hurt // lucas wolenczak

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🔆 warning: slight smut 🔆
(not overly sexual, just a lil' makeout sesh)

🚢 Time: 12:36 AM. 🚢
"Sorry!" You jerk the washcloth back in response to Lucas's pain, nervously adding a bit more rubbing alcohol to it.
He winces, but you see his back relax.
"It's okay. I'm being a nuisance, I can tell."
"Lucas, it's not your fault. You got cut on the side of the pod. Happens to everyone."
He sighs and braces himself as you dab the cloth on his back as gently as possible. You can see his strained face, even from your position.
It's a bad cut, you can't deny that, stretching from the top of his shoulder to his lower back, but it's not deep.
He manages to turn his head a little to look at you, resting his chin on his arm.
You respond, not looking up from the cut, stressed as ever.
"You're really cute when you're all focused."
"Oh shut up, Wolenczak."
"You shut up, y/l/n."
You laugh and grab some medical tape from a nearby drawer. You have them memorized by now.
"Look, I know I haven't been around much."
"Yeah, no shit."
Even though you're on a relatively small vessel, and there's barely enough room to move, much less go missing, Lucas had been dashing around, rarely stopping by the medical ward, working and calculating and scheming for what had seemed like ages.
"But, I wanted to make it up to you."
You finish wrapping the cut in gauze and Lucas begins to shift so he's sitting upright.
"Hey, be careful!" You keep him steady and he flinches at the searing pain shooting through the cut, but it fades away the longer he sits up.
He takes your hands and moves them away from his sides.
"I'm okay, babe."
You immediately start blushing. You weren't the couple to use pet names, so this was a bit of a shock. A nice one, nonetheless.
"As I was saying, I wanted to make it up to you."
He slowly makes his way off of the table and you grab his shirt, sliding it gently over his head.
He takes your hand gently and presses a finger to his lips, smiling. Being that it's late, you both creep out of the medical ward slowly, Lucas's hand squeezing yours comfortingly.
He almost trips twice, but regains his composure to cover your mouth before you can start laughing.
You travel downstairs to the lower portion of the vessel, and into a tiny room right next to the boiler room.
In fact, "tiny room" is a bit of an overstatement. The place, Lucas's room, is a glorified closet.
"Lucas, what in the world are you doing?"
He sits you down on his bed, closing his door as quietly as possible.
You shuffle fully onto the bed, looking out the window that leads to the tranquil ocean outside.
It's warm in his room, an orangish light giving the room a cozy feel.
"I know, right?"
You laugh and lay on the bed.
"You've really got to get an upgrade. I mean, my medic's quarters are bigger than this. And I'm not even some super-genius kid."
Lucas climbs onto the bed, hovering over you.
"Oh, you think I'm a super-genius?"
You poke his chest.
"I dunno, maybe. Or maybe you're just really, really full of yourself."
You can feel his warm breath on your skin as he laughs, giving you goosebumps. He smells like gauze and mint.
"I don't know, y/n. What if I were to be some super-genius kid, hm? What would that make you?"
You smile as he continues to lean in, staring at your lips and biting his own.
"1000% more into you."
His lips connect with yours, sending sparks shooting through your body. It's felt like forever since the last time you kissed, so this one is passionate, making up for lost time. Lucas gently slides his hands up to your waist, then to the small of your back, giving you chills. His hands are warm and soft, like his lips that are beginning to press to yours harder and harder.
He moves down to your jawline, propping your head back with his thumb so he can reach your neck, which he eventually does. He begins to kiss your neck, trailing down to your collarbone. You can feel him forming hickeys and you can't help but moan a little bit, setting off something in him. You almost think you can hear him moan as well.
His hands shoot down to the backs of your thighs and he moves your legs up so you're straddling his waist, kissing your collarbone. You tug at his shirt, then stop suddenly. He winces.
"Oh, holy shit. I'm so sorry. I got a little too into it, I guess. You don't have to take your shirt off."
You frantically apologize, reaching out to pull his half-pulled-up shirt over his sore back again.
"Y/n, it's okay, really. I'm fine. And... I want to."
He smiles softly, eyes still locked on your lips, then traveling over your face, and leans back, gently pulling his shirt off. His lips are swollen and he bites them, squeezing his eyes shut. You sit up to help him, your cold fingers brushing his skin, giving him goosebumps. He drops the shirt on the ground and turns around again, sitting against the wall.
You wordlessly sit, facing him, and lean in to kiss him again. This time it's far more gentle, yet somehow more heated, his lips moving against yours, your hands tangled in his hair.
He pulls away for a moment.
"Can I..." His voice trails off and he pulls at the hem of your shirt a little bit. You look down and nod, heart beating fast. Yeah, you're a couple, but he's never seen you without a shirt on.
He keeps eye contact with you, making sure you're okay with that he's doing, and begins to pull your shirt over your head. You duck, trying to help him, and end up getting stuck in your shirt. You both laugh and he finally pulls your shirt off. He maintains eye contact with you, as if he's scared to look at your chest, and you cup his face in your hands.
God, this boy.
Finally, he glances down. His cheeks turn bright red and his eyes quickly shoot back up to yours. You laugh out loud, kissing him again. He tentatively touches your back, running his hands along your body as you continue to kiss each other. This continues for about a half an hour.
Out of breath, you finally pull away.
"Wow, indeed." He says, running a hand through his hair.
"So... when can we do that again?" He sheepishly asks, grinning.
You stare at him and laugh, mocking his voice with your response.
"Whenever you want, babe."
"Okay, babe."
He shyly tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and rubs your back softly.
"God, I'm lucky." He sighs.
You smile awkwardly, feeling the redness of your face begin to spread even more, producing a tingly feeling in your chest.
"I'm luckier."

After sneaking to the kitchen and making messy sandwiches and finding some lemonade mix, you fall asleep together, curled up on the tiny bed in Lucas's "room".

You wake up the next morning, finding yourself tangled in his arms.

Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your journey ;).
If you did, please don't forget to leave a comment, suggestion, request, vote, or whatever you deem necessary. I would really love to start to hear from you guys. I mean heck, my requests are literally completely free and open and not one person has requested a thing!
^That sounded like a youtube outro. And it was kinda rude. Sorry!
I know I said I'm not doing smut, and I mean it. This is the farthest I'll be going in terms of 'sexual' stuff, as I don't feel comfortable writing things that are much more than this!
But yeah!
That's all for now I think.

⛵️ Camhhhh ⛵️


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