the junkyard and beyond // chris chambers (pt. 4)

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You finally got to the junkyard and all five of you ran to the shade of a beat up blue piece of scrap metal. You pulled out your canteen and took a swig of lukewarm water, passing it to Chris next. It wasn't the best, but it was as refreshing as ever.
The boys told you about Milo Pressman, the old junkman, and his apparently evil dog, Chopper. According to them, Milo had trained Chopper not just to sic, but to sic certain parts of the body. They left an emphasis on that last part, glancing at each other, and you understood, thanking God in that moment that you weren't a boy.
Gordie and Chris raced in the heat and collapsed back under the sheet, spitting water at each other. You took a big gulp of water and shot a stream of it directly at Chris who laughed and spat back at you.
"Have you guys been watching the Mickey Mouse Club lately?" Teddy said, relaxed against the back of a car.
"Yeah." You all responded.
"I think Annette's tits are getting bigger." Teddy said.
Chris shot a quick glance at your chest out of instinct, made eye contact with you, then turned away, his face bright red and eyes wide.
You blushed, crossing your arms over yourself.
"Yeah, I think he's right. I've been noticing lately that the A and the E," Gordie began. (He demonstrated this by cupping his hands on the sides of his ribs), "are beginning to bend around the sides."
"Annette's tits are GREAT!" Vern said enthusiastically.
You snorted as all of the boys agreed, Chris's response being significantly quieter than the others.
After flipping coins, it was decided that Gordie would go to the store, and about 20 minutes after he'd left, you began to pack up. As you hopped over the fence, you heard a scream. Your head shot up to see Gordie sprinting toward the fence you and the other boys were safely behind.
A fat, greasy-looking man, who you assumed to be Milo, was yelling and hobbling out from behind a broken down car.
Now, what he had said was, "Chopper! Sic 'em!"
However, what you and the boys had heard was the dreaded, "Chopper! Sic balls!"
This seemed to propel Gordie's legs so fast that he practically launched himself to the fence, screaming all the way. You would've laughed if you weren't so scared for him.
When he had hopped over the fence, landing on his butt, you finally saw the fearsome Chopper, who, to your relief, turned out to be a pretty average sized golden retriever.
"That's Chopper?" Teddy said, holding back a laugh. "Hee hee! Sic 'em Choppy! Kiss my ass!" He repeated this, taunting the dog and throwing a slew of insults until Milo finally caught up to his dog and pressed himself against the fence.
"Don't tease that dog! I should beat your ass for that!" He yelled, spit flying.
"I'd like to see you try, fatass!" Teddy screeched, grinning. You began to walk away.
Milo regained his (still crazy) composure. "Hey... I know you! You're that loony's son!"
Teddy turned around.
"What did you call me? My father stormed the beach at Normandy." He hissed.
"Your dad's a loony. He's up at the nuthouse at Togus!" Milo said, grinning and showing his decaying teeth.
"Call him a loony again and I'll kill ya." Teddy said. Gordie grabbed his arm and Milo continued to taunt him.
"Shut the hell up, fathead!" Chris yelled. You were shaking.
"Wait a sec. I know you too! I know all of you!" He locked eyes with you.
"You're y/n y/l/n. You're the little slut that just moved here, aren't ya? And you, you're that theif. Chambers. I know all of you! All of your fathers'll be gettin a call from me! Oh, except for the loony up at Togus!"
Chris tensed up and you narrowed your eyes and stepped in front of him, placing your arms on his chest as he began to stride toward the lunatic junkman.
"It's okay, it doesn't matter, he isn't hurting me or Teddy. Let's just go." You say, pretty much pleading with Chris at this point. He took your hand, eyes never leaving Milo's dirty, ash-smudged face, and began to walk away, calling the other boys.
Gordie and Vern pulled Teddy away and returned to the tracks that ran through the woods, Milo screaming and Chopper barking until they were out of earshot.
You and Vern walked together, comforting a crying Teddy while Chris and Gordie argued behind you. You only heard tidbits;
"Fuck writing!"
"That's your dad talking, not you."
"Wish the hell I was your dad... It's like God gave you something..."
"Oh gee, thanks..."
Gordie finally pushed past you, Vern, and Teddy, seemingly fuming.
"I'll be right back Ted." You said, patting his back.
You fell back to Chris, who was kicking rocks.
"You're not a slut." He muttered.
"What?" You turned toward him. He kept his head down.
"You're not a slut. Milo said you were."
"Oh. Thanks, Chris. You're not a thief."
He scoffed. "Yeah. Sure."
"Chris." You said, putting a hand on his chest and softening your voice. "I barely know you. But I know you enough to know that you aren't a thief. You're a good kid. You're sweet, handsome, kind, thoughtful... I mean, how could you be anything bad?"
He looked up, and mustered a weak smirk.
"You think I'm handsome?"
You laughed, trying to hide the blush that quickly covered your cheeks.
"Well, I think you're gorgeous." He said softly.
He sounded sincere.
"Thanks, Chris."
"No problem, y/n." He said, and slung an arm around you.
"Jesus lovebirds, get a room!" Teddy yelled.
You guessed he was feeling better.

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