Chapter Seventeen

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In the enclosure adjoining the one Blue and Seafoam occupied, people scurried around in panic, voices raised in alarm and fear. Rin distracted Blue and he turned away from his watch to come for affection. Parmer vaulted the gate and went to investigate the rumpus in the adjacent pen. Several people ran around, some batting out smoking areas with beaters, others carrying the injured away.

"You'd think people would learn by now." Parmer called out to the nearest beater. "There are many messages, warning about his protective nature."

"He got Lord Syn!" The beater shouted back. "Took a girl too close to the fence."

"Oh dear!" Parmer chuckled. "The girl, is she harmed?"

"Syn took all the damage!" The beater laughed. "He's not likely to be active for a while. The girl is unharmed, just shook up."

"We'll move them once the clutch hatches."

"No hurry." The beater called back. "This is the first time we've had to do any firefighting for a few days now. Most people heed the warnings."

Parmer looked along the fence, and he saw that new growth had begun on the closer vegetation, a sure sign that Blue had not needed to flame for a while. Presumably, Syn's need for dalliance had lowered his caution, and he had paid the price. Parmer was amused, chuckling as he returned to Rin who still fussed Blue. Parmer vaulted over the gate again, collected the feeding bowls and filled them from the sack placed at the end of the path. Rin opened the gate for him and both entered. Blue led the way to Seafoam, who still lay curled around the eggs. Parmer placed the bowls down, pushing Seafoam's closer so she had no need to move. She stood anyway, and stretched to ease tight muscles, leaving the nest to eat.

Rin counted the eggs, noting that one rocked. She pointed it out to Parmer.

"They're close to hatching." He said. "It's about the right time."

"Anyone hurt over there?" Rin asked, watching the beaters.

"Only Lord Syn." Parmer laughed. "Blue may have saved Syn's father the bother."

"Oooh! Ouch!" Rin laughed. "Kitty might have to drool over another man."

"Kitty fancied Syn? By the gods!"

"The fanciful imaginations of a young woman." Rin smiled. "He is a rogue."


"By what I've heard, he enjoys the rut, but doesn't limit himself to one girl. He sounds as if he's taken advantage of most, if not all, the female rucks."

"Poor Kitty."

"She's had her share too." Rin said. "Although not with Syn."

"That explains many things." Parmer mused. "Her calmness when finding me in the toilet earlier, the thoughtful provision of the bath..."

"Her absence on the return to my room last night." Rin added.

"Oh, she was there – waiting on the bench. She vanished as we drew close." Parmer said. "She appreciates discretion. Now I understand why. She should be careful; a child would be a disaster for her."

"I mentioned that." Rin said. "Although if she worked for me, I would not turn her out."

Parmer stared at her, his heart swelling further. "You have such a generous heart, my Lady." He murmured. "You continue to amaze me."

"We have the same concerns, do we not?" Rin challenged him. "For my belly to swell with your child would cause shame to many."

"I would wed you. I will wed you, Rin. We will cause no shame. I am not so stupid as to believe that it could not happen. It could already be happening." He lifted the hand bearing his ring. "This is a promise of that. I will tie the knot on your eternity band, be it tomorrow or in years to come, hopefully before your belly swells."

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