Chapter Twentyfive

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Days, then weeks passed, the young hatchlings learning to feed themselves and shedding their birth skins to reveal richer, deeper hues. All were steady on their own feet, although cutely ungainly when running, wings outstretched. Blue still kept intruders away but would consent to either Rin or Parmer taking a youngling to the gate for rucks to admire. The blue or green babies were fussed upon, but neither of the couple displayed the last-born. As the skin shed, it became evident that the colouring would be extraordinary and they preferred to keep it secret.

"She gets darker each shedding." Rin observed, removing the delicate skins from around the nest. Few of the young sat in the nest, as they had grown too big. One or two still managed to sleep inside, but the rest spilled out around the edge, the parents guarding the outer border.

"I've noticed. Despite her lateness, she is as healthy as the others, but that colour... She's a rare one. I know you've claimed her." Parmer grinned.

"I've not favoured her above any of the rest." Rin denied, giving her attention to another.

"Maybe not – but she's the one you look for first – every time." Parmer stated. "I've noticed, even if you're not conscious of it. She's yours, if you wish it."

"I can't... She's not male and not if she's going to be a 'rare'."

"I don't mind." He shrugged. "Besides, with your help, they're all going to excel."

"Hmm... I've spotted Mikael snooping. He's desperate to see what we have."

Parmer snorted. "Let him. The rucks are sworn to secrecy about the ones we've shown them anyway, and they don't know about her. All he's been told is that they have all hatched, are healthy and progressing as they should, which is all the rucks know."

"If she carries on darkening with each cast.... I'm not too sure how long we'll be able to keep her undisclosed."

Parmer relieved Rin of the sack that held the discarded skins. "We'll keep collecting the skins for as long as we can, but in another month, it will be difficult to keep her hidden. They'll all be too big. Although they will still be protected by Blue." Parmer chuckled as Blue flamed beyond the enclosure fence followed by a startled squeal.

"Did he get you?" Parmer chuckled toward the sound.

"No, thank the gods! I'm not even close...well away from the nominated area. "


"I'm just cutting undergrowth back. Dragonmaster Mikael has purchased this enclosure and wants it cleared."

"Hmm..." Parmer said, glancing between Rin and the dark baby dragon she stroked. "I'd watch out for Blue then. He's getting more protective now the little ones are mobile. That enclosure has been empty a while too...I'm not certain how Blue is likely to react with another dragon in it."

"That's what we said, but we acknowledge his expertise with dragons, and he says everything will be fine."

"Hmm..." Parmer didn't like it. Not one bit. He knelt down to Rin, and added his hands to the baby dragon's skin. "We'll move them... all of them." He murmured, close to her ear.

"Where to? And how?" Rin asked in surprise.

"I think Grandmaster Mikael hopes to watch their development. This one..." he stroked the darkening baby gently, " going to be special, and we won't share her until we know how special she is. Her colouring interests me. I think...I think she'll turn out to be a black."

"A black?"

"Really rare...strong, royalty among dragons. She might just stay at indigo or purple, they are just as rare, but not as tough. We won't know until she's a yearling, but ...."

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