Chapter Nineteen

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Rin woke with a start. She felt constricted and hot. As she struggled to free herself, she heard a moan.

"Oooh! Careful with your arm." Parmer moaned, releasing hold of her.

"Oh! Sorry. I forgot you were with me." Rin mumbled. "Explains why I feel hot."

Parmer peeled back the blanket and looked down at Rin. Her hair was spread out on the pillow and messy from sleep. She still appeared drowsy, her expression soft and faraway. He gently cleared her hair from her face with a finger. "You look lovely when you first wake." He smiled.

"You stayed with me."

"I needed to catch up on sleep too. We didn't have much last night."

She smiled at the memory. "No, we didn't, but it was good. We could do it again."


"I should not ask?"

"There's nothing wrong with asking." Parmer chuckled, passing his thumb over her lips. "I only think of you. You said you ached."

Rin kissed his thumb and smiled up at him through half open eyes. "Not that much." She ran a hand down his side. Parmer's heart, already beating fast, lurched and sped up, his body responding accordingly. Desire flooded through him, matching the plea in her voice. He pulled her head closer and kissed her lips, gently, softly and slowly. Her eyes closed as she returned the kiss. He savoured the moment. Fingers loosened buttons without haste, clothes parting to allow hands to caress and arouse, finding sensitive spots that produced gasps and moans of delight or shivers of anticipation. He murmured her name often as he became more excited and she moaned his name as he stroked her skin. He took his time in removing her clothing, kissing her arms, hands and fingers as he eased the fabric away, encouraging her to do the same with his shirt.

"There's no hurry." He whispered as her hands moved to his trouser buttons.

"I want to feel you. I want to see you." She murmured back. "I want to know I'm not dreaming."

"You're not dreaming." He whispered back, rolling her over and slowly caressed his way down her back. She moaned and quivered in his arms as he stroked up her sides and around her breasts onto her belly. The contrast of colour between his hands and her back was marked and it thrilled him immensely. She was a dusky brown all over where he was lighter, almost pale in comparison. In the glow of the candle light the previous evening, she had looked golden, but in the light of day her skin was darker. As the heat between them grew, he could smell the natural odour of her body, a musky, slightly sweet scent. As they grew more passionate, it mixed with his and changed. He cupped a breast with one hand as the other travelled down, passing her belly and between the junction of her thighs. She gasped and writhed eagerly as his fingers explored the damp curls and folds.

"Tell me what is good." He whispered. "Teach me what you like. Help me make you happy." He moved his fingers slowly, listening to her sighs and moans as they grew longer and louder. She tried to touch him with her hands, but he kept just out of reach. "Your turn later." He chided. "This is my enjoyment of you." His fingers continued to swirl and probe, alternating between her breast and folds until her breathing grew faster and her moans were louder, changing into breathy whimpers as the sensations mounted to a pitch. He felt her body stiffen and her breathinbg still before she gave a soft squeal and her body jerked repeatedly. She closed her thighs against his hand, trapping it between them as she panted and gasped.

"Oh, Parmer...oh...that felt...wonderful." She gasped as she descended from her peak. She grew limp in his arms and he freed his hand. He nuzzled her neck and shoulders adoringly as she hummed her satisfaction.

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