S6 E10: Safe and Sound

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Jack entered the café and went to the counter.

"Sup Jackaboy."

"Nothing much Zack attack."

"So what do you-?"

Jack jumped over the counter and tackled him to the ground as a light almost fell on them.

"That almost killed you!"

"And you stopped it?! Jack what am I paying you for?!"

Jack glared at him.

*Plays theme song*

At the café

"Aren't you a little bit curious why that light decided to fall on you?"

"It was probably old."

They went inside and stopped when they saw Cole.

"Cole," they said in unison.

Cole saw them and glared.

"Are you curious now?"

They went up to him.

"What are you doing here?"


"Oh so coincidentally you come to the same college as us but two months late right when I almost get killed."

"That's a big coincidence but then again, what if I did happen to mess with the lights."

He went to the doors.

"What do you want Cole?"

He turned around.

"I heard you and Slater got engaged. It would be a tragedy if one of you got hurt."

He left smirking. Jack stood in front of Zack.

"Listen, don't worry about him, he can't hurt you here."

"A light almost fell on me!"

"Okay that's true. But he can't physically hurt you, there's security cameras."

"You're right."

Later at night

Zack and Jack were walking to their dorm room when they noticed that people were following them.

"Jack, does the outside of campus have cameras?"

"No they do not."

"Yeah so this is the perfect time to RUN!"

They ran to the dorms. They ran up the stairs. They banged on Slater and Jerry's door.


Slater opened the door.

"Guys, it's almost midnight."

They ran in locking the door.

"What's wrong?"

They explained what's going on quickly that they didn't understand.

"One at a time."

They took in a deep breath.

"COLE IS BACK," they yelled in unison.

"What," they said in unison.

The doorknob started rattling.

"Is anyone in there?"

"Yeah," Jerry said.

They punched him in the arm.

"I mean no."

"Who is it," Zack asked grabbing the bat.

There was no answer. The person broke the door down and Zack hit them with the bat.


Austin and Jonah ran in.

"What is going on?!"

They saw the guy on the floor.


They left. Slater noticed the knife on the ground.

"It's Cole."

"Are you sure?"

They pulled the mask off and saw Cole.

"I'm sure."

The Next Day

"The police said that he's in their custody so we're safe."

"Yay back to our boring lives," Zack said sarcastically.

"I rather be boring than dead."


Episode Finished

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