Chapter Thirteen

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Tobias continued the hourly rousing, offering water for Rin to sip. As the night wore on, she began to take larger sips, as if thirsty. Tobias was encouraged. The scent of lemon was lessening – either that, or he was becoming accustomed to the odour. It was not unpleasant, and offered him chances to ponder on recent events and revelations. He was disturbed by the possibility of Sir Van having thoughts of abusing his own daughter, and Clara's eagerness to remove Sayrah from the danger. He would not have suspected the man of such an evil notion and wondered how many other council members could have hidden perversions. By dawn, and the entrance of Parmer, he had decided to weed out the deviants.

"Good morning, Father." Parmer said softly. "How is she doing?"

"Good morning, Parmer. She's sleeping still although she begins to take proper drinks when roused. I expect her to wake sometime this morning, which may cause you some difficulties with her toileting."

"I'm happy to support her there." Parmer said confidently.

"Be that as maybe, Parmer, but she's a woman, and might not appreciate a male in attendance – any male, not just you."

"Hmm...Rin can be very stubborn. In that regard, you might be correct, Father. It would not be seemly for me to even suggest that, but she doesn't know Shella or mother that well either." Parmer mused. "Perhaps a maid?"

"I would suggest a maid – or two, but not perhaps from among our staff. I'll make some enquiries and send a female more suitable for her needs." Tobias smiled. "I'm certain you will be excited when she wakes, but Eno will require an update too. I'm sure he is anxious about her condition."

"As soon as she is toileted, I will send one of the maids with news to the kitchen." Parmer offered.

"That sounds excellent. I'll take the news personally to Eno." Tobias smiled.

"The smell of lemon is almost gone." Parmer remarked, his delight obvious. "I'm thankful."

"I'd not noticed." Tobias said as he stood. "When you sit it in for a long time, you're not aware of it."

"It means that Rin sleeps more naturally now." Parmer said, taking the seat over. He immediately held Rin's hand in his own. She grasped it briefly and sighed in her sleep.

"She dreams." Tobias observed, turning in the doorway. "She has been dreaming for a while now. She makes the odd sound or sigh too." Parmer smiled and then returned to watching Rin. Tobias closed the door and made his way to his room for a nap.

Rin had been dreaming for some time. At first, she had felt as if floating on soft clouds, although warm and comfortable. She had drifted between light and darkness, and as the dream progressed her surroundings had become darker and darker, as if she travelled down a long tunnel. Soon the light was a tiny dot in the distance. She turned to look in the opposite direction and again, the light was a tiny dot, but growing larger. The dot expanded fast, giving Rin a glimpse of a brilliantly illuminated wooden bridge crossing a deep, dark ravine. The footbridge was made of wooden slats, and the sides had handrails, finely carved and smooth. She edged closer, wishing to see more. There were many people there, some on her side of the bridge, others crossing, with more waiting on the other side, watching the gathering as if searching for someone they knew.

Rin stood full of wonder at the scene, watching the crossing of some people and the welcoming open arms of those who waited for them. Some on her side hesitated about crossing, peering over the edge of the ravine into the darkness. Rin edged closer to do the same, curious and yet cautious. No light entered the ravine and she could see no end to the steep sides, and no bottom. The bridge pulsed softly from the illumination, although Rin could see no light source. It didn't seem like candle light or flames from a fire, but a brighter, more gentle light than flickering, and with more colours. She compared it to a shattered rainbow, each colour dappling the wooden slats randomly and shifting continuously.

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