrong, my prince?" Clara chuckled playfully. Tobias shook his head.

"I apologise for spoiling the evening and embarrassing myself in front of our guests."

"Over-celebrating the forthcoming union. Easily explained away. Clive helped get you up here, and he's unlikely to mention it. I doubt the ladies noticed at all." Clara pacified.

"I'm glad you stayed with me, Clara-cakes." Tobias curled a lock of her hair around his finger gently. Clara just smiled and shrugged.

"Where else would I go now? It's too difficult to leave again, particularly with guests. Besides, I want to be here. With you."

"Here? With me?" Tobias asked. "Even after I got drunk?

Clara laughed softly. "It's a small price to pay. You've not deserved these last eight years of enforced celibacy. You're a good man, Tobias, and I'm a grateful wife. I'm amazed you remained loyal. I was so wrong..."

"You did what you thought was right, and I allowed it. I should have fought more." He fingered her eternity band around her neck. "I never looked elsewhere, Clara-cakes. I made promises and have kept them. You were all I ever wanted, needed and loved. No other woman could ever give me that. And now I have you back in my bed again."

"To stay, my prince. I'm not leaving again." Clara smiled. "This is where I want to be. I should never have left."

Afterwards, neither was sure whose lips touched first, but Tobias realised that his head no longer hurt after a few moments. The nausea had vanished as if she had absorbed it, leaving him comfortable and cheerful at breakfast.

Tobias and Clara ate in companionable quiet in the kitchen, an equally cheerful Daisy waiting on them personally.

"Has everyone had breakfast, Cook?" Tobias asked.

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