Chapter Nine

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As the days progressed, they fell into a routine, Parmer meeting Rin after meals to stroll hand-in-hand to the enclosure for feeding and caring for their mated dragons. During the days, they met up whenever they had freedom from responsibilities to unwind and discuss their achievements and disappointments. Parmer loved Rin's ability to calm or energise him, depending on his mood, and he always strove to make her laugh or compliment her in some way.

A few weeks later, they had met up in the evening as usual to give their dragons the final feed of the day. Parmer stopped abruptly as he approached the gate.

"Oh...look!" He pointed inside the enclosure. Seafoam was lying down, Blue at her side, but the surprise was that Seafoam was in a nest.

"They've been busy." Rin said, opening the gate. Parmer reached to pull her back, for safety's sake, but Rin was inside too quick. Blue lowered his head and walked slowly to Rin. Again, Parmer's anxiety grew but Blue just greeted Rin with a gentle nuzzle and a soft rumble as if to say 'Look what I did.'

"We'll have to move you." Rin was saying as Parmer came close. "You can't stay here."

"The nest is better than I expected, and fully built." Parmer said. "I don't think Seafoam will want to move."

The couple examined the nest under Blue's watchful gaze. Seafoam made no effort to turn either of them away as they circled her.

Parmer divided the food he had bought between the two dragons, placing bowls close to the nest. Seafoam had to shift a little to reach hers and Rin had the briefest glimpse of something white and round beneath the female's belly.

"I think she's got a clutch." Rin said.

"Blue's still too devoted." Parmer said. "Seafoam would chase him away if she'd laid eggs."

"Seafoam chose Blue, remember? I don't think she'll chase him away."

Blue nudged his bowl closer to Seafoam as she spoke.

"It would definitely be too late to move her if she's got a clutch." Parmer mused. "This means we'd have to provide food so she could feed the hatchlings. It won't be a problem, but we'd have to visit more often to keep the food replenished. Hatchlings eat a lot."

"I know." Rin said. "I've watched. Apart from shopping, cooking and cleaning, I have no other responsibilities. I could come often."

"I'll come when I can." Parmer said. "I'm willing to do my share."

"They're your hatchlings." Rin said. "Seafoam is the mother."

"Blue is the father. You must have at least one. I insist."

"I'll stick to the arrangement." Rin stated stubbornly. "I'll take those she can't rear. We shook on it."

"We did. I'll honour my promise to you." Parmer said.

"I'll return tomorrow morning." Rin said to Blue, petting him softly. "I'll bring food."

Sleep evaded Parmer. Having rested during the afternoon, he was not tired and although he wanted to dream of Rin, his mother's arguments kept running through his mind, keeping him awake. Why couldn't she be like Rin's father, or even his own, preferring to put his happiness first before society? He was tense when he thought of his mother's likely reaction, only relaxing when he thought of Rin, her smile, her voice, her laughter and how wonderful it felt to kiss her. He hugged his pillow in frustration as his body reacted. Halfway through the night, he gave up and dressed. He slipped quietly from his room, down the stairs and out into the starry night. It was chilly, but not cold. His feet wanted to turn to the Cottage, but he made himself visit Seafoam and Blue. He wanted to talk to someone who wouldn't offer opinions, and while the dragons might understand his words, they couldn't talk.

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