S2 E6: Motorcycle

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Jack's phone started ringing. He answered it.

"What's up Zack."

"Hey Jack, you remembered to fix the brake on my motorcycle right?"

"Yeah, I still don't understand why I had to."

"Because you broke it in the first place."

"Oh right. Don't worry, I fixed it up good."

Zack stopped himself from getting on.

"You did it?"


"I'm not riding it."

"Oh come on, trust me."

"Alright later. Click."


Zack got on and drove off.

*Plays theme song*

In Jack's room

Jack's phone ringed.


"Yo Jack, I got the stuff you need to fix that brake," Milton said.

"What do you mean? I've already fixed it."

"Well it's still broken because the stuff I have fixes it."

"Oh no."

"So how's your-?"

Jack hung up and called Zack.

"You've reached my voicemail box, well nobody checks their voicemails anymore so."


Before Jack could say anything, Austin ran in.


"Zack's been in a motorcycle accident."


"He's at the hospital, come on!"

He grabbed Jack's hand and ran out.

At the hospital

Jack and Austin entered and saw Piper, Owen, and Slater. They also saw Zack unconscious with a broken leg, bruises, cuts, and a breathing mask.

"Oh no."

Slater stood up angrily and went to them.


Slater grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the wall.


"No, because of this idiot, Zack could've been in a coma!"


"You. Me. Tomorrow. We fight."

Slater let him go and marched out. Jane, Jonah, and Maya entered.

"Hey, what we miss?"

The Next Day

Zack woke up to Owen staring at him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Glad you're awake Zack Attack."


"Jack said he's sorry."

"For what?"

"For not fixing your brake right."

"No, it wasn't the brake that cause the accident, a car hit me."


"Yeah, it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention."

"Well, did you look both ways?"

"Yes, I looked both ways before crossing the street. I looked both "gorgeous" and "radiant". Too bad I got hit by a car."

"Oh no."

"Oh no what?"

"Jack thinks it's his fault and Slater blames him so Slater is going to fight him."


"I'll call them."

Zack slowly got up because of the pain while Owen tried to call them.

"They're not answering."

He screeched when he saw Zack up.

"You need to rest!"

"We need to stop Slater from crushing Jack. Jack won't use his karate on him. Now get me some crutches."

At school

Slater pushed Jack to the floor. Everyone was laughing and cheering while the gang was yelling him to stop and hold Jerry back.

"How can you guys not stop him?!"

"If he punches Jack, then we'll let you at him."

Zack and Owen came in. Slater grabbed Jack by his shirt. Everything went in slow motion.

"Oh no!"

Owen started running over to them in slow motion as Slater got ready to punch Jack.


Zack pulled the fire alarm and the sprinklers came on. Everyone booed and looked at Zack and was shocked.

"Zack what are you doing here? You're suppose to be resting."

"Told ya."

Zack rolled his eyes.

"Look, it isn't Jack's fault, it's mine, I was thinking too much about the brake and a car hit me."

He went to Jack.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you."

"I'm just glad you're okay."

He hugged him but Zack pulled away in pain.

"Ow ribs."

"Oh right."

They laughed.

Episode Finished

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