Chapter Twentyeight

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Days passed; investigations took place, and Chamber members were either exonerated or ejected and stripped of their status. A new law was adopted regarding gamblers continuing in the Chambers, although the body of the Council did not deem it to be an inappropriate interest.

Parmer continued to supply Lady Jules with both Chamber and Council meeting transcripts, but she couldn't remember any more names. Word regarding other members was sparse. Van was disgraced, sentenced both for assault and damage to property to six months in prison to Lady Unis' satisfaction. Lord Clive and Lady Jules became firm friends, still residing within the mansion, along with Lady Unis and her children.

The dragon babies continued to thrive and develop, taking tentative attempts to get airborne as the colder season receded. The dragons had been introduced to Jacob, Sayrah, Krista, Shella and Kay-Leh, and they had helped to make the babies more sociable. Honey was the first to catch air beneath her wings, and managed to clear the wall. Rin decided that the garden was now too small, and the dragons were moved back into their former enclosure.

As the Grandmaster had been thwarted in his attempt to gain a sly look at the new dragons, he had abandoned the adjoining enclosure. It did not take too long for Parmer to acquire it. With the separating fence removed, there was sufficient room for the growing babies to learn to fly. Within days of their move, all had managed to fly, supervised and encouraged by both parents. All had perfected their flame, and were considered to be safe from danger.

The Cottage had become a welcoming home and the relationship between Parmer and Rin had flourished, both in passion and knowledge. Two important occasions loomed within the next few weeks; the wedding of Eno and Daisy and the Presentation Ball.

"You can't upstage the bride." Lady Unis declared on seeing Rin being fitted for her new gown.

"This is for the Ball." Rin laughed. "The pink over there is for the wedding." She indicated the other gown waiting for a fitting. "Dad likes me in pink."

"That is such a fabulous gown." Unis declared, admiring the deep blue flouncy dress that hugged Rin's figure and displayed her bare neck, shoulders and back. "You have the most wonderful skin tone."

"Lady Rin is extremely easy to dress." Kitty agreed, her speech slightly curbed by the pins held between her lips. "The design is very daring, but has Lord Parmer's approval."

"He is very trusting of his wife." Jules smiled. "She won't stray, will you, Lady Rin?"

"I feel no need." Rin grinned. "There are still times when I find it hard to believe I am wed to him."

"I still find it hard to believe that you do not yet carry his baby." Clara declared.

"My mistress 'n' her Lord are very much in love." Kitty ventured, her mouth now free of the pins. "They have bin very busy with them baby dragons to worry about children o' their own yet."

"There is no doubting their love." Jules agreed. "It shines from both of them. I have spent a great deal of my time in their company over the past month or so, after that terrible incident in Chambers, and it's very clear in the way they interact and conduct themselves.

"Children will happen when they happen." Rin smiled. "I am not eager to divide my attention too much at the moment."

Kitty swiftly sewed the dress at the pins so Rin could remove it comfortably. The maid shielded Rin's body from view as the pink fabric was draped over Rin's head. Again, Kitty fitted the fabric close to Rin's body, pinning and easing where necessary. The pink dress was simple in style, hanging from the shoulders to mid hip, then opening into generous folds. The bodice was decorated with beads and pearls around a low neck, the design travelling down one side of the skirt.

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