S2 E10: Player

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Zack opened his locker and a note fell out.

"Turn around."

Zack turned around and saw Cole. He screeched.

"Cole what do you want," Zack asked annoyed.


"Me? What," Zack said in a high pitch voice.

"I've realized my feelings for you."

"Well I haven't and never will."

"That won't stop me from getting what I want."

He winked and left. Zack shuddered.

*Plays theme song*

Smooth walked up to Jack and Jerry.

"Hey loser. Hey beautiful."

"Hey asshole."

"Can I borrow your notes for History?"


Jack got them out of his locker while Smooth looked at his ass biting his lip. Jerry glared balling his fists. Jack gave him the notes.

"Thanks, I'll give them back at the end of the day, later."


He left.

"You idiot."

"I'm sure you're right but why?"

"You just let him stare at your ass."

"Sorry I don't have eyes at the back of my head," Jack said sarcastically.

"If you don't have a clue on why I'm mad, then don't talk to me."

He stormed off.

During lunch

Zack went to his locker. He opened it and grabbed his binder. He closed his locker and Cole was there behind it.

"Hey Zachary."

"Hey asshole."

"If I was the last person on Earth, would you date me," Cole asked.

"If you were the last person on Earth, I wouldn't exist."

Zack tried to leave but Cole stopped him and slammed him against the locker making him drop his binder.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Cole said getting closer.

"Well I'm going to hurt you if you don't get off him in 2 seconds," Slater said.

Cole backed off and left. Zack picked up his binder.

"He's such a asshole. Excuse my language but he is. Who does he think he is. All because he's tall and buff and is a Junior."

Slater noticed how quiet Zack was being.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I just remembered something bad," he said quietly.

"Okay. Tell me if he does something okay?"

Zack stayed silent.



Slater tried to kiss him but Zack flinched. He kissed his cheek instead and left.

In World History

Smooth gave Jack his notes.

"Thanks Smooth."

"No problem babe."

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