S4 E5: Bad Luck

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Jonah struggled with carrying his books down the hall. Maya walked past him.

"Hey Maya, can you help me with-?"

"Wish I could, but I don't want to."

Jonah saw Maya walking towards a ladder.


He dropped his books and tackled her to the floor.

"What the hell Jonah?! You bull rushed me!"

"You were about to walk under a ladder."


"So, that means bad luck."

"Jonah, you're oblivious but not that oblivious."

"It's true."

"Oh really."

She stood up and helped him up.


She walked under the ladder.

"See, nothing happened."

One of the painters accidentally spilled there bucket of paint all over her.

"Told you so."

*Plays theme song*

Maya and Jonah went up to Owen and Zack.

"I need you guys to be straight with me," Maya said.

"This is going to be extremely hard for us, Maya," Zack said.

"Owen, Zack, can you please tell Jonah that luck doesn't exist."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's real."

"Oh my God."

"If luck doesn't exist, then explain why four leaf clovers exist."

"Because they're just a mistake like Zack," Maya said.

"And thank you, Maya for reminding me why I don't like you. But I do agree with her, luck doesn't exist."

A black cat walked by them. A car sped by splashing them with water.

"Now I believe."

At lunch

Maya sat next to Max.

"Look who decided to visit us, the local drunk."

"Shut up, look I have a salt shaker."


"Max knock it over and Jack put your shoes on the table."


"To prove to the three stooges that luck doesn't exist."

Max and Jack obeyed and nothing happened.

"Told you so."

Two people tripped and spilled their food all over them. They glared at Maya.

"Coincidence. Now see ya later gays."

"Did you mean "guys"?"

"Did I stutter?"

In Gym

Jane, Maya, and Jonah stretched while Zack, Jack, and Austin played basketball.

"Okay, Jane opened the umbrella."

"Maya if they got bad luck, I'm pretty sure I'll get it too."

"Look, nothing can spill on you because you have an umbrella."

"I guess."

Jane opened the umbrella flinching. They looked around.

"Wow, I guess they were coincidences."

She closed the umbrella. Jack accidentally threw the basketball in Jane's face making her fall.

"Jane," Zack yelled running to her.

Zack lifted her head.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, I'm bad at basketball," Jack said, worried.

"I think my nose is broken."

"Told you luck exists."

"Not the time."

"One more person left."

They looked at Austin. He ran away and Maya chased after him.

At Max and Maya's house

"Break the mirror."

"Hell no!"


"I'm not breaking a mirror and getting seven years of bad luck so you can prove a point."

"Fine I'll do it."

She snatched the hammer and smashed the mirror.

"See nothing happened."

"WHO BROKE THAT MIRROR," Max and Maya's Mom yelled.


"Now I believe it, RUN!"

They ran out.

Episode Finished

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