Chapter Twentyfour

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The Sanctum was not as she had imagined – not at all. Stones – huge grey stones, open to the sky - stood in a circle, massive lintels on top of the uprights. They looked as though they had stood there for a very long time. A man stood near a lower stone set on the ground. An altar, she thought. Despite being drained from the climb, all tiredness and fear vanished and she felt as calm and relaxed as if she had just woken from a refreshing, dreamfree sleep. She breathed the pure air deep into her lungs and exhaled very slowly, feeling all tension ebb from her body.

Parmer stood at her side, still holding on to her hand after lifting her up the last step, his smile broad but soft, accentuating the dimple on the cheek nearest to her.

"It's magnificent." She whispered in awe. Parmer turned to her and smiled further, his eyes alight with joy and relief.

"It's beautiful. We made it here. It's perfect. You make it so today." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her skinned knuckles. "I love you so much."

Rin released the hem of her skirt from her other fist and smiled up at her man. At the outer perimeter, two dragons swept in, landed and discharged their passengers. Eno, Tobias, and Clara made their way into the circle of stones, and stood near the man. The man beckoned Rin and Parmer forward.

"Let's be blessed." Parmer said, moving forward. Rin floated beside him, still awed at the surroundings. He still clasped her hand tightly, although the white-knuckled fear had passed. A tear wet his lashes. He still had her, although there had been some frightening moments during the ascent. He glanced at the sky and shook his head to clear away the wetness. "Thank you." He whispered.

Slowly, at her pace, they drew closer to the man, the altar and their parents. The holy man opened his arms out to them solemnly.

"Come closer, today's valiant survivors, my children. Allow me to bless your union, as the gods desire." He took Rin's spare hand along with Parmer's free one, drawing them closer to the altar, and then released their hands. A waterfall fell into the centre of a carved stone bowl set into the stone slab. Immediately, it became still clear water, reflecting the blueness of the sky above. The holy man's fingers were dipped into it, disturbing the serene surface, and the couple were dabbed with wet fingers in the centre of their foreheads.

"Bless this man and the woman today, great gods, and for the rest of their mortal existence on this world of yours, for they have conquered great trials to reach here, testing their abilities, learning trust, dependence, and faith in each other's strength. Heal any injuries they may have sustained in their ordeal, strengthen their love of you and of each other. Grant them your blessings of children, love, a home, and friendship. Give them happiness and nourishment in good times as well as bad, lead them away from wickedness, and forgive them any transgressions towards others." He wet his fingers again, and began flicking water droplets over them.

"Lord Parmer, do you take this woman as your wife? To exclude all temptations, to love, protect and provide for her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Dragonlady Rin, do you take this man as your husband? To exclude all temptations, to love, support and trust him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Do you have your band?"

"I do." Parmer dipped his hand into his pocket and produced the band, laying it on the altar. In the bright, clear light and air, it shone with a multitude of pastel colours, obscuring the base colours of blue and green. More water drops were splattered over the band, as the holy man called upon the gods to bless it with soft words. The band rose in the air, sparkling as the water glistened in the sun.

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