strawberry milkshake // gordie lachance

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💫 I'm hoping this imagine is gonna turn out okay cause I love Gordie with all my heart. 💫


"Language." Your older sister turned toward you, eyebrows cocked, her shoes scraping on the dirt and gravel.
It was a hot summer day in June, the year was 1960. The birds were chirping and the parking lot at the Blue Point Diner was filled to the brim with cars. Everyone needed some fuel. And by fuel, I mean burgers and fries. The best in Castle Rock.
The song "Kansas City" could be heard playing on repeat in the diner, the smell of fry oil and mouthwatering food was strong, and you could see the couples dancing around together through the dirty windows.
"I forgot my money."
Oh, y/n, you've got to be kidding me." She sighed, digging through her purse for a cherry red lipstick. She leaned over to the shiny bender of a nearby Mustang and began to reapply it on her lips that were already what you thought was the brightest red in the world.
"Can you pay?"
"Are you kidding? Steve and I are meeting up. You're not invited, and thus, I am not paying for your food."
You rolled your eyes. Mary always liked to make herself sound smart... no, not smart, superior, when she was with you.
"Okay... at least give me a penny or two? For a gumball?" You gazed up at her, pleading.
She looked at you exasperatedly and sighed again. "Fine. For a gumball." She rummaged through her purse and quickly pressed a shiny nickel into your hand.
Suddenly, you heard the revving of an engine and you turned to see a bright red car swerve around the parking lot, the worlds biggest douchebag at the steering wheel.
Almost hitting a waitress on her journey out to the drive through, he pulled into a vacant spot, popped the collar of his leather jacket, and gave a nod to Mary, who blushed.
Jesus. What does she see in him?
You rolled your eyes as your sister brushed off her brand new dress, gently puffed her curly hair and bow, and walked to the car, flirting all the way. Once she'd gotten in and barely put her seatbelt on, Steve pulled the car out of the lot, revving his engine (again), and covering you with dust. You held up your middle finger and turned around without looking, bumping straight into someone.
"Ah, shit! I'm sorry." You ran a hand through your hair and noticed that an array of writing materials had fallen, beginning to clean them up and scooping them into your free hand.
When you looked up, you could barely speak. A young boy who looked to be about your age stared back at you. He had dark brown hair and eyes that looked like the chocolate taffy that was always being pulled in the candy shop window. A faded array of freckles covered his cheeks and nose and his lips were light pink like the blush on his cheeks.
"Oh, um, it's okay!" He offered a sheepish grin and you shyly smiled back. He was adorable, you couldn't help it.
Once you'd given him all of his things, he held out his hand.
"I'm Gordie." His hand was warm when you shook it. "I like your shoes."
You looked down at your beat up high tops. "Thanks. I'm y/n."
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
You stood in silence for a second, looking around/stealing glances at each other, and you felt your face grow a little warmer than it already was in the summer heat.
"So," He cleared his throat awkwardly, "you goin' inside?"
You nodded and smiled again.
You ended up sitting on two worn, yet still painfully red stools right by the kitchen.
A brunette waitress walked over, popping her bubblegum loudly and slowly blinking, showing off her electric blue eyeshadow.
"What can I get for you two?"
"Oh, um, can I get a milkshake? Strawberry." Gordie smiled at the waitress and handed her a crisp dollar bill. You liked the way he said 'strawberry'. You picked at the soft leather of the seat.
"And for the lovely lady?" Her voice sounded dull and uninterested.
"Oh, um, can I have a second? I haven't decided yet."
You felt Gordie's eyes on you.
She gave Gordie a weird look, then shrugged and took the dollar to the back where she could get him his milkshake and change.
"'Kay hun. I'll be back in a jiff." She muttered.
You and Gordie looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"So, what are you doing here?" Gordie asked.
"Nothin' much. My sister ditched me for some babe in a Mustang, so I'm kinda stuck."
He laughed.
"How about you?"
"Well, I dunno. I usually come here to do some, uh, writing, but it's nice to talk to someone instead of just thinking, ya know? Especially someone like you. You seem, um, really cool." You could barely hear his last sentence over the chatter of the diner and the loud music, but
you began to blush. Or maybe it was just the heat coming from the kitchen.
"You too. So you're a writer?"
"Yeah, I write stories here and there." His face looked uncomfortably red.
