preferences // stand by me

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Hello! I'm back with some more Stand by Me preferences while I work on the first Wil imagine. I'm in a bit of a writers block right now, so if you have any suggestions, now would be the best time to let me know. Thanks!
(These preferences were written before the Wheaton imagine, but published out of order. Oops.)


when you're sad


Chris would absolutely hate seeing you sad and would not leave your side until you felt better. Since he's not great at comforting you with words, he'd probably just repeat, "It's okay," and calming things like that. He'd cuddle with you, kiss you constantly, and attempt to beat the shit out of whatever is making you sad.


Gordie would take the time to hang out with you, you'd talk to each other about whatever is making you sad and he'd tell you stories to make you feel better. He'd probably bring you up to the treehouse and you two would look at the stars together, holding hands, and he'd give you a ton of hugs whenever you wanted them.


Because Teddy is Teddy, he'd probably look to jokes and messing around to make you feel better. Honestly, I think he'd be a little scared of you and would back off when it came to the offensive jokes he frequently says and would instead awkwardly try to comfort you and give you hugs.


Because Vern is such a little cinnamon roll, he'd definitely try to make you food, buy you things, and hold your hand a lot. He wouldn't be super physical about it (hugs would be kinda limited), but he'd be a great listener when it came to whatever you were sad about.

your first date
(yeah i know, how original.)


💫 Chris is pretty simplistic. He'd probably ask you to go to the Blue Point Diner for burgers and shakes, and would take you on a walk afterwards, holding your hand. Of course, he'd be a total gentleman and open doors for you, pull out seats for you, etc. The date would definitely end with a kiss on the lips. 💫


⭐️ Gordie would definitely invite you to the treehouse. He'd show up with his notebook full of stories and sheepishly read them to you while you both ate snacks and talked the night away. Later, you'd lay outside in the grass and gaze up at the stars. He'd kiss you on the cheek, blushing like crazy, and ask you on a second date. ⭐️


✨ Teddy would probably want to go swimming and would tell you all of his "war stories" while you two shared some french fries. He'd be super outgoing and would try to kiss you on the lips in the middle of the date and you'd most likely reject him, but kiss him on the cheek as the date came to an end. He'd call you a hottie the whole day, which would never cease to make you blush. ✨


🌙 Vern would invite you to the movies on the weekend and show up at your house with flowers, charming your parents. You'd hold hands in the theater and go to the candy shop when the movie ended, and he'd buy you whatever you want. He'd probably walk you home and kiss you on the cheek after complimenting your outfit. 🌙

☁️ this is pretty short, but i'm planning on a pretty long wil wheaton imagine coming up next so stay tuned lovelies ☁️
thanks for reading!
edit: once again, this was all published out of order. it was supposed to be before the pool party story. oops.
- camhhhh

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