Chapter Twentynine

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Eno waited with the priest while Rin and Daisy made their way toward the Sanctuary. "Nervous?" Rin asked as she handed Daisy a bouquet of flowers.

"Nervous 'n' h'excited. 'E makes me so 'appy." Daisy replied, gathering up the lacy folds of her dress.

"You look lovely." Rin flattered. "Just as a wife should."

"Kitty done me proud." Daisy beamed. "You too."

"She seems better."

"I 'ad a word, as I promised. Told 'er as 'ow she were lucky you unnerstood 'ow she felt, but a further repeat could see 'er out on 'er ear."

They stepped forward, entering the Sanctuary. Eno and Parmer watched them walk up with pride. Rin handed Daisy over to her father and joined Parmer to witness the promises, and the blessings. Eno finally placed the eternity band over Daisy's head, tucked her arm into his, and steered her down the aisle into the sun.

Tobias and Clara had waited outside with Kitty and a few other members of staff to wish Eno and Daisy good luck.

"A dragon and carriage wait the happy couple." Tobias smiled, indicating the beribboned vehicle. Eno helped Daisy into the carriage, waved to the party and headed off back to the mansion.

"We have another for us." Tobias added, indicating a larger vehicle. Parmer helped Rin inside, Kitty following, and finally Clara and Tobias climbed aboard to set off after the other. The rest followed behind on foot.

Eno was just helping Daisy down from the carriage when the other vehicle arrived. Tobias stepped down immediately, helping Clara, then Kitty from the carriage, followed by Parmer and Rin.

"We have a cold buffet for everyone." Tobias said. "We shall wait until the rest arrive, then we shall eat. It's set in the kitchen. Ah, ah, peeking. The rest of the staff wished to surprise you and Eno. This is their gift to you. I can assure you that it looks wonderful."

"Daft people." Daisy scoffed, but smiled her thanks. She fingered her band before turning to Eno. "This is very pretty."

"Rin has one the same colour. It's made from their baby dragon's cast-off skins. Lovely and soft to work with."

"I'm proud t' wear it." Daisy smiled. "'As bin a lovely day. Lady Rin looked beautiful in that dress too, 'n' Lord Parmer, so dashing."

"l always liked my daughter in pink." Eno smiled. "Shows off her hair and skin colouring so well."

"Glad they came. Shame my lot couldna come too."

"It's our day, not theirs." Eno said softly, kissing her cheek. "It's not everyone that gets a second chance." Daisy just smiled shyly.

As soon as Tobias could see the walking party, he ushered the wedding group into the kitchen, the walkers following behind. Many more waited around the table, only parting when everyone was inside. "My Lords, Ladies and gents, I bid you welcome Eno and Daisy." Sam, the steward announced. "The buffet is now served. Please enjoy."

Eno and Daisy were allowed first choice, followed by the wedding group, before the table became surrounded by hungry staff.

"I made the cake." Kitty said proudly. "Lady Rin allowed me to use the Cottage, so it was secret."

"It looks lovely, Kitty." Daisy praised. "I didn't know you could bake a cake."

"I can do basic cooking too, but nothing grand like you can do, though."

Tobias produced bottles of wine, pouring glasses and handing them around. Once everyone held one, he held his up. "A toast to Eno and Daisy, for good luck and a happy union." The rest said "Aye" or "Cheers", clinked glasses and drank to their health, and watched as Eno and Daisy cut up the cake to share.

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