You cleared your throat, still smiling.
You rustled the change in your pocket, looking at the menu so he couldn't see how pink your cheeks were. A coke was 6¢. Of course.
Gordie watched you fiddling with your jeans. "Hey, you should play something else on the jukebox." He laughed a little. "If I hear 'Kansas City' one more time I might go crazy."
"Good point." You thought for a second as he looked at you intently. "I'll be back in a jiff." He smiled. You winked and hopped off the stool.
When you got to the jukebox, you sifted through the songs, finally stopping on "Little Bitty Pretty One."
(a/n: i know, i know, that song wasn't released until 1967, please don't kill me)
As you inserted the nickel into the slot, you looked back over at Gordie and felt butterflies in your stomach. The waitress had set down his milkshake but he must have asked her something else because she rolled her eyes and nodded, putting on a fake smile. She set something else down on the table.
When you got back, you noticed an extra straw.
"I thought we could share. I mean, you helped me pick up my writing stuff..."
You gave him a look as he put both straws into the deliciously cold shake.
"Thank you, but... I was the one who bumped into you."
He blushed. "I know. My treat."
As you both took a sip from the milkshake, you noticed how long his eyelashes were, then how close together you were.
You could almost feel the heat radiating off of his skin.
"Jesus, just kiss already!" You heard a harsh voice behind you and turned to see another kid around your age. He had a dog tag on, something that made you cock your head slightly. He was grinning and punched Gordie's arm.
"Shit, Teddy."
The kid (apparently named Teddy), began to laugh, or at least what you thought was a laugh. It was high-pitched and awkward, but funny just the same.
The waitress walked by at the same time as Teddy laughed and he put an elbow on the table, attempting to be seductive.
"Hey," He began, before leaning forward and reading her name tag, "Nancy. How 'bout some fries on the house for me and my friends?"
The waitress glared at him.
"In your dreams, tiny. Pay or get out." She turned away and marched off haughtily.
Teddy grinned.
"Eh, one day, one day."
Finally acknowledging you, he held out his hand and you got up and shook it, looking over at Gordie as Teddy formally introduced himself.
Gordie looked embarrassed.
"Hey hottie, my name's Teddy. Teddy Duchamp. It's a pleasure."
Gordie rolled his eyes and pushed Teddy away, hand on his chest.
"Cool it, Duchamp."
"Alright, alright, I'll leave you and your girlfriend alone, Lachance."
Gordie's face was now the reddest you'd seen it so far, and he gently took your hand, leading you back to the seat.
You stared at your hand in his, practically shaking.
Teddy shrugged and turned toward the jukebox.
"Who put this shit on? We need something to swing to." He said, swaggering away. Two more boys entered the diner and walked over to him, glancing at you every once in a while as Teddy told them something.
"Sorry about him."
"It's okay. I get it, my music taste isn't the best." You giggled.
"I actually really like your music. It's really- I mean, it's really cool and- Um, I dunno. It's nice."
"Thanks, Gordie." You smiled at his flustered reaction. It was cute, even if he beat himself up about it later.
"No problem."
You sat in silence, taking a sip of the milkshake every once in a while.
"Hey, y/n,"
"Look, I know we kinda just met, but, um, you seem like a real nice girl and I... um, well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me...?"
"Oh, Gordie, I'd love to!" You leaned forward and hugged him. He gently wrapped his arms around you. He smelled like chocolate and paper, a weird yet intoxicating combination.
By the time you'd finished your milkshake, you'd learned a little more about him. His other two friends had eventually introduced themselves as Chris and Vern, and had promptly left, each ordering a root beer float. You thought it was cute that rather than getting a root beer float like the other boys, Gordie had chosen a strawberry milkshake.
He'd read a few of his stories to you, and once he was done, he tipped the waitress. You two laughed, knowing that she didn't really deserve it as you walked outside back into the sweltering heat.

"So, Friday?"
"Friday. Meet me at the treehouse."
"Sounds good. See ya, Gordie." You quickly leaned forward, swallowing your fear, and kissed him on the cheek.
He smiled at you.
"Not if I see you first."


🍓🍦 This was sort of a soft approach at an imagine because Gordie is such a little cinnamon roll, I can't really imagine anything but something cute like this. I hope you enjoyed! This might get a sequel later on but who knows... You guys will have to let me know if you want one!🍦🍓

Love you all!
🥛 Camhhhh 🥛

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