red // color imagines series

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(edit: gAsp i'm posting early cause i've already finished orange, yellow, and green! surprise sis!)

hope u guys enjoy this! it's a little different than what i usually do!
⛩ but yea. ⛩
🥢🥡 here u go! 🥡🥢

"What do you think?"
"Tofu is gross. I'm not changing my opinion."
You laughed, playfully slapping River's arm.
"Bullshit. You're just picky."
It was snowing, a cold night in December.
The fragrance of spices warmed your nose as you walked into the Chinatown market.
You were wearing layers upon layers of clothes, your gloved hand laced with your boyfriend, River's.
"How about sesame noodles?"
River beckoned to your favorite Chinese restaurant. You both knew the owner, who was aware that you were vegan and made everything special for you.
"Come on..." he said pleadingly. He kissed you softly, making your heart beat out of your chest, "you know you love them too,"
You sighed, the puff of breath being illuminated by the neon red lights of shops and restaurants.
He kissed you again, this time near your neck, but covered you up enough to make it look like he kissed your cheek from any passing stranger's point of view.
(a/n: sneakyyyyy)
Finally, you gave in, smiling.
It was your anniversary, what could you say?
You picked up a few boxes of sesame noodles and spring rolls, vegan of course, and began to head home.
On the way home, you both seemed to feel the same thing happening.
Every once in a while, River would stoop down to kiss you. It wasn't a regular kiss though. You knew it was leading up to something.
You stopped in front of your small brownstone that was covered in dark red Christmas lights, River fumbling with the keys.
Suddenly, you leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't rough, but it had passion. It meant something.
It must have clicked in River's head because when you kissed him, he kissed back. The kiss deepened and River picked you up by your waist, swinging you inside. You both laughed as he shut the door with his foot and almost knocked over a lamp nearby.
He continued to kiss you, the only light being the red light from outside, and you kissed back, becoming more frantic. He bumped into the couch and made a weird noise and you tore your lips away from his, laughing so hard there were tears in your eyes.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, laughter in his voice. You nodded, sighing as your fit of giggles faded, and you both sat on the couch. You trailed your face close to his again, not breaking eye contact.
As if he knew what you were thinking, River quickly took off his shirt, helping you with yours only for it to get stuck on your head. You both laughed and he kissed your stomach, tickling you, until you finally got it off. He laid you down and hovered over you, pressing his lips all over.
You both stopped kissing for a second.
You stared at him, caressing his cheek and brushing a strand of hair out of his face.
"I love you," you spoke just above a whisper and he smiled.
"I love you more," he murmured, pressing his lips to yours.
"I love you most." You could feel your competitive side making an appearance.
"Oh shut up and let me kiss you."
You giggled as River leaned in again, kissing your jawline softly. You could hear your stomach growl.
"I swear, y/n, just let me kiss you."
"Riv, I'm kinda hungry."
He sighed, sitting up slightly. He stared you frustratedly and ran a hand through his hair.
He sighed in defeat again and bit his lip, looking at the bag of fragrant, still-warm food on the table.
"Me too."
You laughed and sat up, running upstairs to change into comfier clothes and bring him some sweatpants. He opened the takeout boxes. You fed each other sesame noodles, struggling not to laugh.
"God. I don't deserve someone like you," he said. A small smile formed on his face.
You rolled your eyes and poked him with your chopsticks.
"Shut up and eat your noodles."
As you sat, your hair messy, your pajamas askew, and your face red, River stared at you. He seemed nervous for some reason.
You turned, putting down your box full of noodles, and frowned.
"Rio? Are you okay?"
He took a deep breath, his hands shaking.
You blinked.
Then, he moved to the ground to kneel in front of you.

Oh my God.

"Y/n, I love nights like this with you. I love you. So much,"
He took out a small box and opened it to reveal something you'd always hoped you'd get to see someday, especially from him.


"Y/n y/l/n. I don't know what I'm doing right now. All I know is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want nights like these. Every night. Always."
Tears began to fill your eyes and you covered your mouth, choking out a sob.
"I want you to know that. No matter what you think, what you say, I'm going to love you for the rest of my life."
You couldn't speak.
River blinked nervously and offered you a smile. The red lights illuminated his face. The fluttery feeling that you'd felt when you first met him was back and it was stronger than ever. Tears finally rolled down your cheeks as he spoke.

"Y/n y/l/n,"

"Will you marry me?"

🍜 🧨 (heyoooo) 🧨 🍜
sorry for the gushiness on that one, i hope y'all liked that tho. idk i've never really done a story where someone proposes or is a real adult? mainly just teenager stuff. i thought this one had a nice touch though.
it makes me feel warm and fuzzy, hbu?
i can barely form a full sentence and i'm super tired, so i'll leave it at that.
i felt a strong aesthetic w this one and i really liked it. i'm definitely gonna continue this series. let me know if you have ideas, i'd love to hear them!

hope you enjoyed,

🧣 -camhhhh- 🧣
word count - 1045

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