S6 E9: Don't Watch Me Cry

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Damon knocked on Austin's door. Austin opened it.

"Hey babe."


"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted from studying."

"You? Studying?"

"Yeah even I didn't believe that. Look, don't worry about it okay."

"Okay but-."

Austin closed the door.

"That kinda hurt," Damon said leaving.

*Plays theme song*

Damon went up to Zack.

"Yo Zack, do you know what's wrong with Austin?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you. Hey do you wanna play Monopoly, I wanna play Monopoly, do you," Zack asked talking fast.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just really wanna play Monopoly."

Damon sat down across from him.

"We never hide stuff from each other. Is it that bad?"

"Just don't worry about it."

"But I have to worry, I mean, I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. I don't want him to be afraid to tell me things."

"Aww, that's cute. Alright, let's have a six."

Zack threw them hard causing Damon to duck and making them fly across the room almost hitting Jack coming in. Zack jumped over the table and looked for them.

"What's wrong with-?"

"I don't know. Do you what's wrong with-?"

"I can't tell you."

"Come on Jack."

"I'm sorry but it's personal."

"Alright, a six!"

Zack sat back down smiling.

"Did you have a large cup of coffee this morning?"

"Close," he said laughing.

"Caffeine pills!"


"Um hello, my situation over here about Austin's situation."

"Look, it's something in Austin's past that came back."

"Which is?"

Zack and Jack looked at each other.

"Oh," Damon said realizing.

"Damon, don't get involved, and I'm confiscating your bag."


"Because we don't want you to overdose."

"I'm not."

"You're right, you're not, because I'm taking them, and stop bouncing," Jack said leaving.

Zack followed him.

At Austin's dorm room

Damon went inside and saw Austin asleep. He went through his bag and took his phone.

"Great, password."

"It's my birthday."

Damon screeched.

"You're lucky you're cute."

"I'm just worried."

"I know but I have to deal with this alone."

"No you don't. I'm here."

"For God's sake it's four in the morning, just tell him," Henry yelled.

They went outside.

"Listen, I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"But, I can't tell you."

He sighed.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone about it. I love you."

"I love you too."

He sadly smiled and left.

At the café

Austin walked in sulking. He went to the counter.

"One smoothie, any kind."


Austin screamed and punched Zack in the face.


"Zack what the hell are you doing?!"

"First off, you hit really hard. Second, after going unconscious and having a mental breakdown, I decided to work here to help my family and save up for the wedding. Plus I'm going to the therapist with Jack every week and free smoothies."

"How'd you even get a job here with your track record?"

"You see what had happened was, I copied someone's resume while I polish my resume. How do you spell beautiful?"

Austin rolled his eyes.


He grabbed his smoothie and went to a table by himself. A guy sat next to him. Austin looked up and glared at him.

"May I help you," he asked annoyed.

"Do you remember me?"

"No and honestly I don't care."

"I really broke you huh?"

Austin's eyes widened.

"Now do you remember me?"

Austin glared at him.

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to see how you were doing and see if you wanted to do something special," the guy putting his hand on Austin's leg.

Austin stood up quickly. He backed away and went to the counter hyperventilating.

"What's wrong?"

Zack saw the guy.

"No way."

"I gotta leave!"

"Austin listen to me. You have to face your fears. He can't hurt you here. If he lays a hand on you, I'm here."


Austin went back over to him while Zack called the police. Damon walked in and saw them.

"Decided to man up for once."

"You know, I thought a lot about what happened, and I'll spare you the anger, and the crying, and the weight loss, and the empty space on my wall where you're picture used to be. Cause I've decided that there's no point in focusing on the negatives. I'd rather think about the good things that come from this. Like, um...You taught me a really valuable lesson. Just because I'm gay, people will hate me without knowing anything else about me. I always knew that was part of the deal. I just never expected it to be from my own Uncle. But now I know not to expect the best from anyone. So thanks I guess."

Damon got closer and the guy glared at Austin.

"Oh, and one more thing. I learned some really cool things about myself. Like I'm tough. I'm really tough. And when I do stumble."

Austin looked at Damon.

"I have the most amazing boyfriend who is always there to pick me up," Austin said smiling.

Damon smiled back. Austin looked back at the guy.

"So whatever, dude. I'm moving on with my life. I'm gonna be fine. I'm just really bummed out for you."


The police came in and arrested him.

"You're gonna miss stuff, and that sucks. Cause I'm pretty great."

The police took him away. Damon walked up to Austin. They smiled at each other and hugged.

Episode Finished

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