Chapter Seven

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How long she sat, she didn't know, but the sun had moved, dropping lower in the sky when she heard the screech of a dragon. She jerked up, startled, her eyes wide. It was not a sound of pain. No dragon flew overhead rejoicing in the freedom of flight. In the distance, she saw two men walking – her father talking with Tobias. Neither appeared perturbed by the dragon's cry, so she calmed herself, preparing to meet her father and Tobias again. Perhaps Blue had rutted with Seafoam. His stance had indicated the possibility. Her face itched, so she scratched her cheek. She had sat too long and the sun had burnt her skin slightly. It stung, so she massaged it gently as she watched her father approach.

"Are you alright?" Eno asked as he neared his daughter.

"A little sunburned and alone, but fine." Rin smiled.

"Where's Parmer?" Tobias asked.

"Whisked away. No idea." Rin shrugged.

"Poor girl." Tobias growled. "Come with me." He lifted her into a standing position and then strode away, checking behind him to see if she followed. Rin hesitated briefly then followed, Eno following behind her.

"You didn't tell me who he was." Eno grumbled from behind her.

"Who?" Rin asked as she hurried to keep up with Tobias.

"Parmer...Tobias. Both."

"I have no idea, but they seem friendly enough."

"Rin...Tobias is the Principal of Calderon. Lord Tobias and Lord Parmer. We saw them both on the stage earlier."

"What!" She exclaimed, coming to an abrupt halt and staring at her father. He scooped her arm into his and dragged her along. She stumbled before correcting her pace.

"Just as I said. I've accepted the position of groundsman here. There's a small cottage that goes with the position. I've seen it and it seems very cosy. Blue is close by too." Eno grinned at his dumbfounded daughter. "It seems Parmer is quite smitten with you and has persuaded his father to assist us, although I think I will blame Seafoam in the first instance."

"Parmer is a Lord?" Rin gasped, her mind still reeling from the information.

"A highborn. A Lord like his father, like his father before him and his father before that, and so on." Eno continued. "It appears that Blue has proved very lucky indeed."

"You don't disapprove?"

"Actually, I should, but both seem very charming. Tobias is very likeable, funny yet knowledgeable, and very persuasive."

"Parmer mentioned that." Rin agreed, pleased that they were slowing. Tobias had entered a large courtyard ahead and was talking loudly to people inside the building. As father and daughter entered, people scattered. Tobias turned to face them with a sigh.

"I need to rescue my son." He chuckled. "It seems his mother - my wife, Clara - is not convinced he is unharmed and perfectly well. She has taken him to his bed and called for medics. I am assisting in his escape."

"Escape?" Rin enquired.

"Lady Clara is overprotective of our children. She tends to assume the mildest shiver is life threatening, so the appearance of you assisting Parmer home has convinced her that he's lying at death's door and has reacted accordingly. I have sent word to the summoned medics that it's all a false alarm and by now, a member of my staff who looks vaguely like Parmer is tucked into the bed looking fast asleep while my boy slips through a secret panel to an escape route and should emerge shortly.... ah, there he is."

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